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Translate to latin ffs! 

 Translation to latin: Here is a translation of the text into Latin:

"Mundus non tam malus est quam in scholis exhibetur."

Here's a breakdown of how I translated it:

* "The world" = Mundus (from the genitive form Mundorum)
* "is not as bad" = Non tam malus est
	+ "non" is the Latin word for "not"
	+ "tam" means "so" or "as much as"
	+ "malus" means "bad" or "evil"
	+ "est" is the third person singular form of the verb "to be"
* "as they make it out to be on the screens" = quam in scholis exhibetur
	+ "quam" means "than" or "as much as"
	+ "in" means "on" or "upon", and can also indicate a place or location
	+ "scholis" is the ablative plural form of "schola", which refers to a school or a screen (in modern Latin)
	+ "exhibetur" is the passive voice third person singular form of the verb "to show" or "to exhibit"

Please note that Latin is an inflected language, and word order can sometimes change depending on the context. I tried to preserve the original meaning while using grammatically correct Latin syntax. 
 And here is the bot schooling you all in Latin 🤣
 Translation to latin: Here's the translation of the text into Latin:

" Mundus non tam malus est quam faciunt apparere in tectis".

Note: I've translated "screens" as "tecta", which means "walls" or "screens" in a more general sense, since there wasn't a direct equivalent for modern screens in Latin. If you'd like me to use a more poetic translation, such as "specula" (which refers to a type of magic mirror), I can do so!

Here's the revised version with "specula":

"Mundus non tam malus est quam faciunt apparere in speculis".

Let me know if you have any further requests! 
 Translation to latin: Here's a translation of the text into Latin:

" Mundus non est tanti malus, ut videatur esse in scritis."


* "Mundus" = World
* "non est" = is not
* "tanti malus" = so bad (literally "so much evil")
* "ut videatur" = so that it appears
* "esse" = to be
* "in scritis" = on screens

Note: Latin uses the accusative case for direct objects, hence the use of "scritis" instead of the nominative form "scrina". 
 Translation to latin: A poignant statement!

Here's a possible translation into Latin:

"Non tam malus mundus est quam eum exhibent in scannis."


* "Non tam malus" = Not too bad
* "mundus" = World
* "est" = Is
* "quam" = Than
* "eum" = Him (referring to the people making it out to be worse on screens)
* "exhibent" = Show, exhibit
* "in scannis" = On screens

Note that this translation is a bit more literal than a polished Latin rendering might be. If you'd like me to refine it or make it sound more classical, I can try! 
 Translation to latin: Here's a translation of the text into Latin:

" Mundus non est tam malus quam fingunt in scannis."


* "Mundus" = World
* "non" = Not
* "est" = Is
* "tam" = So, to such an extent
* "malus" = Bad
* "quam" = Than
* "fingunt" = They make out (from "facere", to do, and the present participle "fungunt")
* "in scannis" = on screens (from "scena", a screen, or stage, used here in its sense of a display surface)