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 to all the tiktok’ers

set up your zap wallets. fastest way to feel nostr. 

primal client on ios or android is probably the easiest way to do so at the moment. 
 Can’t do that on TikTok! 
 love u jack 🥰🐹♥️ 
 Here we go. 📈 
 jack please reply to my message 
 #Amethyst + @MinibitsCash offers good privacy 
 Que, en tiktok eso no se podía ? Uy qué lastima 😂 
 Or they can move to China, live in a pod and join Douyin! 
 Tiktokers are here? What happened 
 FYI - Primal doesn’t allow NY residents to set up a wallet 
 You gotta be kidding me 
 Not ideal, but par for the course NY residents stay getting screwed over 😂 
 Seriously. NYC doing NYC things I guess! *sigh 
 Pay no attention they will reap the rewards.    
 might be a good idea to select El Salvador. 
 I like Strike for buying and moving Bitcoin, but on Nostr, I came across GetAlby when I first heard about Nostr, and through GetAlby I set up my Nostr keys, and their Chrome extension made connecting my Lightning wallet to Nostr real easy.  
 Lucky! Would love an easier way but alby is closed access right now… got an invite code? 😂 
 Message me, I got u. 
 Just don’t tell them you live there. Problem solved. 
 I don't know if this guy is a lunatic or if he's simply a scam artist who makes a living out of the cryptocurrency business, trying to shove it down people's throats at all costs.
What I do know is that promoting cryptocurrency wallets as the main reason for people to join Nostr is extremely imbecilic and shows a complete lack of sense.
Well, unless this clown is out there selling cryptocurrency wallets...

Não sei se este tipo é um lunático ou se é simplesmente um vigarista que vive do negócio das criptomoedas, tentando enfiá-las pela goela abaixo das pessoas, a todo o custo.
O que eu sei é que promover carteiras de criptomoedas como a principal razão para as pessoas se juntarem ao Nostr é extremamente imbecil e mostra uma completa falta de senso.
Bem, a não ser que este palhaço ande por aí a vender carteiras de criptomoedas...

#Politics #Economy #Society #Philosophy #Slavery #Feudalism #Communism #Socialism #Fascism #Capitalism #Imperialism #Portugal #EuropeanUnion #EU #Corporations #USA #Twitter #TikTok #Fraud #Corruption #Bribery #Nostr #Nostriches #GrowNostr #Plebchain #Plebs #Pleb #Bitcoin #Lightning #Zap #Crypto #Brainwashing

 Oh hi hah, so that's Jack Dorsey guy who used to own Twitter. He funded a bitcoin protocol writer who developed nostr. So bitcoin is pretty intertwined in this protocol.

What you've typically seen with cryptocurrency is actually no different from company scrip. Company scrip of course has a history of causing misery. 

When its not company scrip its typically just an outright scam. 

Yes cryptocurrency is very embarrassing to see anyone shill for. However, Bitcoin which is what all cryptocurrency grifts upon is actually a community driven asset. Any changes to it happen as a result of many many people who run the software agreeing to change it. 

If you ran the software you could disagree to change it. For that reason only backwards compatible changes have much of a chance of getting through, but even then we're not in agreement about any of the current proposals unfortunately.

Bitcoin unlike cryptocurrency works more as a social construct in this way. With cryptocurrency a person or business decides on changes coercively, hardly anyone runs the software or even can and on and on you know they're bad stuff.

So anyway just wanted to clear that up. We hate crypto and their scams as much as the next guy. Bitcoin on the other hand just isn't the same thing for the reasons that I've shown you now. 
 What the first zap feels like 
 @primal is sleekest wallet.

Tiktokers, Time to get monetized from the first post.

Don't need to hit any targets, and don't have to give any cuts from now.

Your money is your money.
 It's KYC now. Took this a few days ago. https://image.nostr.build/eee022e3de6d9ca4421776faf7c4d40ee850553b8bbacdcd3876d85fd88b60c9.jpg 
 Create a new email on @Proton Mail 

Verify with it, I hope it will work.

Otherwise, we have @miljan and @Marko to help.

 I know you can enter garbage info but you should be asking who are they simping for by asking for this data? 
 Assume all KYC will be used nefariously. It's hard cos we swim in it but best to resist in ways we can imo. 
 I agree, for now it's only inbuilt wallet, and Zapping is like hitting like.

Maybe in future we will have some better options or primal remove KYC. 
 The usual way things like this work is they make it convenient to sucker in users then use that in malicious ways. 

