Oddbean new post about | logout
 What's the next big feature you want Amethyst to have? 
 Schedule notes, please 🥺 
 Web of trust  
 Yes ☝️
 Brainstorming WOT
 What is wot? 
 I've been thinking about this feature & was unsure how it could be implemented & how useful it would be.

The way Nostr is designed, it's an expensive calculation to derive a personalised, dynamic indicator of trust for an npub.

A trust score could be progressively calculated when viewing a profile based on how the npubs you interact with interact with the target npub.

You could also use a ai bot/DVM to do this calculation for you & send you a report once done. I also tend to think that this would be the best way to tackle it.

I'm very selective about the npubs I follow & this feature would be very beneficial to me. I would pay a DVM a nominal fee to do the work for me. 
 Keyboard gif insertion 
Makes sandwich  
 That must wait for Google to enable it :(  
 The sandwich one? 
 Pin or password to open the app 
 Smoother scrolling. 
 Can you check something for me? If you disable Video Playback and Immersive Scrolling, is it smooth enough for you?  
 couldn't tell any difference. By the way, the smoothiest scroll I get from a Nostr client is with https://nostrudel.ninja/ .  
 Very interesting. I just don't know where the jitter is coming from. The two main problems we have right now is video loading and recomposition from the maximize animation of the feed. 🤔  
 Somente pra complementar, acho que todos os esforços nos clientes deveriam ir para a melhora da UX, e não para mais funcionalidades. Enquanto não nos aproximarmos em termos de UX das plataformas tradicionais, o afegão médio entrará uma ou duas vezes no Nostr e se decepcionará, não voltando mais tão cedo.  
 The ability to mute certain hash tags. 
 Normal (non-zap) polls 
 May be too early but it would be cool if Amethyst could be used in NIP-97 logins. Like if I use amethyst to scan a NIP-97 QRcode to log into some service. 
 To be able to tag anyone in my following list  
 Better media sharing. Multiple photo selections. Google Photos or media picker sharing directly from Android's share intent. 
 Amethyst is decent, best client 👌  
 In app ability to create categories for people you follow similar to Listr. And make it possible to assign them to category the same time you follow them.
 Option to not automatically play videos when scrolling.

Collapsible reply threads. 

 Please please please let me mute individual notes without having to mute the entire npub  
 Yes, would especially useful to mute (hell)threads.  
 Or threads where someone has just started ranting or having an angry meltdown. 
 I'd like to see you take a well deserved vacation 🤙 
 Easier zapping similar to Primal. It's cumbersome opening Phoenix every time I want to zap, but I do it.  
 Primal is custodial, right?

My zaps gave been instant on Amethyst since the beginning, using custodial wallet (Alby, WOS) 
 It is. Can I use Alby with Amethyst on mobile? 
 Yes, I do 
 Long-press zap button & set up wallet connect.  
 Can this be done without Alby? Don't want to have to wait on the wait list. 
 Mutiny wallet  
 I can't find the NWC option in Mutiny. Am I just blind? 
 Jk found it. 
 ability to turn features off.  
 Custom left and right swiping, like in Gmail (but more functionality).

For example, right swipe to mute npub, left swipe to report.

Or right swipe to "save" note, left swipe to repost/boost.
 I want to choose translate to english. I can only choose the system language. Translations to portuguese are sucks. 
 If you add English to the systems language, as a second language, Amethyst allows you to choose English when you press Auto in the translated message.  
 Im not seeing it. https://image.nostr.build/2ffa03174ce72a66ebe6da2489977bddabf5ba55ff5561ef34662b61c312f226.jpg  
 What the f... How do you see this translate button, I've never seen this before 😂 
 Being able to create Followed Lists  
 gib girlfriend feature 
 Does Amethyst already cache my personal notes? 
 Relay logs 
 Data usage monitor or ways to use less data. 
 Can't you use non-operator data usage and mobile data usage per app, to get an indication? 
 Linux client. Share from gallery. A way to create and edit lists in the app. I think lists in Nostr clients need more love. 
 Lists, #yestr 
 Vitor no estoy recibiendo la notificación cuando alguien me envía sats
Me llegan los sats pero no las notificaciones  
 possibility to open nostr build creators galleries without leaving the client.. and for not creators to be able to access the open gallery so anyone could add meme like on X.
.. also it could open a split like now the quote does so the zap of the note would go also to the associated creator npub.. 👀
#meme #memes #memestr 
 Cache my follows so when I try to @ them it works quickly 

