Oddbean new post about | logout
 I get a total of 15, what’s yours? 😂🫂💜 https://i.nostr.build/UIXp0C7TdWIuXNjF.jpg  
 Hard zero 
 3, Oysters, Snails, and Pork. 
 No bacon🥓 ?  
 Have no idea what they taste like. Never tried them. Never will. 
 There are many people that don't eat pork at all.  
 I won't eat a lot of this stuff because of seed oil, refined carbs and corn sugars 
 Wait, apples have these in them? 
 I'm noting about the Peanut Butter and the Ranch and Blu cheese dressing 
 but that list is mostly whole foods? 
 To you maybe, but most people buy store bought processed crap 
 That list doesn't specify anything about whole food 
 I think I am missing part of this conversation, hold on let me switch clients 
 I'll correct myself and change a lot to some 
 Sorry, I thought it was the meme that said how many have you had....then I got super confused.  
 Don't apologize for being awesome 
 id legit eat any of those 
 What do you actually eat then? 
 mmm, all of them.  
 I got a 2: snails and liver  
 Same here 🤢 
 Which 2? 
 Beets and celery. Gross 
 you’d never survive in Oz 😂🫂 https://i.nostr.build/jlyc8e4KmOB6uFwu.jpg  
 Seriously you gotta try it! 
 I’m down like a fat man on a see saw 
 I’d rather shit in my hand and clap than eat that. 
 Not good enough, where’s the proper meme 😜 
 0. Everything on that list is delicious. 
 You said you got 15. What are the top three things you won't eat? I'm kind of curious. 
 Snails, raw fish and Nutella spread 🤢🤢🤢 
 Nutella, I can definitely understand People seem to either love it or hate it with not a lot of inbetween. It's best when you make your own at home anyways. Snails can be utterly fucking disgusting. They have to be fresh. Same with raw fish, you can smell bad fish from a mile away.  
 I don’t like chocolate so anything with that is out for me!
Raw fish is a hard pass as are snails…no matter cooked or not 😜 
 Ooooh. It's the chocolate, not the nut part that you don't like. Im a whore for good chocolate. 😅 
 I love nuts! 
 1 but only because I don't want to try escargot.  
 Can’t blame you. 
 What? 😳 
 I have eaten everything on that list and I wouldn’t hard decline any of it in the future, assuming it was prepared appropriately. 
 More adventurous than me. 
 Actually 12, I missed shrimp.  
 You’ve never eaten shrimp? 🍤 
 I like many of the 12, but dont eat them anymore 
 1 that I can't eat on it's own, but fine if I can't taste it when it's mixed with other stuff. 
 Which one is that? 
 Annoyingly it's egg.
The taste and texture of egg. 🤢 
 Surprised mine was 14 lol I thought I was picky but it’s processed food and seed oils that I avoid 
 I am a foodie. I would eat ALL 
 2: liver and asparagus  
 2. Canned tuna and cottage cheese 
 Of course 😉🫂 
 I’m at 7….not into blue cheese, raw fish, snails, tofu, beets, cottage cheese, and celery. 
 I get a nice 0 
 @91d979d5 how many? 
 1 point for liver. I only ate it once and I was trying really hard to eat it since someone was kind enough to have me for dinner. But it was a struggle. 😅 
 Definitely an acquired taste. Good quality is key 
 Have you been snooping around my kitchen again?  This looks like last weeks shopping list.

I score 0 
 now that you mention it 😂 
 Seriously? Me zero. 
 22 although most of that list would not be my first choice of things to eat! 😂 
 Find someone that’s more picky than me 😂🫂 
 i got 2. sourdough bread and ranch dressing. just typing this made me gag. but its missing the worst 'food' on earth. baked potatoes 🤮 🤮 🤮  
 Hatin' on Bread... 🍞 
 LOL only the sour kind  
 Toast thinks Bread can be a bit sour when in a bad mood.  
 Oh man. We may have to get a friend divorce for that potato comment.  
 i cant even tell you how much hate those things 
 I LOVE any sort of potato’s, we’re divorcing again for the 100th time 😂💜 
 5. Ketchup is gross 🤢 
 15 as well 🤜 
 You don’t have sauce on anything? 
 Hot sauce on everything 🌶️ 
 Even on fries? 
 Never thought you’re this picky. 😂 
 I’m one of the worst 😂😂 
 3 for me but if I were really hungry I would eat anything on that list for sure 
 ☝️ same 
 2. Snails and olives. 

A few of the items I’d prefer not to eat (like mayonnaise on a hamburger, but I’ll just eat it if it’s already on there). 
 Can’t do snails 🤢 

white chocolate, soy sauce, brussels sprouts, tofu, garbage diabetes hippy shit soybean toxic waste GMO 
 Zip nada zero 
 Beast 😂🫂 
 1. Mayonnaise  
 Wow 😮 
 13 for me. 
 Olives can GFY 
 No way 😳😂 
 Ummm I got 0 lol. I'm like a damn goat 
 1 - mayonnaise is full of seed oils 
 What I have eaten? -0-, and could easily eat all but a couple of them again if I wanted to.  What I will not eat again unless in some emergent state of starvation? 44. Those just aren't what I consider food anymore, although they may contain calories. 
 Very healthy 
 There's a few I wouldn't eat individually, but everything on that list is an edible ingredient for me if I'm cooking 🕳️ 
 Yes but as it stands what wouldn’t you eat? 
 I couldn't do a shot of soy sauce 😂 
 And I thought I was picky 😂🫂 
 17!! No animal products for me thanks.. 
~12 years, still alive BTW..
Sugar is the enemy of health, not plants or animals.. 
 I got 11 if it countd any dairy. Otherwise, 10. 
 Zero; I hate olives but I keep giving them a chance anyways 😂 
 I'm not big on raw fish.  The rest looks fine. 
 Anything, but mayonnaise. A sauce made from raw eggs and oil, invented by the French to make rotten meat palatable. 🤢 
 Russian dressing is so good though 
 Never tried it. I’ll keep an eye out for it. 🤤 
 0. wow. That’s somewhat concerning 😭😭 lmao 
 1 🐌  🤮  
 I got a 0 😄  
 3 - removing the "insects"  
 1 and it is Ranch which I only refuse to eat because so many idiots put it on so many things.