Amethyst does one touch zaps. Coracle.social does also. That's not a feature exclusive to Primal.  
 Amethyst doesn't have a built in wallet that ties into a liquidity provider/exchange.  
 Exactly. Convenience in exchange for your details. That's why you and I are Stike users. Cos it's easier. But it's possible to set up your own LN channel with Mutiny or Zeus. No KYC needed. Convenience often takes a hit but I'd prefer that to KYC. I'm in process of setting up those now. I'll try post about it so others can follow if they like.  
 You have to have bitcoin to open a channel with Zeus or mutiny…. They don’t just give you sats, lol 
 No shit. They can earn them like everyone else. Or purchase.  
 I tried to set this up with a Nym and kept getting declined due to information that I was providing. So ya, not using Primal.... 
 LOL, shits getting ready to blow up on Nostr.  
 👆sage advice 
 Appreciate you friend 
 gocurrent minibits n others also 
 Why  tiktok or other social media apps doesn't make their own nostr client versions? 
 They certainly could with Nostr.  
 Because their audience is their asset. They have to fence it in. Would you let your cows run free to join other farms? 
 capital will extended there farm 
 “set up your zap wallets” https://i.nostr.build/M5eY4.jpg  
 to all the tiktok’ers

set up your zap wallets. fastest way to feel nostr. 

primal client on ios or android is probably the easiest way to do so at the moment. 
 Check out Minibits as well!  Easy LN address you can copy and paste into your profile 
 Resources for the new folks: https://nostr.net/

#Introductions #HelloNostr 
 How about GetAlby's Chrome extension, and getting your NOSTR keys from GetAlby?  
 very hard to use it 🤠 
 #Primal is KYC garbage now... use another client. Amethyst on Android. Damus on iOS although I don't use it. https://image.nostr.build/eee022e3de6d9ca4421776faf7c4d40ee850553b8bbacdcd3876d85fd88b60c9.jpg 
 lmao just lie 
 Took that screenshot a few days ago when I tried to set up. Others said it was new feature. Check my feed for original post.  
 ummm, yes. Its powered by strike, an exchange. They aren't going to sell you or custody your bitcoin without knowing the bare minimums by law.

Do you really think TikTok folks care? They put there whole life online. 
 Strike is KYC garbage also. I'm getting off it also atm. 
Some Tik Tokers will care if it's pointed out to them. Others perhaps most will not.  
 Strike is by far the best place to buy bitcoin. I don't even feel it is a competition. 
 It's very slick yes. But at what cost? Your liberty is being farmed for convenience.  
 Kyc bitcoin absolutely has a place.  

You can always withdraw over lightning to a bitcoin wallet, mix it, whatever. 

Personally, I keep a strike acct for dca purchases and inbound zaps.  I tend to spend the kyc at bitrefill, paying friends, etc..

90% of my bitcoin is mined.

It is ludacris to believe the only way to get bitcoin for most people is bisq, other p2p, or a non kyc atm, or something else. 

The best way is to minimize it, then use forward privacy on the kyc, while keeping it segmented. 
 Sure it will have a place. I'm trying to bring awareness to those who care that it comes at the cost of your privacy. If you're not on board no problem. My main point was to make it known to newb sign ups. As you say many won't care or even know to care but in this case it's about touch points. They'll care when/if they get burned.  
 Zapped you non-kyc from own node. 🤘 
 That's the way 🙏 
 Oh some people have also mentioned they have actually not been able to withdraw. It was in a post on my feed a few days ago. 
 Interesting.  That's an issue, for sure.

I use my own node to zap.  Been testing inbound for zaps too, but still need a few more channels, too many failures inbound. 
 Is Strike KYC? If yes then its the worst place to buy BTC. 
 It's slick design wise and works well I think that's what he means but yeah KYC also.  
 Get over it. P2P bitcoin is incredibly rare and hard in big quantities. I'm not buying a few bitcoin from a dude on the street corner with cash, sorry. 
 Cool. I get it from my post office with cash. I make a KYC free account on Bull Bitcoin then use cash to buy vouchers, then use Bull to buy BTC and send to wallet. Whos buying from a random dude on a street corner?
KYC free is simple. 
 Another way is KYC free ATMs. You just need to know where to find them. Many dont ask for ANYTHING.  
 Those are getting rare 
 Very rare yes!  
 I have one, but it has about a 23% premium. Pass. 
 That is a myth, you can easily buy hundreds of thousands of dollars worth no KYC using Bisq  
 Bisq blows anymore. so buggy, bloated, slow, and I certainly don't trust some random dude for arbitration on a 100k buy.  
 You don't buy it all at once of course. But in the timespan that it takes for a KYC buy to "settle" you can accumulate a 100k buy. Slick UX is for newbs, once you're past that stage it's a pretty shallow reason imo 
 Who said anything about slick ui? I didn't.