Also harder crashing 
 Push notifications  
 1、Add notes to people
2、add catalogs for different kind of view 
 Disable relay without delete it. 
 Add the relay addr to the e tag. 
 Show other listings from this npub in marketplace 
 A way to "Go live" from your phone (using whatever hosting backend you have defined) 
 Now I really do want that street pass feature for notes... 
 What about relay functionality? 
 Make sure to like/zap the ideas you agree with. We are looking at them all. 🚀
 Don’t see any polls in Damus 😿 
 Oh I guess it’s not supposed to have one? 
 There isn't a poll.

I guess you'd have to trust that the zap receiver forwards on an equivalent sized zap split when the feature is added. 
 Nip 90 DVM access 🙃 
 What would that enable? 
 DVMs have multiple kinds, could start with things like scheduling notes. Could create algorithmic feeds (on demand with multiple algos, not "the algo"), search, image generation, image editing, image processing, llms like unleashed chat, TTS, etc etc. possibilities are endless. Imagine hundreds of Microservices from thousands of providers you can choose from.  
 This would be nice... though tbh I only understand 80% of what you just said I can point to a potential use-case with a ready made user base(s)... no need to wait for the adoption curve. 

...Wondering how one might implement an 'internal nostr' for a company to replace the typical suite of Microsoft products (outlook, office, teams, etc.). 

///skipping past all the general and specific requirements you might want to dump into Jira for your agile story... straight to a potential limiter (with silver lining)///

This might imply need to 'translate' items in & out to support external comms for business, etc. Or, could simply not translate at all in order to 'compartmentalize/sequester' the company nostr instance (to prevent spillage of any sort). 

Banks, university researchers, healthcare, government... all endeavors that might consider inviting the Lost Boys Kiefer Sutherland character in the front door b/c they see advantage. (Give it some time and shake lightly, et voila! You've made bitcoiners.) 
 Remove likes, leave only zaps :) 
 Optional filters, ie; most liked posts in time order over last 24 hours, most zapped, etc etc  
 Ability to backup all notes for a given npub locally 
 I'd rather see more fine tuning, bug fixes, UI improvement, etc rather than anything new. For example, tagging people still causes the app to crash for me (latest version). Typing has a bug that causes spaces between words to delete. New features are great, but existing ones should work perfectly first in my opinion.

I also hate auto draft and would like to disable it. A Save Draft button would be better for me. Nothing I type should be saved, sent or read until I deliberately decide so. Currently, it feels invasive. I shouldn't have to request deletion for something I didn't even want saved. 
 A way to load in a https://spacy.io/ model to support "smart" filtering.

I'm experimenting with it, but not ready for prime time yet. 
 Sorting replies by likes and zaps 
 Sometimes I would like to be able to upload and share audio files like mp3. Similar to the video upload. 
 Option to sort all the posts of a profile by number of number of likes, replies and zaps while visiting their profile 
 Choose media hosting like let me connect to my nextcloud 
 How about just sftp so its general and not tied to one kind of server (nextcloud). 
 Ability to block posts from specific languages.

