I'm going to try some astral projection techniques from this video. I've heard they work well with no experience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQjAIlFZWWc Summary: Set an alarm and wake up after 5-6 hours Wake up and get up (for up to an hour while still tired) Go back to bed with intention to wake up and do it After waking up try to appear at your nearest mirror If that doesn't work to techniques like trying to levitate, roll, rub your hands, swimming, etc, for 1 minute After appearing at the mirror eat something Then you can do a personal goal you set yourself
@970ab77f astral projection, lucid dreaming, hypnosis, meditation are all birds of the same feather i think. DXM/ketamine hit the same place A common technique used in hypnosis is to imagine yourself dropping down out of your body while you lay prone Do you meditate at all / have you tried hypnosis?