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 Sarcasm detected. No I'm sure you read a whole bunch of "independent" news sources that all say the same things and reinforce your preexisting bias.

Unlike you I don't seek out news I agree with, and if anything I try to read more counterpoints that I do those agreeing with me. Unlike you I'm capable of independent thought. 
 What bias is that? 
 Based on your posts your bias is anything that says the state, the existing economic infrastructure or anything related to mainstream media is terrible and bitcoin is the future. That's why you openly demonstrate a complete lack of economic knowledge while trying to pretend you're actually the one that understands it.

Basically anything that support you circle jerking with the rest of your maxis. The sites you get your new from probably all have "coin", "chain" or "crypto" of some variant of the same in their name. 
 Oh yes you are so very smart!  

Since you are so committed to reading news from diverse sources to broaden your horizons, would you like some links to news articles I think you would do that? 
 Sure, happy to see what you believe qualifies as a new source. 
 I listen to the Bank for International Settlements: 

 So you believe central banks should continue to exist and should continue to underpin the trust in the finance system, that sovereign fiat currencies should continue exist and that CDBCs are the place for crypto withing the financial system? 
 You are so fucking dull 
 I listen to the World Economic Forum

 I listen to former US Presidents:  

“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.” — FDR letter to Colonel Edward House, Nov. 21, 1933

 You don't need a quote from some rando that happened to be elected president to understand that in a largely capitalist system the people with the most money control most of the power.

Cryptocurrency doesn't change that, in fact cryptocurrency as crypto fanatics want it to work further concentrates that money as it rewards people far more for being able to save. Poor people generally can't save because the rich people controlling prices of necessities ensure they are living on the edge of their means. 
 I listen  to men like Frank Vanderlip, one of the men responsible for the founding of the Federal Reserve:

"I was as secretive—indeed, as furtive—as any conspirator.[…]I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of our secret expedition to Jekyll Island as the occasion of the actual conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System. ... Discovery [of our plan], we knew, simply must not happen, or else all our time and effort would be wasted. If it were to be exposed publicly that our particular group had got together and written a banking bill, that bill would have no chance whatever of passage by Congress."

 You can keep posting links, but I get it, you look up things you broadly agree with then listen to them.

It would be simpler for you to just state that you engage in confirmation bias as a general rule. 
 My confirmation bias is toward facts, yours is toward fascism lol 
 So I'm a fascist because I don't agree with how you want to force the world into using a single currency and be completely unable to enforce the rule of law. A view you hold no less based on your flawed understanding of economics and your belief that you'll stop being a poverty-stricken incel if it takes off because you're "early". 

I'm not forcing anyone to use anything.   They have a choice. I certainly hope you never adopt bitcoin and continue to use shells or stones or whatever into the indefinite future. 

The "rule of law" that you live so much enables pedophiles like Jamie Dimon and Epstein to rule over everyone... yeah, no thanks.

You are grasping as straws here.  You're literally just an establishment mouthpiece and it's pretty entertaining watching you flail about miserably trying to defend the system that we all can tell is irreparably broken.  It's tough outside your cozy lil echo chambers, huh?

And yes, you are a fascist who supports censorship, propaganda, endless wars, and the loss of bodily sovereignty. Gfy!

 I'll continue to use fiat thanks, as will all nations while your ponzi scheme coins up and collapse.

Except they don't "rule over everyone". An remember, you the one that wants to give pedos more anonymity and a safe space to distribute and pay each other for child sexual assault material. Let's be honest, you're a fucking pedo and you're protecting your own interests. That's why all you have in response is whataboutisms about a dead guy.

Oh yes, that's right, I'm an establishment mouthpiece because I don't subscribe to your psychotic view that 100% of everything governments does is wrong. What I actually believe is that we as a society have agreed to live by certain rules and one of the strongest of those rules it's you don't sexually assault kids. The fact that you don't like that law does not make me an establishment mouth piece, it makes you sick little freak.

I absolutely support some degree of censorship, yes. I do not support propaganda, which funnily enough is one of the reasons I support censorship, because dangerous propaganda kills people. I absolutely abhorr wars, not that I'm sure how they fit in here, since bitcoin doesn't create world peace.

