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 Why pay a 30 year mortgage when you can just live in a shipping container. Only $20k!
 cuz its a shipping container 
 It's probably better quality than most of the houses being built today. A lot of them are total shit. I'd rather live in a structure made of these containers. 
 Modern houses are made of sticks and constructed by amateurs with little supervision. 

However, a thirty year mortgage at 2% on a 6 suite walkup with balconies at %2 while comparable property rents increasing to absorb debt payments is almost a basis play on the rental market. 
 I used to do electrical work on high end new builds and there are some great quality stick builds from highly professional people, but notice I said high end lol These were multimillion dollar houses. The sub 500 builds from lower end builders were largely cookie cutter trash and 200k of it was for a lot in some areas.

There's no doubt a lot of people benefit from all the fiat distortions. I'd be one of the bag holders getting dunked on if not for Bitcoin (since I stay out of debt and leverage). 
 High end is always the exception lol. 

Even if financially the deal was perfect its still not worth doing. Takes a special sort to landlord and super a building. I am not that kind of special. 
 For what's it worth, I love my landlord. Solid guy but he's independent with his son. Totally different experience from the more corporate ones I've had. 
 But I also chose to skip real estate for Bitcoin because it simply isn't worth it. They are hated for giving people housing and tenants are hell. Looking back, I'm glad I chose not to. 
 Land? 🐶🐾🤔 
 find some! 
 Too expensive 🐶🐾🤣 
 I would lol 
 I might or might not have built a more beautiful version of this and, just maybe, I'm living debt free in it right now 😜 
 Need to find cheap land where they don't give a crap what you do with it. 

Rules rules rules is all you get in most places about what you can do with 'your' land 

If anyone knows a place where they don't care what you do on your own land let me know. Would be an interesting discussion for soverigns 
 Look into where tiny homes are legal for something like this with a very small square footage. 
 Honestly…. Where did you find this? I need to look into it 
 Modular home and trailers are great! Depending on where you are you can find places that show them off like cat dealers do on a car lot.

Check these out. There's customization options too, but the site might be too basic for that. 

This is a Florida site, but just sharing the types of homes that companies like these sell.

 Ah yes my cat dealer 😆 
 A builder friend of mine dropped $70k in fees and reports for a tiny subdivision and a planning permit in a bad area of a regional city, and it still took two years. Now he has to start to plead with The Man for a building permit.

Shipping containers are (mostly) exempt from municipal and state planning laws :-D They are popular among a certain demographic for a reason, and it isn't actually price. 
 how big it is? 
 Under 400 sqr feet. Very small but also probably exempt from building regulations in some localities as a tiny house.

Still very small though. 
 I would prefer that 

 Looks cool. How do you have privacy? 
 alone in the forest? 😉 
But you are right that might be quite awkward to live inside a bowl like a goldfish 🤣  
 When you live in a country with a strong winter you need many miner to heat this thing up 😅 
 Like a tuna can 
 Maybe when you kick the can they can just bury the whole thing? 🤷‍♂️ 
 Rather pick a tiny wooden home on wheels, the Japanese have turned these into pieces of art 
 is that home depot 👀 