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 Everybody hopes for some simple trick that will make all their problems go away.  Avoiding gluten, avoiding blue light, keto, etc, etc.  Most of these interventions have no effect on most people.

And even a major intervention like a CPAP machine isn't curing my daytime sleepiness!

When I think back over my life, only twice was there a simple fix for something:

1) losec cured (or at least put into longterm remission) my many-year-long perma-heartburn  (it probably worsened my IBS though)
2) athletic tape cured my longterm plantar fasciitis.  Yes, $4 of tape beats $400 orthotics every day of the week.

So it is possible for "one simple trick" to work, but these are rare things.

But if you have a story of a simple thing that made a world of difference in a longterm way, please share. 
 Yeah it’s funny how a thing becomes popular and eeeeveryone jumps on the bandwagon, while at the same time ignoring all the other things that harm them more than the thing that might help a little. 
 Keto/Carbivore will absolutely work for almost all people and cure hundreds of ailments within months. 
Give it 2 weeks, super strict with modest daily exercise and no alcohol for some life changing differences. 
 Ok sorry I was wrong to put keto in that sentence.  I was thinking how everybody I know that did keto lost weight but gained it back later on... but it surely has an effect. 
 Did they gain it back in muscle mass? 

Or because they stopped doing keto?

If you keep doing keto and don't cheat all the time (that's what most people do, though), you will stay lean and healthy as hell. 
 You are right, if you keep doing it you will keep the weight off.  And your visible measures of health will be great.

But I'm not convinced that longterm keto is without risk.  I think it raises the risk of colon cancer and atherosclerosis very significantly.  I've talked to doctors who have told me they are seeing a huge uptick of young people with colon cancer, far more than ever before, just in the last 5 years.  And I notice that is when carnivore diet became popular.  And I notice that medical research going back many decades has made that association before many times.  So I have a hypothesis and I'm running with it.

Of course medical science might be wrong, or misinterpreted or whatever, but I don't want to argue this.  We can just agree to disagree.  I just wanted to state my position so you understand my personal choice here.

I'm only in it for the short term.  I will lose weight, I will see what all the fuss is about, and then I will slowly adjust the diet and try to keep the weight off. 
 I'm not that sure that it will increase actual colon cancer rates. 

Lets remember that cancer mostly feeds on sugar.

I would love to know the survival rate increase relative to the higher detected amount of colon cancer. That data would be very interesting  
 The entire colon cancer thing is a myth. There are no studies that actually correctly identify "red meat eaters". Anyone who eats a beef burger BUT ALSO the fries, chicken nuggets and coke gets into the red meat eater cohort. Anyone who ears salami - highly processed food - ON A BREAD, with orange juice or granola for breakfast -> red meat eater.

There are no proper large scale studies that followed a large group of keto or carnivore eaters. All that "conventional wisdom" that people are parroting stems from 70 years of bogus science. It's all worthless epidemiological studies.

Humans are carnivores. Our digestive system is most similar to that of wolves. Our natural food is red meat - it's literally stated in the bible: Eat meat from animals that have hooves and graze, but not pigs. They knew something thousands of years ago.

What is far more likely is that red meat is our original food, and by adding carbs and seed oils, we throw a wrench into the system that makes things go haywire.

It will take decades for enough studies to come out (impossible to fund these, since big pharma has zero interest in a population of healthy carnivore eaters) to show this. 
 My 2 favorite products that improved my life:
Wahl clippers

Best money spent.  
 Wahl clippers are unreasonably good. No other brand comes close.

As for an e-reader I'd choose a Kobo. You can copy the books to your computer and decrypt them so you will never lose access to them. I'm not sure you can do that with a Kindle. 
 I'm using Calibre to load books to my Kindle works well.  
 Ok that is good to hear. 
 Here's a few HUGE health fixes:

