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 4. Raise great kids
1. No vaccines of any kind
Be prepared to go to war against the establishment.  Lying, forging, cheating are all honorable tactics in fighting medical tyranny.

2. Trash the TV
Make your house TV-free. Only use screens out of sight of kids. 

3. Teach them to read early
We used "Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons"

4. Healthy whole foods
Let them cook and shop at the farmers market with you. Cooking is part of homeschooling.

5. Hybrid homeschool
Best model for us. At home we had structured 8a-2p day but within that was cooking, sports, and massive amount of board game play.

6. Board games
Most important learning tool of all. Math, risk, engine building, game theory, creativity, competition are all learned via games.

7. No phone until 12yo
No social media ever, no screens in the bedroom, ever. They do their screen homework in the kitchen.

8. Adjust relationship as they mature
First be a strong leader that is consistent, firm and loving. Morph into a guide that allows kids to make mistakes. Lastly, become a resource when they need advice or help.

9. Incentivize self investment
No social media is an agreement. In exchange they get $50k/year from 18 to 22. They can use it for college, investing or starting a business. They decide to use social? Why should you invest in them if they won't invest in themselves?

10. Constantly critique your parenting and work to be better.
A good guide post is: Be your child’s best friend when they are 30, not when they are 10.

 What do you classify as social Media? Without YouTube I would not have found Bitcoin or been as insprired to take care of my health and fitness. But it also took away many hours that I could have used to learn important skills. 
 We let our kids use YouTube on a computer in the kitchen but not on their phones as teenagers. Agree it's a tough one because there is so much valuable info there. 

Imsta, tiktok, Snapchat etc all totally out. Our oldest said not having Snapchat would ruin her life but lo and behold she's in college now on a full academic scholarship with lots of friends and no prescriptions.