Oddbean new post about | logout
 "you seem to think that means they'll adopt bitcoin"

Your reading comprehension is 2nd grade level sir.

No, I'm saying they are creating CBDC's in order to try to make bitcoin irrelevant.  Why the fuck would the bankers want us to all have the ability to be our own banks lol? 

You'll love the convenience of the CBDC's, they will allow everyone you disagree with to be cut off from trading in mainstream society with the flip of a switch.  
 For the most part CDBCs would be indistinguishable to existing systems to an end user. 
 Oh OK.  Zero cash in circulation, expiration dates on your savings, mandatory earmarking, and a back door killswitch are indistinguishable from granny's mattress money. Lolololol.

U are a low quality troll, sir.  Tell the feds to send someone better for me to engage with please.