I said that bisq sucks. Old Java codebase, is terribly slow, uses mostly single threaded, many payment methods need kyc anyways, low trusted escrow/mediation. 

For 50 or 100 bucks, sure. But I have robosats for that.

There is zero chance or reason I would use bisq for large sums of USD. 
 Then what would you use? 
 Also #bisq2 is in development 
 learn Vexl  
 Oh wow, p2p.  Lol... and yes I realize I can use a VPN. But still.
 What country are you in? 
 Is there an APK option or fdroid? 
 kind of hard to follow the custody once it its on lightning, right? 
 Not exactly, because sats in the  lightning network is off the main timechain, the layer 1 known as #Bitcoin , but they still have all KYC data once those sats/bitties are brought back #Onchain. 
 But those don't include a way to set up lightning. 
 They suck you in with convenience. It's how all surveillance tech is sold to us. Freedom ain't free or easy.  
 Baby steps for the newbies. 
 Are you looking for Non custodial lighting wallets Phoenix, Minibits, Zeus, (depends on you experience) , or a way to get NON KYC sats?  Some people buy via KYC, and then put them through something like Wasabi or Samurai check out @BTCsessions over on you tube for a plethora of #Bitcoin #Tutorials hot wallets, cold wallets, lightning wallets, nodes, even #NOSTR   
 I was mainly complaining about KYC for primal wallet creation. On my own little mission there! Not quote sure what came over just has the stench of govt ya know 🙄 using wallet of satoahi now which seems good! 
 Oh okay... WoS is no longer an option for those of us in the United States  
 Check out @BTCsessions on you tube he has so many tutorials  #LikeSubscribeShare  
 Just make up the details and use throwaway email? This ain't rocket science 😉 

My real name is not Tigs Nostr btw. 

Also got given a LNadress of tigs@primal.net

 This is possible until it isn't. Eventually they will make you verify your email. My prediction. It's an insidious game of incremental change. So slow you don't notice it. Like cooking a lobster. Feels nice and comforting til it's not anymore.  
 Yeah I did verify my email, but it's a dummy and just needs 6 chars.

I agree with the incremental changes over time.. but I'll just withdraw my sats before they have to do extensive KYC. Plenty of LN wallets in the sea! 
 There's tradeoffs with every solution for holding your Bitcoin. Ultimately you want your own full node, with LN, and a few channels etc. But that's not for everyone or within their skill set. Horses for Coarses (spelling) 
 Sure zi wanted to raise awareness of it. Most will not follow it but some will.  
 Sime people have mentioned to me they have not been able to remove their sats. Unsure of much more than this technically speaking.  
 Hmm.. I've been able to zap people np. Only deposited 1000. But that would suck if you have hundreds of k in sats and withdrawing did take more extensive KYC. 
 Only takes a few code changes and the Strike API won't fulfill your request.  
 Ah ok.. Well I wont keep more than 1000 sats on it anyways but I do see your concern and I think you're in the right for sure. Maybe use Lnaddress.com and legend.lnbits.com ? 
 Also true KYC is drivers license, ssn, passport, and getting your photo taken while holding a piece of paper. 
 Give it time.... lobsters and pots like I said. 
 Tiktok friends Welcome to the new universe ⚡️🫂 
 I just did, and someone sent me 50 zaps ⚡️ 
In case youre wondering, this is the REAL @jack

 How does I set up a primal wallet? (I had a LN one already and didn't saw any place to change by a primal one...) 

 But what's the best way to post videos  so they r played back in decent quality and stored for a couple years? 
 I would vote for client support for personal AWS keys... (same for images).

With this you just create an AWS account, run a script to set it up and then... BANG... YOUR media under YOUR control! =))

🤔 ... Maybe I should tag  @miljan and  @jb55 and  @Vitor Pamplona

BTW... I could definitely help with the AWS setup part/script! =)))  
 Or run run one's own relay but only for one's own content (so it doesn't need to be that gigantic) 🤔 
 Yes... But AFAIK images/video are not stored on the relay... What I heard is that media content storage is done by the client and each client has its own system/storage place, etc...

BUT that been said, I may be completely wrong! =P 
 I just installed primal. Thanks for the heads up! 
 #Primal is still in development, more feature updates needed.

