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 Well considering my age and my health this is not my situation. I always had milk and I still drink a big full cap of milk every day with some coffee. I'm under zero medication, never had a surgery, my teeth are perfect without a dentist and my daily schedule is 14 hours of work. My grampa retired at my age plus one. Btw I don't have a   single white hair on my head and I eat a lot of meat and salad. 
 I am like you with age and all the health, except I don't eat milk, eat a little selected vegetables and fruits, eat mostly meat of animals with horns, wild fish, and eggs. But most important exceptions are:
I hardly ever work (neither physical nor brain)
I read much
I learn a bit
Listen to music much
Be with city and nature sounds outside much
I don't exercise other than run 5 km like twice or once a week
I mostly lie down, don't sit unless I drive or eat
I don't drive much
I eat once a day, no snacks
I get much sun on full body daily
I smoke good cigars (not cigarillos) daily
I drink much black coffee and green tea 
 Looks good. I lived in nature for the last 15 years and outside a little city the previous life. I keep young not watching TV or newspapers. I studied a lot but have more fun building and fixing stuff. Never smoked in my life. Beer and wine just because I like to cook and some specific food require a specific drink. I don't.crave alcohol. I've never been addicted to anything. 
 We have more in common than we are different. 
 I am glad for you still. Surely reasonable amounts of milk alone should not kill you. Unlike alcohol 😉