Oddbean new post about | logout
Gigi | 14 days ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +136
 One underappreciated feature of cash is that you can just leave the money on the table and walk out.  
 And there will be someone there to claim it as their own. 
 I’ve tried that alot of times it didn’t work out well maybe on my next life 👀 
 Or the possibility to throw it to the face of somebody, or light cigarros Cohibas

 restaurant hacks 

I do that all the time 
 Some day, we'll be able to leave a QR code and go.

 This is true. Need to carry around mini thermal printers to leave #bitcoin vouchers on tables, dressers, and cabinets now. 
 A mí me gusta la propina en #btc https://video.nostr.build/96d6de4b5b8017d30908f99d9c583e317333bfdedd989095f6e3d6cca5a0d497.mp4 
 QR code and go! ⚡️🧡 
 You can print a private key into a pic an leave. If Bansky does it with a pub key in his art, then he could monetize each individual artwork! 
 One underappreciated feature of gold is that you can just leave it on the table and walk out.   
 paper wallets fix this 😂😂 
 imagine a future where restaurant grade tables themselves have some sort of QR code where you can “just leave the money on the table and walk out” 
 This is solved!
 pretty cool 
but it also works with a QR code  
 I love the little look of panic in their faces when they're not quite sure if the cash you left is correct.

Cash is hard for people who haven't grown up with it. I do enjoy using it though.

Once a week I go to the local markets where it's all cash. I really wish these small vendors & producers would accept Bitcoin. It doesn't feel as nice giving them my plastic debt coupons for real value. 
 Cash has some super powers that are hard to replicate in the digital world. 

I hate to say it but Lightning dice just is not as fun, wayyyy too many phones and QR codes to settle small micro every 60 seconds. 
 I always feel like a gangster when I use cash  
 Bring back tally sticks. Bitcoin stock and folly would be a sight to see 
 yeah but they could say you never did.  
 Similar with gold. Once it is mind, it requires no more input. 

Different properties /uses 
 No nodes, relays, shi***, proxies, etc. I am all for it. In fact, that's the only thing I'm rooting for.  
 With Lightning, you can put the cash on the table while being present or absent, and no one else than the recipient can take it. 
 You can also do that with crypto. Printout a voucher on a portable thermal printer. QR will do just fine. And yes, I do carry around one, just for fun.