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 My 7-year-old daughter has been doing really well in school up until now, but this year she's been placed in a class with a teacher who seems overly focused on woke ideology, and also with a child who has two transgender parents and who also identifies as a different gender depending on the weather, seriously. I'm concerned about the potential impact this could have on her development and values, and I've already expressed my concerns to the school. Unfortunately, they rejected my request to move her to a different class, telling me that they know what's best for my daughter. I strongly disagree with their decision, and to be honest, I'm seriously considering homeschooling as an option. However, I'm also aware that it requires a lot of patience and time. Can anyone offer some guidance on where to start? 
 Do it and do it now, regardless of what guidance anyone here can offer. 
 The guidance is actually to understand where to start with #homeschooling 
 Don't be afraid. You'll figure it out. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good enough. Your kid will engorge on whatever interests her. There are many free online schools available that are very good (e.g. Khan), they will make the boring interesting. Don't worry about "socialization," that's CIA counterintelligence. You will find things for her to do outside the home, many "for pay" groups offer "homeschool classes" during business hours like karate, balley, gymnastics, day-camps, etc. There are many museums that cater to homeschoolers, for example rural 18th century forts, nature centers, etc. Many offer activities like arts and crafts directed at kids. All I can say about what you think is easy but is not is libraries. Give up on libraries, they are worse than liberal arts colleges (there may be exceptions). Most churches have "home schooling groups". They tend to be directed at members, but you may learn about an email list or facebook group where a coordinator mom sends out info about activities, its like a chamber of commerce for raising children.  Don't worry about finding out all this stuff first, your kid isn't going to die of starvation if you don't figure it out ahead of time. The best way is to do it organically, don't force it. Homeschooling is all about deciding what PARENTS want for their children and what THE CHILDREN want to learn. 
 Appreciate it, thank you! 
 https://www.thehomeschoolmom.com/ has a lot of homeschool info.

Here are some homeschool options.

 - Ron Paul Curriculumn is really good. Teaches kids more than the public schools do. All online. Puts creationism in science, etc. Most kids won't keep up with this demanding cirriculumn, but if they do they'll be at the top.

- ACE PACE pamphlets are Christian based. No Internet required. Kids can do most of it on their own. Integrates the Bible into everything.

- Kimber Academy.... if only Dr. Kimber taught all the classes. He's really good, and a friend of some family members. This is online.

- The Good and Beautiful is a popular cirriculumn. Pdf's for K through 12th.

- ClassicalLearner.com

- Freedom Protect Academy 
 Love this, thank you! 
 #homeschooling #asknostr #homeschool

 Private school? 
 Unfortunately not an option at this moment :( 
 Whelp ill pray for yall gl dad 
 Most private schools are captured as well because the teachers all come from the same indoctrination universities, and the private schools seek the same accreditations, which have also been tainted with cultural Marxist requirements. 
 Ah well only clear choice is send her to the fiat mine young 
 Here's a video explaining the "School Choice Trap" and how most schools, even private and charter, have been captured.

 The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home https://a.co/d/eUZN9iy 
 Thank you for this! I’ll definitely check it out! 
 We've been homeschooling for about 10 years, and (an earlier edition of) this book was extraordinarily helpful and encouraging. Take it one semester at a time, get connected with local co-ops, and teach your kids how to teach themselves. 🤙 
 Pull her out now. Her soul depends on it.

Read "The Queering of the American Child" by Logan Lancing and James Lindsay.

If you can't afford the book, you can get a pirated copy from Annas-Archive.org. 
 Thank you! 
 #asknostr sorry to hear about the situation your in. Some Nostriches definately homeschool their kids hope they can steer you in the right direction. I am hoping to be a father soon and its something I am thinking about as well. I am bookmarking this thread for future reference. 
 Thank you! The more I think about it the more convinced I am... I hope you become a father soon, it's the most extraordinary thing a man can experience!  
 Thank you 🙏. Wish you success with your journey with homeschooling. Probably won't be easy but ultimately will be worth it. 
 Homeschool. Whatever it takes to make it happen.  
 Find homeschool groups in your area.  They’ll not only help you get started and give you a sense of what options some other families are utilizing, they’ll be an important base for social interactions and academic and volunteer activities. 

If you’re in the United States, check out hslda.org to understand what your state’s requirements are to begin homeschooling. 
 That's a great resource! Thank you for the link! 
 Yw! Best of luck to you both! 
 Do it. #homeschool 
 pro-tip... homeschool isn't emulating school at home.... it's not that daunting, actually... It's liberating and wonderful. 

choose your kids, gounonly get ONE CHANCE.  
 I’m starting to realize it might not be that daunting… any experience to share? 
 don't compare 
don't stress
take time
try multiple approaches 
hopefully have a supportive spouse/family, but at first, they can sometimes be the most critical and judgemental.... this too fades with time
it's mind-blowing how much we give away to the state or others in the name of education 

There were many reasons we chose this route, and at times it can feel like too much, press-on

seek out other homeschool groups or families, but don't place too much on comparing what you vs what they do

don't fall for the "socialization" bs, either.....  
 Acellus Academy is a good program.

 Thank you!! 
 A teacher is, first and foremost, a professional, and his or her personal views do not matter. At work, he or she is simply a teacher.

Who your child's classmate's parents sleep with is none of your business. You'd have to be completely insane to think that this could somehow affect your child. 
 Thanks for this great response! ;) 
 This sounds like good advice... In just a couple of countries not in the west. 
 +1 for homeschooling. Inform other parents so they can walk out on the school too. 
 I don’t know where you live or what your religion. But we have been sending our girls to Catholic school. We’re not Christian but we are all for the girls having spiritual lessons from any faith, and the Catholics are welcoming. Here in the US most of the schools have financial aid, and you are pretty much promised there will be discipline and zero wokeness. 
 My sons attend a similar institution to your daughter, and it has made them impressively cynical about Woke. Their humour is more political and less gross than my friends were at their age.

Children are not passive receptacles for indoctrination, even though may "educators" believe they are. 

Make sure your daughter feels supported, knows that dissenting views exist, and learns the discipline and skills to pass under the radar. Homeschooling doesn't have to be all or nothing to be of benefit. 
 That’s a fair point, thanks! 
 They don’t know what’s best for your 7 year old kid, you do. 
 To be honest that comment about they knowing better what’s best for my daughter made me even think that there’s a bigger issue in these institutions… 
 The issue's name is communism. 
 Homeschool👍 Your kids are worth protecting. The time you spend now can give them a fighting chance in the world that is coming.  
 Don’t let them hijack you right to choose what’s best for your child. Consider home schooling seriously 
 Your child could be cat gender, just like me. Join the cats.✌️ 😸  
 My nephew told me that they actually provide kitty litter boxes for those kids at his high school. Unbelievable.  
 Homeschooling is not as hard as it seems. I used to be a teacher, and then I tutored homeschoolers. Their total academic calendar took up about 3 hours a day...and no homework! Freed up a lot of time for them to play, read, and just be kids. There is also solid homeschooling networks now that have been established since the pandemic.