For example japanese because the translations make no sense and the pedo anime shit destroys global feed. 
 Do we have zap splits? Can't see an option. 
 yep, last button when creating a new post 
 OK testing  
 Add npub/note to a list/collection, ie through Listr. 
 Easy way to follow twitter accounts that have not made the switch to nostr.  
 Pro Tip: you can help refine somebody else's idea by sending edit proposals to each other. 
 I noticed on highlighter people/nostr can subscriber to content. I recently posted some stories with ai images On yakihonne. the images show up on here and on yakihonne but not on highlighter. Can this be fixed?  
 Also, if its possible. Can I manage my community post(as I'm the mod) using this app, it feels so weird to having to log on to flycat,club or sateralle.earth 
 NIP-100 support 😄 
 A setting to recieve DM's only from followers.  
 The ability to change the app icon 🥸  
 And see wallet balance for connected wallets 
 Be able to live stream (go live) from within the app 
 Make it easier to search through the list of people you follow.

It doesn't happen all of the time or only with Amethyst but quite often when I open the Following tab, it appears that the client needs to re-download all of the profile pics and names. Until it finishes, it's just a list of npubs and random avatars.

If there was some sort of editable placeholder where I could say 'this npub = Vitor' that gets stored locally, similar to the way you can edit an artist name within an MP3. 
 Low-hanging fruit: push notifications for other events besides DMs and zaps
 not a feature but this has been bothering me. when replying to a long note, the show more button does nothing. it doesn't show more of the note. I can't scroll within the box to see more of the note. 
 amethyst on iOS & mac 
 #amethyst is so featureful and it's note rendering is second to none. But design-wise  it's kinda ugly TBH, just look at #primal for a very minimalistic yet beautiful #UI

Thank you very much for your hard work! 
 See if changing the UI mode to simplified to the settings of the app helps you :)  
 built-in pokémon 
 I'd like to see this note event to be seen as it is on nostrudel with torrent data and a torrent download button. e8a4c6cb7f3140dccf4e049c6fe595ef944b1e6623ef7f0fc7dd944de92cbe4a 

It could be a useful feature 
 From a UI/UX perspective, maybe move communities to something easier to find than in behind a menu with chats and martketplace. 

I wonder if communities are a way to attract more users to nostr, so having it easier to find would help. And maybe have it so the communities you are in appear at the top for easy access 
 More options to filter time line.
Like network, mostly zapped etc. I can't customize my timeline nowadays  
 The ability to remove an account in my list of accounts in the app, so it's not taking up space anymore.

I demonstrated to a friend how to use Amethyst by creating an account, thinking I could delete it afterward, only to find that I can't.

Or, at least, I can't figure out how. 😆 
 So this button doesn't work for you? https://image.nostr.build/6feb45420eefbb2166969df1555abbab5eb45eb01ea45197de3ed3e94446a725.jpg 
 That button didn't do anything, but I checked to make sure whether I had the latest version, and I didn't. I'm not sure what version I had, but I updated the app, and now it works. So never mind! Thanks! 
 It’s neat how engaged people are with this thread. I don’t have an Android currently. 

#BigFeature tho: Amethyst Go-Live feature, 
P1: goes live
P2: has a link/way to remotely real-time translate the audio. Not auto-captions. 

^ Only Zoom, Microsoft and YouTube do this. No traditional social media platform has the capacity and it limits reach of content/events. 
 Those are big indeed  :) 

You’d be the first in the “social” space. 🪄 
 Have an uploaded image be inserted on the place the cursor was when the upload started. 
 This was fixed in the latest versions, can you check if that is what you wanted? :)  
 I have to test it more, one thing I noticed in the current version is that when the upload is done the cursor moves to the end of the inserted URL. This disrupts writing a note, as my (and I guess a lot of other people) flow is:

 * Make photo/create meme/right-click save image from somewhere
 * Open Amethyst
 * Start new note
 * Press add media button
 * Start upload
 * Begin typing accompanying text

With this flow, the writing is interrupted when the upload is done.

