Oddbean new post about | logout
 If you take your phone between even just your home and work —doxxed locations— it is trivial to associate it with your true-name identity even if all of the hardware and services are perfectly anonymous. Even journalists have managed these kind of investigations. "Anonymized" location data is unfortunely not anonymous — it *can never* be anonymous. And yet it is sold like any other product.

Your phone's movements through physical space are unique. Even if you live in a building of 400 people, the movements of 399 of them are not going to match the tower records of your phone's movements. Even if you work in the same office. People's geographic movements are unique—and identifying. 
 I'm not trying to make you guys wrap yourself in tinfoil— almost nobody needs to be as paranoid as I am, and even I am tremendously lazy about opsec these days. The key is *awareness*: to simply be cognizant of what kind of records you're generating as you go about your life, so you can make informed, reasoned judgments about how much of it you can leave hanging out, and what parts of it you'd rather pay an effort-tax to shield from appearing in somebody's (or everybody's) database. 
 I walked the floor at ISC West (international security conference) last year for shits and gigs. It was fucking terrifying… 

The level of sophistication in surveillance software/hardware is so far beyond what people think it’s insane… and as more and more datasets get integrated together, it only gets worse… 

And this was just the stuff they publicly showcase to any Jabroni like me who walks the floor… 
 Don't worry, it's going to get worse. 
 Well, thank goodness for that… 
 Thanks for visiting Nostr today :D 

Snowden: We are all screwed. Anyways, back to parenting.  
 Is there any way out of being low hanging fruit? 
 This is why Tor, Nostr, and Bitcoin are some of the most important tools being built today. 
 Both are now illegal. All done. Shows over.  
 Oh cool another fake government npub. 
 We are official. Do not listen to any other account.  
 dont forget bittorrent  
 Yeah with that attitude 

 Up until the money dies. Once that happens, who’s going to continue to fund sophisticated surveillance? Governments need citizens and currently there is no need to compete for them. Citizens should have zero fear about their digital footprint. It will change. These things take time. But I agree, currently in clown world under the fiat standard the sky is the limit. 
 Had a recent incident where I was surprised to learn how someone found my contact information. I always thought I kept my personal details offline/non public, but apparently that's not as foolproof as thought! 
 I tried saying, and repeating 20 years ago to anybody who would listen. The government should be banned from leveraging computers in ANY way to tally, track or process any data about US citizens. Including the IRS, DMV, as the lowest level.

There will never be an exit from this. 
 Would the government ban itself from this?  You can't solve the problems caused by the state through the state. 
 Theoretically, there is a Congress, which represents the best interests of the citizens who elect them.

Of course, most here know that's a fairytale. Nullified in the early 1900s 
 This is one argument for the abolition of the income tax. It eliminates one source of information gathering/ surveillance of the public and all of your individual and household economic activity. Pretty much every other tax is preferable to the income tax from a privacy perspective.

#taxes #privacy

 I don't like any taxes, but If we are going to have taxes, I'd like to replace 100% of taxes with a sales tax and that tax must be broken out showing how much is paid to each level of government.  If everyone time someone bought something, they saw how much is being stolen from them they'd be a lot more likely to complain and realize they aren't getting anything for free.  Right now, because income taxes are taken out before they receive a penny, lots of people don't think they pay any taxes so they truly believe they get lots of free stuff. 
 I'm not sure people understand how invasive it'll get. I've been working on a graduate engineering degree. All the new research projects have AI integrated into them. 
  ✔️ Official Linea Airdrop is Live. 

 ✔️ https://telegra.ph/linea-05-20-25 Claim $TBA. 
 What do we do about this? How do we turn the tides? 
 Stop using phones or the internet. 
 Who is paying for this surveillance state ... taxpayers 
 It is always darkest before the dawn 

 Love it. Can point it towards all the normies at work. 
 But it's not something that can be defeated by technology (alone).

The goal has to be to make the data worthless by removing the use cases for the collection and analysis. 
 Recent email: "move your FitBit account into your Google account today! All your exercise and health history stored securely."

 Say more 
 Absofuckinlutely! It's all about threat models. AFAIK I haven't pissed of my government, that much? Apart from the trips to Russia!!! 
 I've come to appreciate your sacrifices and am glad you're jurisdictionally an arms length to be a bit lazy 
 Reynolds’s Wrap dislikes this note 👎 
 tin stops x-rays 
 “Thank you” feels entirely insufficient. Nevertheless… thank you 🙏 
 Yea I can buy Reynolds tinfoil or Deadpool guy's tinfoil but what will keep safe? Wrap my phone in tinfoil? I'm so tracked they will follow me to and from my home and work to the store for the machine or they'll harass and stalk the driver who delivered the package l, etc 
 I hear ya it's just non stop with them. It's enough level. And every time I attend these meetings I'm always surrounded by cops. And this time it's worse. 
 Using grapheneOS WiFi only and somehow disable the radio modem would be best.

I really only need to use my phone as a "computer" at home over VPN and tor for amethyst and Bitcoin Lightning.

Hate the experience on desktop for both due to various reasons.

Pixel 8 pro has an amazing camera for sunsets, landscapes, and nature etc.   Don't need any connection for that photography either till ireturn home.

I am very happy with my pixel and graphene
Thanks for the advice and for everything you do for the world. 
 How do you use the camera on Graphene, i the Graphene camera app sucks, no? 
 https://i.nostr.build/4ovRG.jpg https://i.nostr.build/M5ox6.jpg https://i.nostr.build/gZWB3.jpg https://i.nostr.build/Vw7xq.jpg https://i.nostr.build/KG6Bv.jpg 
 looks good, thank you. so you use the Graphene camera app or the original from Google in a container like shelter? 
 I use both for different controls.  Night time and sunset I use the google pixel camera app.   