Currently : #Amethyst and #Damus is the best ⚡️

 I think Jack is alluding to the zap wallet functionality on Primal being top notch. I sent 1000 sats to my Primal wallet from my alby. And now it lets me zap anybody very easily.

With Damus you might have troubles zapping individuals for their posts, profile sure, but not posts. 
 to get zaps on notes in Damus go here -
 i don't know for sure but for some users ZAP works fine. am using mainly Amethyst and primal, as early stage its good but some features needed like video supporting etc.. 
 Nostrudel.ninja is my favorite (using the Spring nostr browser on android). You can switch seamlessly between different sites. Check out emojito too for setting up custom emoji reactions (on compatible clients).  
 I moved to Nostrudel.ninja (self-host) too. Most stable experience.  
 I want to do this. I VPN hop through my home net so it would be useful to have the server running/caching notes there through obsfucated connections to relays. I imagine the performance is much better.  
 TikTok’ers should download PopReel. They don’t know how many sats they’re missing. https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/popreel/id1617081213 
 Is this built on Nostr or it's own thing? 
 Primal doesnt let you activate your wallet in Canada. Second best choice? Im on Damus but theres no zaps 
 Not on the note at least… 
 just go here to turn zaps back on in Damus-
 Woah 🤯 
Thank you!! 
 if you live in canada you need to get a vpn mate. this country is mad. i highly recomend mullvad. 
 If you're in Canada, or if you select Canada on the wallet location list? 
 Yes i am canadian 
 Primal doesn't know that. 
 I tried putting US as my location and primal sent me an email saying they couldnt activate my wallet 
 What do u mean? Can u turn bitcoin into a mastercard to use it that way? I habent soent any coins yet but almost was gonna out some on a mastercard yesterday to buy something but didnt. Can you pay at any vendor just using the qr code.scan? 
 tiktokers are welcome 
but we need to fix the payment system for contributors 
and implement a solid incentive design 
 I got one person yesterday to join the fray and the first person to comment said to set up their wallet so “I CAN ZAP YOU 💥⚡️!!! 
 are you ready to orange pill the tiktok mass? 
 Step 2: go zap the goats at lightning-goats.com 
 Thank you! 
 I agree... I just got Primal from the app store on iOS and it has it's own inbuilt LN wallet from the looks. I deposited 1000 sats to it and now I can zap any post or profile with great ease.

 Thanks  @jack. 

We still need a much nicer onboarding UX, as well as experiences that are familiar to mainstream users. Working on it! 🫡

When all this is combined with the magic of zaps and the nostr app ecosystem, we will eventually onboard everyone. 

 spot on .. nostr vibe is #tiktok .. NOT Twitter or Instagram or whatev .... I want to be happy on nostr :-)  
 unable to zap you 
 thanks for letting me know .. looks like I can send zaps but somehow not able to receive  .. need to check my primal ! 
 lmk when fixed 
 are any big Tik Tok peeps here yet? 
 just you, gangsta. 
 #introductions #nostr #zapathon 
 Hey Gigi new here, please need help, which BTC wallet should I download to integrate with Nostr? Thanks 
 tiktokers who left twitter or what are you talking about? how can you compete with tiktok with that? 
 done lol <3 
 so what’s the easiest way to get zapped? ALSO, wth does that mean? 
 post valuable notes 
 give me an example. 
 hey jack, a bit unrelated but are you still on OMAD? 
 i do hope they popularize pro-palestine hashtags so we can see how #nostr can hold up to #censorship 
 It's cencorship resistent 
 Stay humble, stack zaps 
 How do you do this? I thought they took away zapping? It’s not on my feed 
 I'm trying, primal keeps giving me an error message and Alby says it's invite only?  
 So easy to set up and way more engagement from real people 
to all the tiktok’ers

set up your zap wallets. fastest way to feel nostr. 

primal client on ios or android is probably the easiest way to do so at the moment.

 I'm ready for zaps 😉 
 Android version has no built-in video player 🤓 
 😂 why doesn’t @primal on Android have that ? 
 I really don't know. 
 Primal has a good feel about it.. Seems closest to the way Xwitter operates. One thing I have a question about with Primal is that I can't seem to find the Following or Global tabs? I just scroll & read whatever is on my feed. Am I missing something??  
 That's a f****** stupid thing to say. Primal doesn't have a video player on Android. 

Most importantly the feed on primal is over filtered/curated.  
 Thank you; struggled with it for 4 days until saw your recommendation.  Then, quickly done. 🙏🏻 
 i don't understand this, can you elaborate please?
 That's odd.  Have you tried downloading it from their github?