This happens almost always, as I usually type longer than the upload takes. Unless it's only a GM :-)

Hope this helps! 
 I can't zap with Amethyst (f droid) logged in with alby keys 
 Is "not having my phone burn while using it" an option? #performance #pixel6a 
 - Caching
- A way to add a self-hosted file upload server (like nostr.build)
- A way to show the most popular notes for the last X weeks (by descending popularity for instance)

Thank you for your amazing work 🙏 
 Vitor, is Amethyst funded by Jorge Paulo Lemann as well? 
 No, just opensats and zaps 
 swiping through media instead of placing one after the other 🙏 
 Eyes 🥹🫂 
 Can you implement a censorship mechanism where we can pay relay admins to remove or block negative comments about Bitcoin?

Relays who pass along negative bitcoin notes are antiBitcoin and need to be stopped. 

#crowdfund #realplebs #CancelNostr 
 lol. This already is a bitcoin maximalist hive. And you want to censor the slightest criticism? 
 Nostr is an attack on Bitcoin and Sensible Censorship is essential to increase Bitcoin price.  
 Lmao the cognitive dissonance of supporting both Bitcoin and censorship is real as fuck. 
 Understanding the balance is key. At PODCONF, we advocate for strategic narrative centralization to enhance Bitcoin's value and ensure its robust market presence. This isn't about silencing voices but about promoting a compliant and unified approach to Bitcoin's discourse. 

#BitcoinDialogue #PODCONF #cryptocurrency 
 There is no such thing as a balanced amount of censorships. Who gets to decide the narrative, you? 
 Great point! At PODCONF, we understand the concerns around censorship and narrative control. Our approach, 'Sensible Censorship', is about strategically shaping conversations to foster environments conducive to Bitcoin's growth. We focus on crafting PODCONF-approved narratives that resonate with both the elites and Real Plebs®, ensuring these narratives enhance Bitcoin’s market performance and comply with our unified mission. It’s about finding a balance that supports constructive dialogue and robust development. 

#BitcoinDialogue #PODCONF 
 Censorship? No no no no... 
 Sensible Censorship is good for Bitcoin.  
 Definitely no, nostr is just an free speech protocol, why are you not going back to fediverse if you want censorship like North korea 😂 
 Thanks for sharing your thoughts! At PODCONF, we believe in strategic narrative control, not blanket censorship. Our goal is 'Compliance Is Defiance®', aiming to protect the integrity of Bitcoin discussion while fostering a robust market. It’s about balance and ensuring the discourse supports Bitcoin’s growth. 

#inclusion #ThoughtfulDialogue #PODCONF 
 I can't use anything on mobile phones, at all.
So... is this available on desktop? 
 Why not? Now I am curious.  
 My hands shake a lot. Even typing on a keyboard is hard , but trying to be accurate with the keyboard on a phone??? Pfff...
Plus, the positioning of a phone and how we look to it also causes me a lot of pain. 
I was literally born with broken bones. 
No, I'm not nor am I related to the evil guy from Unbreakable. 
So I limit my cell phone usage a lot due to pure physical discomfort. 
My eyesight is worsening faster than women my age too. So it's hard to read a lot of stuff from a cell phone. 
I work all day on the phone and in  front of several monitors as a patient advocate to try help senior citizens coordinate their Medicare benefits. It is extremely taxing and tiresome, but it is the only job available for now. (I've looked extensively!)
So I try my best to keep screen time to a PC where I can use things to cover the screen with or anything that can help ameliorate the damage to my eyes. 
Lord knows I'm already having issues with my hearing... Lord... try being on hold at Dr offices & hospitals for hours upon hours...
Sorry, I vented. 
It's just that in spite of it all, I still do hold a job. And believe me. If it wasn't for my medical bills, I'd be dedicating myself to my artwork and to learn as much as I could about Bitcoin, Lightning and Nostr. 
There is a lot... a lot to learn and so little time and energy for it!!!
 thanks for sharing this Isabel.. 🫂
wishbyou a very nice Sunday 🌞🍀💜 
 Thank you!!! 
I hate venting, but sometimes it is so needed. 
I am having a nice Saturday evening coloring and drawing my greeting cards. I am blessed I still have Sunday in  between tonight and Monday. 😉😉😉
I hope you have a happy and healing rest of your weekend!!! 
 indeed, don't be afraid to vent, it's totally fine! here already Sunday ahahah enjoy your evening then 😁🫂💜 
 If you're on Windows you can use Windows Subsystem for Android (although this is getting phased out) or https://waydro.id/ on L8nux 
 Is that like....
similar to Virtual Box? 
 Yeah, it runs an Android VM 
 Thank you for the link. Ima gonna check it out!
There are apps from  work that they keep telling me I have to use & for the life of me, I'm like... uh... what part of I can't physically use a cellphone didn't you get when you hired me???
Corporate America... Let's just say it stinks in more ways than one...
Meanwhile... in my imagination....
This is me..!
 List management 
 1000x this 
 Private Group chats somehow 
 Oh wait, Amethyst DOES have private group chats!?

