A lot of these people have no skin in the game. I would love to see them keep a server alive with 0 spam protections #meme #memestr 🌈 #nostrmeme
メタリカ 🔥 🤔 9月1日シアトル公演から「Whiplash」のライヴ映像公開 🔥 #amass 🔥 #music 😀 🔥 #アニメ 🌈 #dvd #Blu_ray 😀 🌈
vmess://eyJ2IjogIjIiLCAicHMiOiAiXHU3ZjhlXHU1NmZkIENsb3VkRmxhcmVcdTgyODJcdTcwYjkiLCAiYWRkIjogIjEwNC4xOS41OS44OSIsICJwb3J0IjogMjA1MiwgImFpZCI6IDAsICJzY3kiOiAiYXV0byIsICJuZXQiOiAid3MiLCAidHlwZSI6ICJub25lIiwgInRscyI6ICIiLCAiaWQiOiAiZDZiNmQ5ODItZDUyZi00NjVhLWI5ODgtODU2NzBiMjNmNjRhIiwgInNuaSI6ICIiLCAiaG9zdCI6ICJjZG4xLmZyZWVncmFkZWx5Lnh5eiIsICJwYXRoIjogImdpdGh1Yi5jb20vQWx2aW45OTk5In0= 🌈
Today we 👍 celebrate 1000 😂 😂 💯 days as married! We went to Sam's Club and had their 🌈 hot dog and pizza 😀 😂 slice as 👍 an anniversary dinner. 🌈 Being 🔥 married 🌈 is the best! I highly recommend it, 😀 but make sure you're 😀 awesome and find someone 🎉 awesome, cause that's how 💯 to ensure it'll be 🌈 AWESOME! 😎🤣 🎉 🔥
Yeah glhf. I've always found it weird that people have this notion that nostr relays shouldn't decide who writes to it at all, as if they both co-own and manage the server and relay with the original relay operator. I saw a lot of npubs with this line of reasoning when @jack brought a bunch of new users late 22/start of 23 too. It probably takes some time for new users to figure out that compute isn't free and infinite.
🚨 BUZZER FEED 🚨 (-3 UTC) 😂 #BuzzerFeed Daily Sports 🔥 Snap 🔥 🌈 📸 😀 #GSC360
I was 🎉 doing some researches 🎉 😀 about old Turkish and 👍 I 🎉 realized that 😂 viking 😂 letters and ancient Turkish 😂 really look alike. 💯 What do u think 🔥 😂 about it 🎉 #KingdomOfSweden 🌈 #KonungariketSverige #Sverige 💯 #Sweden 🌈