Oddbean new post about | logout
 3 decisions shape your life. 

1. Who you marry 
2. When you finally decide to prioritize your health
3. When you get into bitcoin 
 That was my order. 
 Mine too. 
 Also, #1 can really hinder or help #2 and #3. 😩😁
 Your partner
Your mission
Your health
Your faith
 Life priorities:
1. Faith
2. Family
3. Health
4. Work
5. Hobby 
 Very close to what I wrote, note139fprln3wg2ne63n2886ll3clulveltq0j493apfy4e9knejstwqn6hv3q 
 Be careful with #2. A husband is called to die for his wife if necessary (Ephesians 5:25), so his self-preservation can't be above his family. For this reason, I have my priorities arranged as God, then family, and lastly, self. However, to live out the servant leadership we are called to for others, you first have to rightly order yourself; in that sense, the self is higher. 
 Correct, and that’s the context I’m coming from.

We also cannot give from an empty cup.

So ensuring we are in the right place is critical to how we show up for our family 
 Also, in the business world a lot of hustle and grinders (which I’m fervently against) put their business and “others” first.

God often last

And their family gets what’s left over from the day of work and the man is a shambles inside because he isn’t taking care of himself so that he can die for his family if he needs to.


As with everything, there is context and nuance to be applied 
 Not too dissimilar from my thoughts on the topic note139fprln3wg2ne63n2886ll3clulveltq0j493apfy4e9knejstwqn6hv3q 
 But I heard all these guys get girlfriends when it moons!   
 How old were you for 2) and 3)? 
 35 and 27 
 I agree but should be :

 1 is more important than 3 because getting 1 wrong can halve your stack lol 
 Facts. 😂 
 But the 1/2 could be more than your entire stack if you wait 🧐 
 3 will increase the quality of your 1! 
 Valid point 
 Not if you don't legally marry. Legal marriage is a shitcoin. 
 4. Raise great kids
1. No vaccines of any kind
Be prepared to go to war against the establishment.  Lying, forging, cheating are all honorable tactics in fighting medical tyranny.

2. Trash the TV
Make your house TV-free. Only use screens out of sight of kids. 

3. Teach them to read early
We used "Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons"

4. Healthy whole foods
Let them cook and shop at the farmers market with you. Cooking is part of homeschooling.

5. Hybrid homeschool
Best model for us. At home we had structured 8a-2p day but within that was cooking, sports, and massive amount of board game play.

6. Board games
Most important learning tool of all. Math, risk, engine building, game theory, creativity, competition are all learned via games.

7. No phone until 12yo
No social media ever, no screens in the bedroom, ever. They do their screen homework in the kitchen.

8. Adjust relationship as they mature
First be a strong leader that is consistent, firm and loving. Morph into a guide that allows kids to make mistakes. Lastly, become a resource when they need advice or help.

9. Incentivize self investment
No social media is an agreement. In exchange they get $50k/year from 18 to 22. They can use it for college, investing or starting a business. They decide to use social? Why should you invest in them if they won't invest in themselves?

10. Constantly critique your parenting and work to be better.
A good guide post is: Be your child’s best friend when they are 30, not when they are 10.

 What do you classify as social Media? Without YouTube I would not have found Bitcoin or been as insprired to take care of my health and fitness. But it also took away many hours that I could have used to learn important skills. 
 We let our kids use YouTube on a computer in the kitchen but not on their phones as teenagers. Agree it's a tough one because there is so much valuable info there. 

Imsta, tiktok, Snapchat etc all totally out. Our oldest said not having Snapchat would ruin her life but lo and behold she's in college now on a full academic scholarship with lots of friends and no prescriptions.  
 When you 6.15 
 I agree, in that exact order. 🫡
I pray everyday for my children to find a good partner in life. 

Marry someone who makes you wanting to be a better person each day. ♥️ 
 4. When you stop trusting the government 

Final form has been achieved 
 haters is disbelief 
 Facts. Love it. 
 Still working on 1 
 I would add a fourth. 

4. If, when, and how many children you have  
 4. When you decide to self custody the Bitcoin! 
 I would add 

1) when do u go deep within yourself and find out u are pure consciousness and realize that true intelligence is knowing how to love. 
 And somewhere in there I'd say there's a fourth decision: When you decide to change your status signaling from things like beauty, power, and material achievement, to things like integrity, competence, and helpfulness.

Almost everyone is geared toward signaling. As social creatures we're deeply wired to signal value to others.

But there's a lot of flexibility in how we signal that.

-We can signal it with shallower things like beauty, lambos, hierarchical dominance, etc. The details will vary between men and women but they have a similar short time preference that few old people on their deathbed wished they had focused more on.

-Or we can signal it with deeper things like integrity, honesty, helpfulness, friendliness, generosity, providing unique thoughts, or providing wisdom. The details will vary based on profession and skillset but they also have a similar long time preference that most old people on their deathbed wished they had focused more on.

 That’s perfect! 
 These decisions can even save your life 
 Have to marry virgin 12 yo White girl who is a fervent believer in patriarchal marriage and hates blacks. 
 Muh man, there's a reason most men went along with having that banned.

