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 If you are avoiding seed / vegetable oils and love hard cheese, check its nutrition table to see proportions of saturated and monounsaturated fats 😁. Same in ghee butter.
Sorry guys, anything made from milk is also bad. Not just for this reason.
Maybe natural sour milk once a year is fine... 
 I’m sorry but that is just false. But, feel free to spread your opinions to the masses.
Raw milk is totally fine and so are cheeses in moderation like most things. 
 Sure, we can disagree there. But in terms of fats this is fact: only ~80% of its fat is saturated fat (saturated is the only one in any other parts of cattle), while the remaining 20% fat is monounsaturated, same as in all plants except palms and coconuts. 
 What’s your point? Brain needs fat to function and survive? 
 There are different kinds of fat. Fat types are not so much about specifically brain, it is overall body health. Explained in the note I attach.
Once you know that monounsaturated fats are bad for you, and start avoiding seed/vegetable oils, there is no point getting the same fats but from milk. But sure, 20% bad fat from milk is better than 100% of it from plant oils.
 To add to my other reply on fats, here are the other concerns about milk:
 To add even more: all tested for many years on me, and works like a charm.
To add to the health concerns, and actually that explains why those health hazards exist, there is also a moral side of the business:
It is OK to kill your food, whatever it is, an animal, a plant, a seed, an egg. But it is not OK to limit anybody's and anything's freedom even a slightest bit, including animals and even plants. So if the cow did not come from the woods ininvited and did not bring the milk to you in a bowl, did not put her nipple into your mouth, and you did not find the milk somewhere in nature in some sort of pool or nest, the milk is not OK, because it is obtained by abusing the animal. Same as it is not OK to keep any animal fenced nor catching a wild pig, cutting of one of its muscles for your food and letting it go. The same with milk. Babies have it, others don't have it. 
 The natural world doesn't work this way. If you wait your pray to come in your mouth you will be dead soon. This is valid for all the predators and all the herbivores that eat plants that are alive too. And so on. 
 So you are confirming what I wrote. It is fine to kill, it is not fine to enslave. 
 If we take one more step: if smb kills and eats smb who enslaves, is the first smb double virtuous? 🤔 
 Well... do you know any living being that is not enslaved here? 
 I’m not enslaved 🤷‍♂️ 
 I'm quite free, more than he majority of the population. Still I need a passport to travel and money just to keep my properties. Even if I'm quite good at keeping my time for myself I cannot decide 100% to be by myself because there are no remaining places on this planet without rules 
 So rules mean we are enslaved? Y’all’s definition of freedom must differ from mine. I’m saying i am as free as i can be within the constructs of society 
 The issue is this is not the construct of the society anymore. Everybody can agree that this framework makes almost impossible for regular people to enrich themselves while keeps rich in their spot. Is more like a caste system than a set of rules for the well being of the population. 
 Rules that could be avoided only by very exceptional individuals in the population, like less than 0.1% population, are enslavement. Or more like overpopulation. But enslavement of people is a whole new topic. I just want to eat and observe free animals. 
 That’s a grim outlook to think 99.9% of population is wnslaced. But to each is own 🤷‍♂️. I eat and observe free animals, it’s called hunting in Wyoming 🤝👊 
 As long as this is all you want to do, and you do not have to do things you do not want, you seem to be free.
But it is also a little bit about what those wants are exactly. For instance my brother thinks he wants to go to doctor and eat pills because they save him from his fate, and that sickness is a given, like fate. Of course he has his explanation why I am healthy. That is because firstly I am lucky and have genes of an uncle of a grandma who is also said to have been healthy. And I was always physically better built. And that because as a child (when we both ate the same rubish) I was the one who was more sick, so I got immunity to everything as an old man. And he will not even try any of my diets, because reducing plant and milk contents in his food will kill him, given his already poor health. And doctor's pills are sacred, of course.
AND, he also wants to fight Russians. Because russians have always tried to enslave lithuanians. Except the russians he knows personally, of course. Those are all nice people and excellent engineers, but all those other russians that he does not know, are bad as they have always been.
Of course, he wants to drive under speed limit, wear mask, isolate and vaxx when told, pay taxes, and all that. 
And he will die defending all these countless freedoms that he has.
He is nothing special, just like everybody outside Nostr. On Nostr people are not as much lost as those outside, but still. You can't be paranoid enough about what it is you think is true and what you think you want. That is what Buddha essentially taught, and he was right. 2500 years ago. 
 No idea where this went. Don’t seem to disagree on much of it tho? I’m a clean eater and no seed oils, not religious, felon so have had rights taken from be but obtained them back, and I am free in my choices, day to day, and I’m at peace rn, I hope your health gets better tho, any ways I can help let me know 🤷‍♂️🫂🤝🫶👊 
 Yup, @calimike is not enslaved, most insects, foxes, bears, mooses, bores, snakes,  birds, fish. Not enough wild food for all people, but that is why you need to be rich, and why we do not need that many people if we want everyone to be rich. 
 So it appears I was wrong on fats. Monounsaturated fats are not the devil. Omega-6 are. Tallow is very comparable to ghee butter, apparently. Still, the other factors against milk stand.
But then why is this?: I have not used for frying anything other than tallow for a very long time. Friends did not have any tallow, so we used ghee butter to fry the same meat as we always do. And it tasted to me like fried in vegetable oil, the taste I remember from years back. It tasted poor. How so? 
 Let’s simplify a bit. 

