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 Scarcity fuels innovation!!

The increasing totalitarian control structure actually accelerates all
of the building of freedom tech by creating more value for it. 

Celebrate that you are just early in the realization. 

 The ₿etter it gets, the ₿etter it gets. 
 Glad your using Nostr again 🤙 
 Yes, we are still very early. 
 Glad you are using Nostr again 🤙 
 Bitcoins scarcity preserves your value 
 Abundance fuels innovation! More people with food and housing secured, have time to study and learn… imagine how many Einsteins had to plow the dirt. Scarcity suck. 
 central banks in awe of Jeff's infinite positivity still holding its value.  it cannot be debased. 
 💯, for most the realization won’t come till we’re far further down this disturbing road… 
 To be human is to be free. Do not bet against the human spirit. Especially when it’s under assault. Life finds a way🗽 
 I'm a guy from Northern California who you will probably never meet, who has benefited unmeasurably, from your sharing knowledge.  Thanks.. 
 But I don’t like being patient ser 
 I love Jeff, every word out of his mouth is pure #signal 😍 

 "Scarcity fuels innovation" best bock recommendation: More from Less from Andrew McAfee 
 Do you think there would be no totalitarianism structure to control people in the future? 
 It may get ugly in counties on the way through but over the long term, more freedom is a certainty. 
 Out of curiosity: What is long term for you? Most people in the world don’t live free. Isn’t there a possible reality where people unlearn to be free when they aren’t exposed to it and don’t long for it either. 
 I think the level of freedom we dream of is unattainable due to the speed of computation. There's certainly going to be more control in the future all over the world  
 The speed of computation leads to productivity gains that should flow to society in the form of lower prices (but can’t from a currency that requires inflation) That IS the driver of the manipulation of currencies and centralization from it. (Because currency needs ever increasing manipulation to stop the free market)

If measuring from bitcoin, that deflation is flowing to you (instead of being stolen from you) You active participation here is a signal that you are on (or at least learning and contributing) to protocols that bring freedom and abundance.  
In other words, we decide for ourselves what system we make stronger through our actions. 
 Beautifully said. 
 Thanks my friend! 
 Help me understand why.  

Why are individuals going to be able to posses and use bitcoin at scale?  I'm pessimistic that if the price shoots up before mass adoption at the individual level, the bitcoin wealthy will be scapegoats. 
 One of te two for the elites: sabotage internet or keep flooding with FUD on every subject until the next 2020, the final I'm afraid. 
 Awareness  is growing and spreading. In countries that have been spared of high inflation, the current context has a positive and that  is we can address the topic and ppl are more likely to listen. This coupled with the ability to have bitcoin as a denominator give us the tools.  Post the storm there will be sunshine. 
 totalitarian and authoritarian will be the new norm. 

only those who will resist will be free.

#Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force. And force, like fire, is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. — George Washington 
 It gives such hope to feel your stored energy output is protected into the future, that you're ahead of potential coming societal downturn, and add to that the feeling you've helped to protect your family. Indescribable. 
 nothing like a fire under your ass to get a' movin'.  
 👍🏻 Sounds logical. More demand will drive price/value and that will boost supply/innovation. 
 The increasing totalitarian control structure accelerates the path to tyrrany. That’s all. 
 How’s the Nostr growth going lately in Brazil? 
 Much needed perspective! Thank you sir 
 Jeff, I have genuine concerns that I hope you can answer. I first bought bitcoin in 2017 & wonder how many years can we be "early" as this is something that bitcoiners have been saying for years. Back in 2020 I remember talk of bitcoin adoption being equal to the rate of internet adoption in 1995. I have heard "gradually, then suddenly" since I first got into bitcoin. Blackrock has bitcoin now.. You can hold bitcoin ETF's in your IRA. Bitcoin is legal tender in El Salvador but even the president said adoption there has failed. At what point do we consider that bitcoin adoption might have peaked & that even $100k bitcoin could be years away? Would love hear your thoughts. 
 A currency should measure real prices. Real prices are falling. Ie - If you measure prices in bitcoin versus the dollar you will
see all prices are falling (by a lot) over the time periods you’re talking about. In other words, it’s happening while people are asking when is it going to happen. 
Not a light switch but a slow and grinding path (with volatility from one system and chaos and control from the other) with each person eventually understanding their own role in creating the world they see. 

