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 I don't know if this guy is a lunatic or if he's simply a scam artist who makes a living out of the cryptocurrency business, trying to shove it down people's throats at all costs.
What I do know is that promoting cryptocurrency wallets as the main reason for people to join Nostr is extremely imbecilic and shows a complete lack of sense.
Well, unless this clown is out there selling cryptocurrency wallets...

Não sei se este tipo é um lunático ou se é simplesmente um vigarista que vive do negócio das criptomoedas, tentando enfiá-las pela goela abaixo das pessoas, a todo o custo.
O que eu sei é que promover carteiras de criptomoedas como a principal razão para as pessoas se juntarem ao Nostr é extremamente imbecil e mostra uma completa falta de senso.
Bem, a não ser que este palhaço ande por aí a vender carteiras de criptomoedas...

#Politics #Economy #Society #Philosophy #Slavery #Feudalism #Communism #Socialism #Fascism #Capitalism #Imperialism #Portugal #EuropeanUnion #EU #Corporations #USA #Twitter #TikTok #Fraud #Corruption #Bribery #Nostr #Nostriches #GrowNostr #Plebchain #Plebs #Pleb #Bitcoin #Lightning #Zap #Crypto #Brainwashing

 Oh hi hah, so that's Jack Dorsey guy who used to own Twitter. He funded a bitcoin protocol writer who developed nostr. So bitcoin is pretty intertwined in this protocol.

What you've typically seen with cryptocurrency is actually no different from company scrip. Company scrip of course has a history of causing misery. 

When its not company scrip its typically just an outright scam. 

Yes cryptocurrency is very embarrassing to see anyone shill for. However, Bitcoin which is what all cryptocurrency grifts upon is actually a community driven asset. Any changes to it happen as a result of many many people who run the software agreeing to change it. 

If you ran the software you could disagree to change it. For that reason only backwards compatible changes have much of a chance of getting through, but even then we're not in agreement about any of the current proposals unfortunately.

Bitcoin unlike cryptocurrency works more as a social construct in this way. With cryptocurrency a person or business decides on changes coercively, hardly anyone runs the software or even can and on and on you know they're bad stuff.

So anyway just wanted to clear that up. We hate crypto and their scams as much as the next guy. Bitcoin on the other hand just isn't the same thing for the reasons that I've shown you now.