Oddbean new post about | logout
 cuz its a shipping container 
 It's probably better quality than most of the houses being built today. A lot of them are total shit. I'd rather live in a structure made of these containers. 
 Modern houses are made of sticks and constructed by amateurs with little supervision. 

However, a thirty year mortgage at 2% on a 6 suite walkup with balconies at %2 while comparable property rents increasing to absorb debt payments is almost a basis play on the rental market. 
 I used to do electrical work on high end new builds and there are some great quality stick builds from highly professional people, but notice I said high end lol These were multimillion dollar houses. The sub 500 builds from lower end builders were largely cookie cutter trash and 200k of it was for a lot in some areas.

There's no doubt a lot of people benefit from all the fiat distortions. I'd be one of the bag holders getting dunked on if not for Bitcoin (since I stay out of debt and leverage). 
 High end is always the exception lol. 

Even if financially the deal was perfect its still not worth doing. Takes a special sort to landlord and super a building. I am not that kind of special. 
 For what's it worth, I love my landlord. Solid guy but he's independent with his son. Totally different experience from the more corporate ones I've had. 
 But I also chose to skip real estate for Bitcoin because it simply isn't worth it. They are hated for giving people housing and tenants are hell. Looking back, I'm glad I chose not to.