Are you on primal or amethyst? You have way too many inbox/outbox relays. If you are on Primal go to log in, click relays and pick 3 that you are SURE to have all of your posts and mark them as WRITE. Then pick 3 (it can be the same) that ANYONE can write into (no paid relays) and select READ.
I use multiple clients but mostly nostrudel, primal and amethyst.
Ok, if you go to Amethyst, you will see 7-8 relays in inbox and Outbox. That's too much. Select 3 from Outbox trust to keep your posts. This could include paid relays. (if you are paying) is great here. Select 3 from Inbox that are open to anyone to post. and are great here. For Private Inbox/DM relays add: - - - Hit the Default button for Search to have better @tagging.