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 My own theory that is probably not scientifically true as to why some farts don’t smell and others do to varying degrees. 

I read somewhere (and didn’t bother verifying) that little doodoo particles are released into the air during flatulence. 

If that’s true, our bholes are like a chamber of poopy sludge. If your chamber is full, you’re gonna release microscopic dingleberries into the air and they smell exactly like what they are. 

The seemingly odorless boofs…must have less mini turds flying about. Or perhaps the poopoo chamber was emptied before the butt whisper. 

Again, this is probably not true. 
 It’s true 
 Eat lavender, it makes your farts/burps smell better. 
 Why would I do that? I kind of like a stinky fart moment. Well I like my own more than other people’s. There’s some sort of sick satisfaction knowing that I somehow produced such a horrific and strong odor. 
OMG. I produced THAT stench? Woof. 
 I will be like “ewwwwwwww” 
*sniff sniff* 
 True. My dear redneck lady cousin would also agree 💯 
 Parsley came to be used as a garnish for the same reason. 
 Methane content smells 
 And so does poop….🧐 
 This post smells bad 
 You’re a raccoon….. 
 Raccoons are very clean... that's why they call us trash panda 
 less mini turds, poopoo chamber, yes, yes…I concur

 Tehehehe. I need to purchase a microscope and fart into it…Then I will know for sure 
 This will definitely help to prove the decreasing amount of mini turds…yes, yes. 

 This is research we need. I’ve heard plants make the poopoo chamber smell worse. I took a cbd product that made my flatulence smell like weed. 
 I’m vegan and my husband is not and my butt breath is like next level raunch compared to his so yes can confirm 
 Depends on which plants you eat!

My #soyboyfarts are like sunshine and daisies 🤣

Just wanted to say that spinach and leafy greens like kale that contain high amounts of chlorophyll which neutralizes compounds in the body that cause odor.

Other examples are foods high in fiber, citrus, and herbal teas.

Conversely, cow's milk contains choline, which can cause body odor.

 Spinach and kale also contain high amounts of oxalate which lead to kidney stones so I’ll pass on those haha 
 Kale doesn't. 
 "Chlorophyll’s detoxifying properties may aid in the elimination of these harmful substances, reducing their impact on brain health and potentially preventing or delaying neurodegenerative conditions. Moreover, chlorophyll-rich foods have been associated with improved cognitive function and brain health."

We never discuss the brain with these food topics, only a myopic lens is used.

I think growing your own greens is a nice venture, I'm about to start that journey this year. 
 I think the body (and the brain) has no nutritional requirement whatsoever for chlorophyll. and whatever you are ingesting that chlorophyll would help detoxify, maybe you should start by not eating those either. 
 I think it does in conjunction with other things I'm greens, 

Not saying to eat as a main source of energy. 

Or to get it from a supermarket. 

They MIGHT correlate with calcium stones and salt is the main correlation with calcium stones, not so much spinach and kale. 

Furthermore, uric acid stones are correlated with the ingestion of red meat and alcohol. 

Not a doctor, but I’ve had so many stones, nephrologist appointments, urology, and even surgery for this shit😂 
 Well I’ve never had any stones and since you’ve had a lot, I’m just going to the opposite 😂 🥩 
 Fair anecdotal logic 😂 
 Also. My etiology ended up to be more of a genetic predisposition than diet as over the years, I tinkered with it so much. The first few I got before I went vegan. So it kind of depends and everyone is different. Like consumption is one thing, but not everyone’s organs and enzymes process and absorb said nutrients perfectly 
 You haven't tinkered with your diet enough until you try not eating any plants or sugars. I applaud you for trying, though. I don't buy the genetic argument just because you hadn't found a way to fix yourself with plants. Your organs definitely won't process and absorb nutrients from plants perfectly, because they were evolved to run on a high meat diet. They will process and absorb nutrients from meat most efficiently. This is why veganism requires supplements to be sustained for any length of time, and even supplements often lack bioavailablity of whatever they were supposed to supplement.

Go ahead, run your gasoline car on biodiesel and see how that works out. 
 "uric acid stones are correlated with the ingestion of red meat and alcohol."

Only if you consider "red meat" includes pizza, fast food cheeseburgers, steak dinner with potatoes and broccoli and bread and apple pie desserts. This is meaningless "correlation".

Alcohol is poison. The red meat part of that argument has been fully debunked, because the studies were bullshit. Does red meat equal more uric acid? Yes, but it does NOT mean it will form stones, crystallize, cause gout, etc. unless also paired with consumption of plants, which create inflammation and cause systemic failures that result in all the various stones you've dealt with. Treat your kidneys better by removing the inflammation caused by ingesting plant toxins. 
 Interesting points. I think gut bacteria has a lot to do with it too. If you eat seed oils for most of your life, you’re probably not going to digest certain nutrients very well. Is there a simple way of resetting your gut bacteria or do you just have to be patient? 
 There is no marker of gut bacteria health. We know next to nothing about the gut microbiome. For example, the fact that they influence the brain is a relatively recent discovery and hasn't even fully penetrated the establishment.

That being said, my guess is that the gut reacts the best to fatty meat. The bacteria break down almost all the nutrients they require to short chain fatty acids anyway.

Also, regarding the uric acid (urate actually) and kidney stones. 75% of kidney stones are calcium oxalate, so urate stones are a minority of stones. It has been common knowledge in medicine for decades now that blood urate levels correlate to urate stone and gout incidence, but no causal link has been established (i.e. a person with very high urate levels might never form urate stones or develop gout). It is why alopurinol, a drug that lowers urate levels, should never be prescribed for lowering urate levels in people who never had gout or urate stones.