* Colloidal Silver (antimicrobial)
* MMS/CDS (chlorine dioxide)
* Amazon Black Salve (skin cancer)
* Brown's Gas (breathe it)
* Gallbladder/Liver flush 
 Going low carb then carnivore later got me off the roller coaster of eating and then feeling bloated then eating again every 3-4 hours. It also smoothed my mood and energy and focus throughout the day. The first few months I felt like a 20 year old it was wild! Things stabilized and the little aches and pains that follow you around were the next thing to fade away(e.g. achy lower back after 8 hours in a chair at work).
I lost about 15 pounds completely as a “side effect”. It was never my intention or motivation for lifestyle change. I had to buy some new pants and shirts.
Ngl it was neat to see a slim figure in the mirror.
After a few years my toenails cleared up from having some fungus in them!
Never used sunscreen before or since going low carb then carnivore but now I don’t ever get sunburn.
Did I mention that steak, eggs and fish taste great?
As a former DPM(podiatrist) I can relate to your plantar fasciitis history😉.
As a now long time consumer of reading and YouTube on low carb carnivore content I can only recommend to you to watch these three(to start) people:
1: Dr Shawn Baker
2:Dr Ken D Berry
3:Dr AnthonyChaffee
on YT.
There are of course others but these guys all have comprehensive real life patients who have treated their GERD, their IBD and sleep apnea with just going carnivore especially for at least 90 days, not to mention all the other metabolic syndrome maladies. Even depression, bipolar, ADHD and schizophrenia to a degree! Oh and autoimmune issues(which IBD is one) and eczema, psoriasis. PCOS in females, sounds unbelievable I know but after hundreds and thousands of anecdotes from real life patients you start to believe and of course there are also academic peer reviewed papers in the literature.
Try it out for 30 days minimum with strict elimination of carbs. Not a week not two weeks.
Carnivore/very low carb is to health what #bitcoin is to money/finance. Get down this rabbit hole like you did with bitcoin and you will escape the food matrix.
Good luck 👍 
 Don’t remember the last time I zapped so many great replies in a thread.
 Mark Sisson was on Rogan and I listened on a whim while I was on a long road trip. Great pod
Anyway, Led me to one of his books.
Unlocking your primal blueprint. 
Its a great introduction to these ideas and principles.
 Ok sorry I was wrong to put keto in that sentence.  I was thinking how everybody I know that did keto lost weight but gained it back later on... but it surely has an effect. 
 almost all of your health problems are a result of eating too much.

this is true for most other people as well, though there are some idiots who go the extra step to ruin their health beyond just over-eating.

i most certainly eat too much myself, so to some extent i can relate, but it still doesn't make it OK. 
 beyond not over-eating, getting plenty of sleep and regularly exercising my life hack is ...


stress has DIRECT physiological effect through cortisol and other stress hormones causing elevated blood sugar which of course in turn ruins your whole body ...


once you took care of those 4 bases - overeating, regular exercise, plentiful sleep and avoiding stress - the rest is in G-d's hands. 
 Regularly fasting is massive. 2-3 days once a month 
 I wouldn't call it a simple hack, not as easy as a pill or athletic tape.  But I benefit from that and I concur.   If you are going for more than 1 day I would use a protein drink and weight training  (including hill climbing) to avoid muscle loss... so not a strict fast for too long.   Even if you have tons of body fat, you burn both fat and muscle during a fast once you deplete your glycogen which happens in about a day. 
 Just get younger, most of your problems will disappear. Simple 😂 
 Proper sleep, consistent yoga,  meditation, intermitent fasting and limiting too much "input" to the brain at once would be at the top of my list. 
 Limiting too much input to the brain. Interesting, never thought of that.  
 Limiting too much input to the brain--
it's THE BEST. But it's a super-bold move, unplugging and only being in the present moment. I did it once, for 10 days (it's called a vipassana retreat) and I've never felt better, more connected. I wanted to never leave the forest. 
 Good consistent sleep and regular exercise.

2 very simple and easy things to do which pay massive dividends over the long run. Yet they are also easy not to do... In favour of other trendy "tricks" or "hacks". 
 I just posted this in this thread but YES. ^THIS

2 weeks:
-Strict carnivore/keto
-Daily exercise. Modest if necessary (but dont skip)
-NO alcohol 
-Sleep ritual of your choice but needs to be a focus point. 
Without proper sleep, the rest is ancillary.
 it has recently been recognized that drowsy driving is as dangerous as drunk driving.

from personal experience that is true.  nothing fucks me up like lack of sleep. 
 Sleep Apnea is caused by Obesity, but Provigil really does help with drowsiness - it's a hardcore drug though.

as for IBS i don't know anything about it but this type of condition could potentially improve with carnivore diet.  this is something you have to research as i can eat whatever i want so it's not something i ever looked into. 
 Some sleep apnea is caused by obesity. In my case you are correct.  In Joe Rogan's case you are not.