Google Services are sandboxed by default in GrapheneOS. 
 did not know that, thank you. so i dont need an extra container app? 
 no.  Graphene does all the hard work and setup for you.

 fantastic thank you 
 Also highly granular app permissions. So you can turn off network access for, say, the Google Camera.  
 Completely agree.
Thanks for your work and service for the free world!
It will be appreciated later or sooner.
 Fuck Zuck 
 Everyone just needs to find something they love that is useful to society and stop playing superheroes. 
 Wow so far the FBI is still pissed about my status in America and still accusing me of requiring an immigration visa to live in America. Even tho I'm an American born citizens. 
 I’m choosing to be on NOSTR as my real identity. It is an informed choice. Privacy is a human right as much as air and water, if I choose to be private for some of my life, that is my freedom. 

Others choose their own privacy.  That is their freedom.

Attempting to stop that freedom should be a crime in all civilised nations. 
 Thank you for saying this part, I find it to be the most important aspect of privacy.  
 Hey I wonder if we should have a NOSTR phone off day or two at random.  This would be in the spirit of messing with the eve droppers.  Thoughts?

I'm thinking it would be great to see their faces when their screens go blank. 
 And you can get someone else to do it for you, and the "price" for that should be something more expensive than money. Sometimes it's harder to hide people behind "7 proxies" than it is to hide network traffic behind "7 proxies". But it's not impossible.
> https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/good-luck-im-behind-7-proxies 
 这个 4chan 梗又和另外一个 "over 9000" 梗串联上了. 其实我还是比较喜欢 HBO 切尔诺贝利里的那个 "3.6 roentgen, not great, not terrible".
3.6 伦琴? 不好也不坏. 除非, 换个盖革计数器再测一次.

 Don't put a sim inside the phone.. for one. Secondly, don't run a googled device. Make sure it's something like GrapheneOS and always in airplane mode so your cellular radio is off at all times. You can use airplane mode and still use wifi or Bluetooth. But make sure you're only connecting then with a VPN.

 Nice recommendations, 95% agree. 
Rethinking this over and over again:
Most of us do not have a threat profile to doubt the integrity of the VPN provider.
Your thoughts? 

 You didn’t mention cell tower timing advance and SS7 
 Is it true that your phone pings various Bluetooth trackers even in retail locations - thus revealing your movement to data brokers? 
 if bluetooth is on at all 
 RN on NOVA https://video.nostr.build/89cd2834aa1d6113762a30c8b478f563af20ba21a9094536c11299e809a1e35f.mp4  
 What’s nova 
 Science show on Alabama Public Television. 
 I'm considering getting a sim-less media device (like an android media player) as my daily phone.  Only thing I'd miss are SMS for logins 

Would that help? 
 You could opt from SMS to email for logins, many places are giving you that choice now… 🤔 
 this really can't be repeated enough.

 So I need more than one phone? lol 🤣 
 if i could only go back somehow..would i? 🤔 would you?

 Get a burner. Problem solved.  
 Shheeesh. I’m going back to the way it was; 
 That wallpaper just hit me in the feels. Wow. I remember that pattern. 
 this one is doxing your location as well 😂 
 Yeah but you aren’t/can’t travel with it. … (dating myself here) having nostalgia for the days when you just had a tape answering machine and that was that. 
 The best using a phone without sim using hotspot router and custom rom with fdroid app store.

Like rob explained in this video.

 Data brokerage is a $200B ind. 
 Everyone should read data and goliath by bruce schneier 
 What can you do though? No phone! 
 Add to the towers triangulating data, there's a gyroscope(position of the phone), accelerometer, barometer(sensor of pressure = your altitude), wifi AP's signals triangulation which greatly enchances your location data.
You can literally be seen walking up/down the stairs.
Every single step.
More. Scrolling through your FB feed tour camera tracking your eyes movement can basicaly think what exactly you're looking at/reading/skipping.
Analyzing your patterns and comparing them to some control/average interactions with the help of AI you can basically be read throughout. 
Stay safe.
 What are your thought about Graphene OS? 
 But even an old nokia would dox you in that sense, so the solution would be no phone at all or other system than antennas. Prople will not give up their phones, so the antenna infra may be where we should focus on. 
 none of this should be a problem except .....
like everything else somebody has to weaponise it.

we can only hope that sanity will return one day
thank you for all you have done and continue to do.

GM 🙃  
 This presumes a SIM card right? 
 your phone connects to cell towers even without a sim.
that's why you can dial 911 without a sim. 
 #086 cop has been following me all around the city for days and no one will give me a ride unless I'm doing laundry after I've been stalked by the cops. There's definitely racial segregation with the black community. Both by the cops enforcing it probably and their own hardened hearts. The nicer I am to the black community the more they push me away. 
 This is why I leave my phone exactly halfway between home and work. I check it in the mornings on the way in and again at the end of the day on the way home. This has enabled me to carry on with my life and not need to move to Russia. 
 During covid the Canadian government bought all the "anonymised" data from from Google to see how often people went out. Yeah it's plain to see if someone was going back to the same house everyday that they live there. Google should not be allowed to sell/give any of this away. 

 True, anyone in telcos knows this for many years.
You might wonder why not all petty crimes are successfully investigated 