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 I'll continue to use fiat thanks, as will all nations while your ponzi scheme coins up and collapse.

Except they don't "rule over everyone". An remember, you the one that wants to give pedos more anonymity and a safe space to distribute and pay each other for child sexual assault material. Let's be honest, you're a fucking pedo and you're protecting your own interests. That's why all you have in response is whataboutisms about a dead guy.

Oh yes, that's right, I'm an establishment mouthpiece because I don't subscribe to your psychotic view that 100% of everything governments does is wrong. What I actually believe is that we as a society have agreed to live by certain rules and one of the strongest of those rules it's you don't sexually assault kids. The fact that you don't like that law does not make me an establishment mouth piece, it makes you sick little freak.

I absolutely support some degree of censorship, yes. I do not support propaganda, which funnily enough is one of the reasons I support censorship, because dangerous propaganda kills people. I absolutely abhorr wars, not that I'm sure how they fit in here, since bitcoin doesn't create world peace.

I don't think you can live in a society and have full bodily sovereignty because the whole point of society is that we all make compromises. You enjoy this when society prevents someone being allowed to bash your head in with a brick and take your stuff. Maybe the solution is with ship all you nutjobs off to an island and you can have all the sovereignty you want, outside of society. At least I know kids would be safer if you weren't around.