Only 12 y o boys have the patience for 12 y o girls. Facts. I know a few of 'em!

If you like the young look, get yoself a Cambodian girl of age of majority. Preferably with limited English, so she can't annoy you too much 
 Cambodiam? But I cannot betray my race. I must breed with a White female. 
 Women can ALWAYS annoy men, no matter what.  
 That's true. Gotta legalize butt spanking is what I say.

"Come here you little....💢💢" 
 those mud women are ugly.  i don't care that they all look 12.  

i wouldn't even fuck a white girl from a working class family let alone a non-white girl from Turd World.

i don't want a 30 year old APE that happens to look 12 - i want an actual 12 year old girl whose parents are upper middle class or better and are paying through the nose to have her in 3 different teams such as Swimming, Track and Volleyball for example. 
 Nah, working class White girls can be majestic.

Also, some of these "brown" mongoloids from Cambodia can bet beautiful.
My objection is out of principles.

 it's not about beauty but class.

it is very hard to have class if you were born poor.

i don't want to be embarrassed by a lower class woman. 
 People talk about how Asian women are beautiful even though they look like subhumans caked with fakeup.  
 it depends - Asia is big.  Both Jisoo and Tiger Woods are "Asian"



 Jisoo is Korean tho. I don't get it. Tiger woods is a half breed. He's a good golfer tho.  
 tiger is 1/2 Asian and only 1/8 African.  the rest is white and native American.  he is more Asian than he is anything else ( 50% Thai / 50% Chinese ).

Thai people can be dark.


His color is probably as much from his Thai side as from his African side

Kamala Harris is also pretending to be black but she is Asian ( Indian )

Many high performing blacks it seems are actually Asian and only pretending to be African so we can apologize to them for slavery all the time ... 
 the media always referred to Tiger as black because they want to make it seem like Blacks are capable of doing white things ( like Golf )

he's still Asian ... 
 Life partner is probably the most important… 
 I agree but there is one more missing which is crazy important 

When you realize the most important thing money can buy is freedom, not stuff.

No one on their dead bed wishes they worked more or made more money they all regret not spending time with family or hobbies etc...

Nothing is more powerful in life than this realisation 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦  
 4 don’t use free, you are the product. If you do, understand incentive structures #nostr 
 The beauty of not getting married is that you can focus more time on your health and acquiring Bitcoin. 
 sounds good with the health, good to eat right and work out 
 What about purchasing your first firearm? 
 One decision can shape your life.
Do you want to be an independent thinker? 
 no one, never and never 
 Couldn’t agree more 🤛 
 Does it matter what order I go in?  😂 
 I've gone backwards 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣 
 The third one is the only one that will get devastatingly more difficult with time. Prioritize appropriately. 
 Choose wisely! Especially that last one—Bitcoin's the real deal, not just a trend. 💎🚀 
 So true, 
 4. When you start thinking for yourself instead of letting the media think for you. 
 One could argue this is part of point number 2 😉 would fall under mental health. No longer will the media brain wash us 💪.. 
 Nah I would say both health and mental health are whole categories by themselves 
 Either way, freedom technology advances us in ways we don’t even realise until we commit to the rabbit holes. 

Life gets slightly better every day you are opening up to new ideas. 
 Possibly not in that order 👀 
 Based. #1 may cost you dearly.  
 Partially true. 
A degen speak "His" words, and we must all listen🙏🏻. Nah, fuck that man.
Number 1) I've never been married and never wish to be. My happiness, doesn't require the partnership of another.
2). Yes, you should of course prioritise your health. Have I? No, no I've not. I've taken loads of drugs and drank heavily. I've also trained heavily. Both my Maternal grandparents smoked like troopers and drank like fish. They were 82 and 83 respectively when they passed away. So🤔, do what ever the fuck you want. I might die tomorrow, I might have 30 years left.
3). Yes, stack sats. I do, and have done for some time. I'll also sell them too😳. Yes, for FIAT😳😳, because that's what makes the fucking world go round.
God speed🫡. 
 This.... could actually work, but sounds freaky. I believe kids should are best staying with their biological parents, when viable. Having kids with a surrogate White mom and then raising her with a Cambodian girl who can't have kids feels very eerie.... 
 She won't go trans at 32(I would be 55 by then). I am getting her from some poor European village when she is 12, marrying in Iran and then I will teach her good patriarchal values. I won't even give her access to social media or any of that crap if I see it will lead to degeneracy.
I agree that the marriage market is hell, but that's where strategy comes into place. Loopholes, weaknesses, innovation. 
 Can you speak Portuguese? I have heard the story of some Brazilian guy who paid a dowry on the emirates to get himself a wife. When he got her to Brazil, she wouldn't even speak Portuguese, watch TV or anything. To him, that was good, because the culture is a cancerous slob. She would basically stay at home working and taking care of his kids.
Also, high-investment path? Sure. It has to be. I mean, look at us. We are in fucking Nostr. Meanwhile normgroids in England are getting 3 years in jail for posts on Niggerbook. We have to invest. We have to break from the wave of judaism. 
 A wife is not a pot plant, bro! You're looking at an unthinkable time commitment if youre her only social support.