The biggest problem (imo) is that few people do. Ie - The majority of people are actually giving strength to the system they hate by converting Bitcoin (mentally or otherwise) to a piece of manipulated paper (fiat) to then price things.  Reinforces that it is a trade. 
Hope that helps. 
 I totally agree with this view, but circular economy, as Jeff explains, its decades ahead. We are the generation that  made the sacifice. Aleluya. 
 My concernns are more near term. If adoption doesn't grow then a circular economy will never happen, it didn't happen in El Salvador and the people were certainly given the opportunity. The store of value has to incentivise new users to buy & hold & that just isn't happening, people are not coming in despite what many maxi's will have us believe. The arguments for being early are over, we are past being early everyone knows about bitcoin it's even on the stock market. I wonder whether we might have reached the end in terms of mass adoption.  
 But you need to educate yourself, that is the point. And a few are willing to do the job.. For now. 
 I am educated in this, been in it over seven years & done a lot of learning. Just because you believe in something doesn't mean it will happen & bitcoin cannot succeed without more adoption, that is a fundamental fact & we haven't been getting new adoption so to keep saying "we are early" is just denying that fact. Everybody knows about bitcoin, it is over $1 trillion marketcap but it hss stalled in user growth. You can sit there and tell people to educate themselves but some educated people are beginning to ask if we might have peaked & it's a very reasonable question. It's the same influencers on the conference circuit, on the podcasts etc telling us the same things we heard 5, 6, 7 years ago. If we don't hit $100k (expectations are far higher prices) this bull run what will the reasons be? 
 I can give you my example: living in a hiperinflationary country like Argentina you star to realize very quickly the valueof of BTC. I started to buy back in 2020 with PESOS!!!! and for me, today, its just work perfectly.  
 Yes I appreciatethatt & even though the dollar is less infaltionary I did the same. My btc is a lot more valueable to me than the dollars I bought it with. However we are a tiny minority & bitcoin isn't growing. I first bought in 2017 & I don't know a single person who has bought any apart from times in a parabolic move in a bull run & then they stopped & not bought since. For sure bitcoin is more widely known & there's more people holding it since then but the growth is tiny, nothting like the growth spurt of the 1990’s internet the maxi's would have us believe was going to happen.  
 it's not fully monetized yet, thus cannot be a medium of exchange yet.  don't put the cart before the horse 
 I think bitcoin being a widely used medium of exchange is a dream,  just as the idea that bitcoin would replace banks  was a dream that I heard repeatedly when I first got into bitcoin.  
 How does using it as a medium of exchange, change anything?  How does replacing banks help you if you already own bitcoin?  None of it matters; there are going to be fiat bag holders, and there are those that won’t be.  The exit isn’t big enough for everyone. The world where everyone is saved by Bitcoin and no one suffers the consequences of the century of central banking can’t exist. 
 My point is that bitcoiners might be living in a dream. They certainly believed & definitely hoped to see the banks be replaced by bitcoin & it's my suspicion that bitcoin will not be the widely used MoE that some think it will. It already failed that in El Salvador. There are stories/narratives that bitcoiners hold on to such as "gradually, then suddenly" and "we are so early" to encourage holders to keep their convictions but after seven years I am beginning to question the validity of it all because without further adoption it dies. I will add that I hope I my concerns are unwarrented on this which is why I asked Jeff for his thoughts. 
 Again, why are you focused on medium of exchange.  It is only one function of money, and in today's world the least important.  We have a medium of exchange that currently works, for most people; why would Bitcoin replace it already?

I use Bitcoin when I need it, and it works.  I needed ivermectin and antibiotics, and I wanted some watches from russia.  Bitcoin was the only way I could get those things.  Adoption is not something that needs to be pushed.  People will recognize superior money and choose it over inferior money.  

Hard money will impoverish those with softer money.  It has happened many times through history.  Africans, Indians, Chinese, the Yapese...

A world where Bitcoin does not impoverish the holders of all soft money and money substitutes seems extremely unlikely. 
 " The world where everyone is saved by Bitcoin and no one suffers the consequences of the century of central banking can’t exist."

This is a perfect example of what I mean. This story has been told over & over for years, you are just repeating it without truly questioning whether it is even feasible. It's a dream that the hodler convinces himself but it cannot happen without adoption.  
 it doesn't matter what money other people want...trade in some sats for slave money to buy something, is no different than getting some pesos when you vacation in Mexico. 
 I hope I get to live in the world 🌎 where everything is priced in Sats.   I hate having to live in 2 worlds.  I’ll just continue stacking Sats (converting as much fiat as “I can” to Sats)  while I am confined to this corrupt fiat system.   I will never sell Sats for fiat of any form. My preference would be to give Sats for the actual thing’s or labor I need and to receive Sats for my labor.  I will not return to the work force until I am paid in Sats.   My wife remains in the Fiat world while we wait; she earns more there than I would.   Any fiat I earn through my carpenter skills goes directly into Sats and our wallet.   
I dream of finding my place in this world 🌎 where my skills are needed and valued. I haven’t found that place or those people in real life “yet”.  
I take care of the important things.  My body-mind-spirit and stack Sats.  I do these things every day and buy as much local food as possible especially the staples meat 🥩 eggs 🥚 and plants 🌱.   I’m not sure 🤔 what else I can do?  I tell everyone who asks, “I buy BTC stack Sats” provide what I know and links 🔗 for them to dig in deeper.   
I know this world 🌎 is already here because I am in it.  I am simply waiting for it to expand and become how it is!   I don’t know 🤷 how long that will take; I’m just going to enjoy the portion of my life that it provides at this point in time.     Thank you 🙏 Jeff for simply being out there means a lot. 
 Thanks and get an lnurl in your profile so you can receive zaps. 
 I had to delete the app and reinstall a while back never reconnected the wallet.  Still learning have 1/2 my foot still in X.      Most due to learning curve.   I’m getting better with a little help from friends.   Thanks 🙏 Jeff.   Wallet would still be disconnected.  Pretty cool 😎 
 everything is already priced in sats 
 Thanks for sharing. It’s fascinating to see how things will unfold. A sudden collapse of the dollar, in the near term, would probably not be great, as #Bitcoin adoption is currently still too small. I think a more or less gradual transition from fiat to sats would probably be best. We will have to wait and see how things will unfold. 
 Thank you Jeff 🙏 
 hadn't thought of it that way. thanks