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 The guidance is actually to understand where to start with #homeschooling 
 Don't be afraid. You'll figure it out. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good enough. Your kid will engorge on whatever interests her. There are many free online schools available that are very good (e.g. Khan), they will make the boring interesting. Don't worry about "socialization," that's CIA counterintelligence. You will find things for her to do outside the home, many "for pay" groups offer "homeschool classes" during business hours like karate, balley, gymnastics, day-camps, etc. There are many museums that cater to homeschoolers, for example rural 18th century forts, nature centers, etc. Many offer activities like arts and crafts directed at kids. All I can say about what you think is easy but is not is libraries. Give up on libraries, they are worse than liberal arts colleges (there may be exceptions). Most churches have "home schooling groups". They tend to be directed at members, but you may learn about an email list or facebook group where a coordinator mom sends out info about activities, its like a chamber of commerce for raising children.  Don't worry about finding out all this stuff first, your kid isn't going to die of starvation if you don't figure it out ahead of time. The best way is to do it organically, don't force it. Homeschooling is all about deciding what PARENTS want for their children and what THE CHILDREN want to learn. 
 Appreciate it, thank you! 
 https://www.thehomeschoolmom.com/ has a lot of homeschool info.

Here are some homeschool options.

 - Ron Paul Curriculumn is really good. Teaches kids more than the public schools do. All online. Puts creationism in science, etc. Most kids won't keep up with this demanding cirriculumn, but if they do they'll be at the top.

- ACE PACE pamphlets are Christian based. No Internet required. Kids can do most of it on their own. Integrates the Bible into everything.

- Kimber Academy.... if only Dr. Kimber taught all the classes. He's really good, and a friend of some family members. This is online.

- The Good and Beautiful is a popular cirriculumn. Pdf's for K through 12th.

- ClassicalLearner.com

- Freedom Protect Academy 
 Love this, thank you!