What is necessary for urate crystals to form in the body is inflammation. So, even though red meat increases urate levels a bit, it is not itself inflammatory. This is why carnivores usually report a drastic improvement of gout symptoms when adhering to a strict red meat diet. 

What else increases urate levels? Fructose is exclusively metabolized in the liver, which produces urate. Since sugary processed foods, which are also rich in seed oils, are also highly inflammatory, you get the golden recipe for gout and urate kidney stones. The metabolization of alcohol also produces urate and inflammation, so people who have gout issues should cease all alcohol and junk food consumption. Instead of saying that, however, most of my ignorant colleagues recommend reducing red meat consumption, which is contraindicated for humans. 
 When I was full carnivore, too much fat just gave me bad diarrhea 
 It's about diversity in the gut. 
 I don’t want to deodorize my farts and body. I low key enjoy my smells, other people don’t hahaha 
 A very mysterious mystery 🤔 
 I wonder if we can get google to train their AI here 🤔 quality 💩 right here 🤌 
 If they can’t…..

I volunteer as tribute 🙋‍♀️ 
 The fart equaliser....😉
 Bahahaha I’ve seen these and true story, I wanted to order a pair back in the day when I used to care about farting in public. Now I just crop dust everyone when I’m leaving a location and it’s kind of like my own personal fog machine. You’re always supposed to make a good exit (according to a mother somewhere) 
 the more complete the digestion the less smell and the less complete digestion the more smell 
 It would make more sense to me being the other way around. 
 undigested food rots somewhat on the way through and bacteria eats it and makes more gas.  this is particularly true with carbs that don't digest or human-indigestible carbs (sugar alcohols for example).  if it's fully digested (and absorbed) it's mostly fibre coming out.

I had massive problems (celiac) about 20 years ago with digestion, went to a doctor specializing in it.

 Aww the truth is not as fun as the speculation sometimes I suppose. Glad you got it sorted, celiacs is fucking gnarly 
 it's complicated though, gas.  what I said is surely not the entire story.

last fall I was super into winter squash.  my husband wasn't into the farts that resulted. 😂 I cut back and it went away. 
 Trust the science here folks. I find no flaws in it.

 I'm going to call bullshit. Farts are not an aerosol of shit. Farts are gas, not microscopic solids. Sure, as the gas passes through the shit storage, it may pick up some molecules along the way, but I would seriously doubt that it meaningfully affects the resultant odor. 

Digestion processes allow bacteria to do its digestive process on whatever is consumed, allows it to react against various acids, and some of the biochemical reactions result in gases being produced, including (but not only) methane.

The gasses are then purged from your system. Some of the gasses have odors, but farts tend to be more unpleasant than belches.

Personally, I would absolutely confirm that consuming and digesting plants produce a wider variety of gasses, and specifically gasses that tend to be more offensive to our senses. Plants also take longer to digest, resulting in more rot or fermentation. Fermentation itself requires sugars, and produces gasses. Plants have sugars. There is a wider range of bacteria involved in digesting plants as well, and the sugars in plants fuel the bacteria, who metabolize portions of the plants and release their own gasses through their own digestive processes.

I once tried to use a lot of soy products because I thought I was sensitive to lactose. The soy milk especially gave me some of the worst smelling gas I can remember.

Now as someone who consumes little or no plants, I rarely have digestive gasses, and when I do, they are much more mild on odor.

No, animal meat does not "rot" in your intestines. It is largely broken down by stomach acids before it even enters the intestines, and very little waste is left at all to pass through the intestine. Think about how flesh is removed from bone using lye, and the resultant sludge solution that is largely liquid. It is overall a far more efficient digestion process, and happens quickly - 15 minutes to a couple hours. The intestinal length and volume of purely carnivorous animals is evidence of this efficiency. Our human intestines have surely grown in length and volume to adapt to our omnivorous diets, especially over the last few millenia (very recent, in evolutionary scale) with the advent of agriculture.

For more information regarding meat digestion, just look to interviews with meat-only eaters who also have ostomies, where their waste is diverted to an external bag instead of being allowed to take its normal intestinal path. 
 Thanks for bursting my fart bubble 😭everytime I tell people a theory with absolutely zero research to back it up, this happens 
 Its ok. I finally shitposted. And nostr is my skidmark to prove it! 
 I do believe the toilet reeks havoc on the bathroom air. Every flush jettisons poo everywhere. 

So theres that 
 Yeah! That’s why you’re not supposed to keep your toothbrush in your bathroom (although I like to do it anyways and live on the wild side) 
 Toilet seat down Dan! 
 This wins NOSTR for today. And no doubt you are right. 

 Whyyy thank you sir (I’m assuming based on general proportions around these parts) 

*takes bow* 
 ok, i have a joke i heard recently (maybe youve heard), "whats the difference between a butthole and a refrigerator?" 
 I haven’t heard it!!! 

And perhaps shit goes in the fridge, but with buttholes, the shit goes out?? 
 a refrigerator doesnt fart when you pull the meat out lol 
 Hahahah I was WAY off 😂 
 Waiiiit when you take food out of the fridge you can eat it, but not when you take shit out of your ass? 
 Well there’s the light when you open it and of course the hair 
 This wall of text is useless unless if someone AI-generates a video of some formally dressed up lady or man talking seriously at you with this specific text with a subtle ambiance of classical music in tge background. Extra points if character is considered opponent to libertarian ideals. 
 Then as logic would have it, you are eating shit as you smell the fragrant air. 
 How do we turn this flared gas into mining bitcoin is my question 
 this is the way  
 Butt Whisper 😂 not to be confused with the fabled Butt Whisperer!