I can recommend finding a wife socially embedded in a culture you respect for what it is today (who cares what a culture was a century ago?), and who some other poor devil has already gone through the trouble of raising and educating :D 
 Hmmm social support? Idk. She will have to take care of the kids and of the house, but eh, social support..... she's gonna have to wait for me to get home. Either that, or she watches anime carefully selected by me.
Hmmmm nah, what if I ace the whole poor devil teaches girl how to be ultra patriarchal pro-TND submissive wifey? 
I mean, sure, worse case scenario I marry a..... (((18))) (no 16!) yrs old White woman. But she has to be a virgin.
Anything above 22 is an absolute no! 
 Well, he is jewish and likes blacked porn, so he must have many sins indeed. 
 A wife is not a pot plant, bro! You're looking at an unthinkable time commitment if youre her only social support.

I can recommend finding a wife socially embedded in a culture you respect for what it is today (who cares what a culture was a century ago?), and who some other poor devil has already gone through the trouble of raising and educating :D 
 Hmmm social support? Idk. She will have to take care of the kids and of the house, but eh, social support..... she's gonna have to wait for me to get home. Either that, or she watches anime carefully selected by me.
Hmmmm nah, what if I ace the whole poor devil teaches girl how to be ultra patriarchal pro-TND submissive wifey? 
I mean, sure, worse case scenario I marry a..... (((18))) (no 16!) yrs old White woman. But she has to be a virgin.
Anything above 22 is an absolute no! 
 i am not interested in dating animals.

don't know if you realize this but being Ukrainian and with all Ukrainian men dying at war i could easily get a Ukrainian wife but i don't want to.

why ?  because it took me 20 years to Americanize and i am not going to waste another 20 years explaining to a girl from Ukraine how life in the 1st world works.

i want to surround myself with people who push me to be my best not people whom i have to drag by the hair so they can even stand a chance of passing for a human being. 
 weird jew 
 I do want a doomstead farm for my future lineage, yes. First money, though. 
 weird jew 
 Americanization is so gay and low tier. Maybe if the girl is a KKK enthusiast. Jim Crow enthusiast. That type of Americanization I could dig 
 i had a refugee from Ukraine living in this house looking after Grandma when she was alive but near death and the most difficult aspect of dealing with him was he had no sense of time having value ...

he was in his 60s but he was like a child in how careless he was with his time because he came from a culture where you just kind of drift through life rather than create your life ...

it was hard for me because whenever i tried to explain to him that my time had value and i couldn't just waste it on him he would take it as a personal offense ...

i can't deal with that ... 
 Aren't they already Nazis? 
 Girls from the Ukraine 
 I wish. 
 because you never lived in a 3rd world country you will not understand what Americanization is.

but the way you perceive everything is completely different in a Communist country vs 3rd world country vs 1st world country.

for example in Soviet Union we didn't have such a thing as "paper towels" - it was unthinkable to buy something just to throw it away.  we also didn't have dishwashers or even washing machines - everything was washed by hand.

to adjust from 3rd world to 1st world life is like adjusting to life on another planet. 
 in the 3rd world objects have value but time has no value.

in the 1st world it is the opposite.

it takes MANY YEARS for that mindset to change.

and so on ... 
 Bro, I dated a village girl from M'sia for four years. Brilliant and highly educated village girl, but...

I do know what you're talking about, I just don't share your conclusions.

Might have married that village girl had she been less insane. It would be kind of a flex to take one like that out socially, yup this my wife now you have to be fake and deal with it. 
 What kinda insane stuff would she do? 
 Bro, I dated a village girl from M'sia for four years. Brilliant and highly educated village girl, but...

I do know what you're talking about, I just don't share your conclusions.

Might have married that village girl had she been less insane. It would be kind of a flex to take one like that out socially, yup this my wife now you have to be fake and deal with it. 
 What kinda insane stuff would she do? 
 i had a refugee from Ukraine living in this house looking after Grandma when she was alive but near death and the most difficult aspect of dealing with him was he had no sense of time having value ...

he was in his 60s but he was like a child in how careless he was with his time because he came from a culture where you just kind of drift through life rather than create your life ...

it was hard for me because whenever i tried to explain to him that my time had value and i couldn't just waste it on him he would take it as a personal offense ...

i can't deal with that ... 
 Bad parenting/creation, if you ask me. 
 true.  when i worked in Manhattan when i was still fresh from Ukaine, i always saw women running in suits and high heels and i could never understand why they are running ...

it is only decades later i understand that those women outcompeted many others by finding more time to work and study and only a mind set in which every second counts got them there and that's why they can't walk and must run ...

you only see this in Manhattan and even then maybe not anymore as i haven't been there in a while except just driving through ... but working 100 hour weeks is common in Manhattan ... 
 Aren't they already Nazis? 
 Girls from the Ukraine 
 I wish. 
 Girls from the Ukraine 
 I wish. 
 I wish. 
 There is zero irony in what I said. You are missing part of your soul.  
 You are a gross smelly goblin. Get muted.