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 Explaining Saylor and MSTR to a 4th grader
 He looks a little old to be in 4th grade. 
 that is all he is doing indeed 🤝 
 Ummm but but he doesn’t have the keys . Please make this stop 😂 
 This is why I love  @jack mallers, because I AM that 4th grader, and he ALWAYS explains these things in a way I can understand! 
Thanks Jack! 
 Simple is King 
 Yep. When my daughter was much younger than a 4th grader, it was hard for her to understand monetary value, so I explained it using bananas, which get spotty and then rot in real life, and fictitious "super bananas" which only get better and more delicious with time.

I told her that, for this analogy, bananas = fiat, and super bananas = Bitcoin.

Me: "How many super bananas would you want?"
Her: "As many as I can get!"
Me: "Great! When would you ever eat (spend) them?"
Her: "🤔 Only when I REALLY need to."
Me: "Good. How many rotten bananas can I give you for 1 super banana?"
Her: "🤔 Infinite...? No, wait! There's no amount you could ever give me!"

And that was when I knew that she understood Bitcoin. 
 Beautiful anecdote!  
 Thanks for adding this live rip to the podcast rss feed! 
 Best laugh of the morning, ty