It's funny, seasonal allergies were 1 of the few things that changing my diet hadn't resolved. Last year I started spraying a diluted solution of CDS symptomatically up my nostrils. It seemed to relieve the symptoms & sinus inflammation but it wasn't at the worst time seasonally. This year I've only had 3 or 4 episodes of sneezing. Each time I got relief from the CDS & it hasn't returned the following day. A few of these episodes were after brush cutting long grass. Keep it in mind if it still causes you issues.
Thanks I will keep that in mind. It may partly be that this season hasn’t been as bad with the pollens etc but I’m surprised that I have had basically no symptoms at all. In some ways my diet was actually better a year ago than it has been this year so it is really hard to tell what has made the difference.
Yeah same. I've lost my orthorexia but gained a fair amount of body fat with a more relaxed diet. I'm still surprised to not be sneezing & itching much yet though. There's heaps of grass with seed heads now. Humidity is also high here. 🤷 I didn't suffer from allergies until I turned 20 or so.
I’ve mostly maintained body fat levels but not decreased as I did over the previous couple of years. I’m still pretty happy with where I am at though. I remember my allergies getting worse during my teenage years. Looking back that possibly corresponds partly with my diet getting gradually worse, eating more processed foods rather than the mostly home cooked meals I ate as a child.