I've been experimenting on my IBS for years and still haven't come to any firm conclusions. Sometimes I wonder if maybe it isn't a food intolerance at all -- for example, maybe some nights I sleep in my stomach and the pressure that causes shoves stomach acid through my duodenum counter-cycle to my digestion, and that stomach acid without bile salts or something similar is fucking things up.  Just a hypothesis, hard one for me to test. 
 you should research whether carnivores claim their diet cures IBS - if so, you should give it a try

i don't recommend carnivore for weight loss because there are much better ways to lose weight but it does seem to cure certain conditions for some individuals ...

that's because animal matter is generally more biocompatible with our body than plant and less likely to trigger any sort of auto-immune issues of which many conditions are different manifestations ...

just think of things people are allergic to - peanuts, pollen etc. - these are mainly all plants.  nobody is allergic to eggs, steak or bacon.

a lot of weird conditions are food allergies in disguise.  

carnivore doesn't have to be high protein.  some sausage is mostly fat.  egg yolks mostly fat.  bacon fried in butter etc.  just make sure to supplement with Vitamin C.

i would also caution that your microbiome ( gut bacteria ) will need time to adjust to zero fiber diet and your liver may need time to adjust to high-fat diet ( as fat cannot be suspended in water based blood directly - it must be processed by the liver ).  so maybe the it's better to gradually phase out plants in favor of animal foods, rather than go cold turkey.

carnivores recommend trying their diet for 30 days.  if in 30 days your issue doesn't seem to be resolving - quit. 
 as for pressure on your stomach while you sleep pushing acid etc. - that sounds like something losing weight would solve.

when men get older most of their fat is stored viscerally ( as opposed to babies who store fat under the skin or women who store it on their hips ).  i can see how this could be pushing on your stomach.

losing weight would be worth it for you regardless of what is causing what.

trying carnivore may or may not reveal any benefits.

maybe lose weight first if you still have stomach issues then try carnivore.

or maybe trying carnivore will help you lose weight.

my only issues with carnivores is their lies that they don't need Vitamin C and that calories don't count.  so my problem is with Carnivores ( scum ) not with Carnivore diet ( decent, when supplemented with Vitamin C ) 
 most animals - both Carnivores and Herbivores - can synthesize their own Vitamin C.

Humans are one of the few species who can't - we need Vit C in the diet.

Carnivores deny this because it complicates their propaganda ...

but with added synthetic Vitamin C ( Ascorbic Acid is so cheap it is a popular for cleaning swimming pools for example ) Carnivore becomes viable.

5 years worth of Vitamin C bought as bulk Ascorbic Acid is less than $20.

If you have money it's better to only buy 1 year's worth as it will slightly degrade overtime depending on how you store it.  5 years is pushing it in terms of shelf life. 
 I'm at the end of day 2 on an essentially carnivore diet, except I am eating some kimchi which isn't even strictly zero carb but does have high vitamin C and fiber.  I plan to go 30 days.  You could say I'm taking your advice, except that you basically described what I'm already doing. 
 the diet you're trying now is overall a good diet

fermented foods are a good source of Vitamin K and fiber is helpful with weight loss

furthermore Koreans love Kimchi and meat and they are some of the longest lived people

however if your IBS doesn't get resolved you can't say carnivore failed because unless you eliminate plants it's not carnivore

also i don't know what Kimchi tastes like but sour and spicy foods stimulate appetite and are counter productive to weight loss efforts.  yes i know Vitamin C is sour and most natural sources of it are also sour but it's something i have to mention.

the solution is if you must eat something sour like strawberries as a source of Vitamin C then eat it before your scheduled meat meal - this way you will boost appetite only for a very short time and will extinguish it with the meat - and actually the acidity will help with digestion 

do NOT eat anything sour or spicy at the end of meals or in between meals or you will become unnecessarily hungry  
 I agree, and kimchi is traditionally eaten before a meal. 
 carnivore has nothing to do with carbs.  it's just about avoiding plants.

keto is about avoiding carbs.

and paleo is about avoiding modern foods.

the three are very similar in practice but very different in theory. 
 to give you an example - milk, eggs and liver all contain carbs - but they do not contain any plant matter

in milk carbs are actually the largest ( by weight ) macro ( fat is largest by calories )

although most carnivores use butter rather than milk and butter is obviously mainly fat if butter is carnivore then logically so is milk since butter is made out of milk ???

or maybe not ...

because i suppose milk allergies are a thing so from that perspective milk and cheese are not carnivore but butter is ...

basically carnivore is more about avoiding toxins and allergens than carbs ... 
 Mike is asking to share your tips that helped you improve your health.
