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 Everything changes all the time. Not being able to or willing to change means living against life.

The resistance against change is rooted in fear, a deep conditioning and happens on a subconscious level. In order to address the root causes of the conditioning I know two techniques from experience that help create awareness of subconscious reaction patterns and reprogram your mind to go with the flow of life = adapt to constant change. It's 1) Vipassana meditation and 2) the Wim Hof Method.

There's no quick fix to this, it requires strong commitment, openness and willingness to honestly find out about ones inner workings. Studying the teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti also helped me a lot. You can do this 🙏


 Thank you I tried the wim hoff method years ago, it’s how I got into cold showers which I now love. I definitely have to get back into meditation.

I deal with change when I have to but it’s like my body fights it and causes anxiety. Something I have to work on. 
 Great you were doing the Wim Hof method already! In my experience, if you continue and embrace ALL of it with 100% commitment, you will see many underlying conditionings uprooted, more courage emerging and anxiety creeping up less and less.

You yourself, body and mind, are changing all the time. Your surroundings, your kids, are changing all the time, minute after minute. If you deeply feel that, and gently accept this reality, you won't fight it anymore. You'll deal with change at all times, effortlessly 🙏 
 Thank you, I have to definitely add it more into my routine 
 Absolutely. The Wim Hof Method helps you stand strong amidst life’s storms, riding the waves with confidence and ease.