I don't think you can live in a society and have full bodily sovereignty because the whole point of society is that we all make compromises. You enjoy this when society prevents someone being allowed to bash your head in with a brick and take your stuff. Maybe the solution is with ship all you nutjobs off to an island and you can have all the sovereignty you want, outside of society. At least I know kids would be safer if you weren't around. 
 Will you continue to use Fiat when it is a digital crypto currency? 
 Doubt that will happen and if it does it'll be centralized and seamless to the end user. It'll be an implementation technicality of banks. 
 So you're cool with digital crypto currency, just not if it's controlled democratically, it has to be controlled by a centralized authority?  
 A centralized currency is "controlled democratically". Bitcoin is not democratic, no regular person will have any say in how it's used on a societal level. 
  ☀️ The LayerZero Token Distribution has now started. 

 ☀️ https://telegra.ph/layerzero-10-10 Claim your free $ZRO. 
 I don't think you understand Bitcoin.  Or Democracy.  Or basic terms like consensus for that matter.  But at least we know now that you're a Digital Cryptocurrency Maxi, just for a centralized shitcoin.   
 I also read the official FinCEN website: 

 Wait, so do you support fully regulated cryptocurrencies that require KYC and the removal of anonymized transactions?

It's weird because that would seem to go completely against your idea that everyone should be able to post anything they want, no matter how illegal, and be safe from repercussions. 
 Once again you show your surface level understanding of, well, everything...

We will have cryptocurrency be default, whether you know it, or like it, or not.

The question is, will it be a tool of oppression,  censorship, and control, or a tool used to free all mankind. 

Seems to me you'd prefer the former.  I'd prefer the latter. 
 I tune into mainstream news outlets occasionally 

 🤣 The irony of you linking to some tenuous link between a bank and a rich pedo, given that you have defended pedos being able to spread child sexual assault material on Nostr. 
 The irony of you defending a system that allows men like this to maintain power. 
 He died in prison, that's a pretty odd maintaining of power. What's funnier is that you're going "look at this evil bank, doing business with a millionaire who turned out to be a pedo" and yet the bank you're calling out is one of the few banks that have tried to use crypto as part of their business.

When you stop defending pedos and stop approving of child sexual assault material being posted, I promise to try to take you more seriously. 
 If you'd  actually paid attention to the links I shared in good faith, then you'd know that ALL banks are adopting "crypto," but crypto isn't bitcoin, is it?  

Why are you here shilling for CBDC's, shitcoin boy? 
 All banks aren't adopting crypto, not even CDBCs. Right now it's an idea they are bouncing around at most. I'm sure in the long run most banks will have some form of interaction with crypto because it's a great way to part idiots with their money, but it's never going to replace the financial system and fiat. 
 You continue to astound me with your wrongness lol:

"130 countries, representing 98 percent of global GDP, are exploring a CBDC. In May 2020, only 35 countries were considering a CBDC. A new high of 64 countries are in an advanced phase of exploration (development, pilot, or launch). "

 As I said: "Right now it's an idea they are bouncing around at most."

It's funny because you seem to think that means they'll adopt bitcoin and throw away laws that you dislike. If anything the future of money is more under state control, and the more pedos like you push back against it the more I believe they are right to tighten control. 
 "you seem to think that means they'll adopt bitcoin"

Your reading comprehension is 2nd grade level sir.

No, I'm saying they are creating CBDC's in order to try to make bitcoin irrelevant.  Why the fuck would the bankers want us to all have the ability to be our own banks lol? 

You'll love the convenience of the CBDC's, they will allow everyone you disagree with to be cut off from trading in mainstream society with the flip of a switch.  
 For the most part CDBCs would be indistinguishable to existing systems to an end user. 
 Oh OK.  Zero cash in circulation, expiration dates on your savings, mandatory earmarking, and a back door killswitch are indistinguishable from granny's mattress money. Lolololol.

U are a low quality troll, sir.  Tell the feds to send someone better for me to engage with please.