Most fats are a good nutrient dense food. 

Id venture to say that even seed oils when raw aren’t *that bad.  (Flax, grapeseed)
The bigger problem is the way they process them in bulk damages them.  “Cold pressing” uses no heat so it remains raw but is expensive to do with large quantities of seeds so instead they boil and separate the fat out. 
This damages the oil and effectively makes it rancid in the body. 
You should never heat an oil past its smoke point. (Even tallow)

*As a general rule avoid seed and vegetable oils.  (Corn, Canola)
Nature develop interesting ways of discouraging foraging animals from eating their seeds.  (Toxins)
A fruit that contains seed is different, the plant is using the yummy fruit as a way of disbursement. (Olive, avocado)

Always Buy cold pressed.

Omega-9 and Omega-6 are delicate. should be eaten raw and not exposed to heat.

Do a quick search when barbecuing or broiling as to not exceed smoke point temps. 
 Did you zap your own tweet here? ;)  
 Milk is totally ok if your DNA made.you able to digest it. If not it's not ok. We are not all the same 
 Not quite. It is like casual alcoholic saying, "oh I don't get drunk" until his liver starts complaining and either motivates him to get straight, or he is a toast.
With milk, you "tolerate" it while only wearing man-boobs, and same on women but less visible due to unhealthy aesthetic standards for millenniums, until you get cancer, blame tobacco or your wonderful genes that tolerates milk, and usually toast yourself with chemo. 
 Well considering my age and my health this is not my situation. I always had milk and I still drink a big full cap of milk every day with some coffee. I'm under zero medication, never had a surgery, my teeth are perfect without a dentist and my daily schedule is 14 hours of work. My grampa retired at my age plus one. Btw I don't have a   single white hair on my head and I eat a lot of meat and salad. 
 I am like you with age and all the health, except I don't eat milk, eat a little selected vegetables and fruits, eat mostly meat of animals with horns, wild fish, and eggs. But most important exceptions are:
I hardly ever work (neither physical nor brain)
I read much
I learn a bit
Listen to music much
Be with city and nature sounds outside much
I don't exercise other than run 5 km like twice or once a week
I mostly lie down, don't sit unless I drive or eat
I don't drive much
I eat once a day, no snacks
I get much sun on full body daily
I smoke good cigars (not cigarillos) daily
I drink much black coffee and green tea 
 Looks good. I lived in nature for the last 15 years and outside a little city the previous life. I keep young not watching TV or newspapers. I studied a lot but have more fun building and fixing stuff. Never smoked in my life. Beer and wine just because I like to cook and some specific food require a specific drink. I don't.crave alcohol. I've never been addicted to anything. 
 We have more in common than we are different. 
 I am glad for you still. Surely reasonable amounts of milk alone should not kill you. Unlike alcohol 😉