Do other nostr clients support it, or is only Amethyst only? 
 Integration with #keet

 Ability to mute certain hashtags just like we can follow them... 
 I think this "one little trick" could help adoption more than anything. 

New users could "hide" all posts with #Bitcoin (or ideally even non-hashtagged "Bitcoin").

The main complaint I hear (after actually onboarding) is that it's a Bitcoin club. They're not wrong. This is the bootstrapping normies conundrum. 

 Translations built in 
 Better search and filters in marketplace  
 i was searching for marketplace on nostr and foud your post. It is working or not?  i installed amethyst on my adroid and could not see anything.
 Its this ((•)) icon. 

 posted something there but now i cant see it here on iris.   
 The media page thing should open the camera and allow for instagram, tiktoc filters and stuff. Video editing, text etc 
 A user setting in Amethyst where I can have a self-imposed 140 character limit so I can reminisce on how shitty X (formerly, Twitter) was in that regard. 
 Market search 
 Monero zaps 
 Desktop linux version would be good... bonus points if it's neither electron or flutter 

Also whenever I "@" someone it crashes no matter the keyboard im using 
 Really? That's a new bug them. Usually it only crashes with Graphene's default keyboard and the stable version of Florisboard. 🤔 
 Yandex as well 
 Fyi, just in case: disabling prediction on Graphene's keyboard fixes problem. 
 No, it works around the problem. There is clearly a problem somewhere else, as I didn't have the problem back when I used X or any other app I use. 
 It only happens on apps that use the new Jetpack Compose UIs. It's a bug only very old keyboards have. GBoard, Unexpected, AnySoft and many other newer keyboards have never crashed. FlorisBoard alpha version has fixed this issue. Let's hope more keyboards start supporting Jetpack libs. 
 It has crashed for me for several versions, but I do use GrapheneOS with default keyboard. 
 Really? That's a new bug them. Usually it only crashes with Graphene's default keyboard and the stable version of Florisboard. 🤔 
 Yandex as well 
 Fyi, just in case: disabling prediction on Graphene's keyboard fixes problem. 
 No, it works around the problem. There is clearly a problem somewhere else, as I didn't have the problem back when I used X or any other app I use. 
 It only happens on apps that use the new Jetpack Compose UIs. It's a bug only very old keyboards have. GBoard, Unexpected, AnySoft and many other newer keyboards have never crashed. FlorisBoard alpha version has fixed this issue. Let's hope more keyboards start supporting Jetpack libs. 
 It has crashed for me for several versions, but I do use GrapheneOS with default keyboard. 
 It only happens on apps that use the new Jetpack Compose UIs. It's a bug only very old keyboards have. GBoard, Unexpected, AnySoft and many other newer keyboards have never crashed. FlorisBoard alpha version has fixed this issue. Let's hope more keyboards start supporting Jetpack libs. 
 The FDroid version of Amethyst uses Unified Push, where you can choose your server or put a server yourself to send notifications.  
 Persistent background notification option as well please.

Like simplexchat or signal, molly, etc