Oddbean new post about | logout
 Don't worry, it's going to get worse. 
 Well, thank goodness for that… 
 Thanks for visiting Nostr today :D 

Snowden: We are all screwed. Anyways, back to parenting.  
 Is there any way out of being low hanging fruit? 
 This is why Tor, Nostr, and Bitcoin are some of the most important tools being built today. 
 Both are now illegal. All done. Shows over.  
 Oh cool another fake government npub. 
 We are official. Do not listen to any other account.  
 dont forget bittorrent  
 Yeah with that attitude 

 Up until the money dies. Once that happens, who’s going to continue to fund sophisticated surveillance? Governments need citizens and currently there is no need to compete for them. Citizens should have zero fear about their digital footprint. It will change. These things take time. But I agree, currently in clown world under the fiat standard the sky is the limit. 
 Had a recent incident where I was surprised to learn how someone found my contact information. I always thought I kept my personal details offline/non public, but apparently that's not as foolproof as thought! 
 I tried saying, and repeating 20 years ago to anybody who would listen. The government should be banned from leveraging computers in ANY way to tally, track or process any data about US citizens. Including the IRS, DMV, as the lowest level.

There will never be an exit from this. 
 Would the government ban itself from this?  You can't solve the problems caused by the state through the state. 
 Theoretically, there is a Congress, which represents the best interests of the citizens who elect them.

Of course, most here know that's a fairytale. Nullified in the early 1900s 
 This is one argument for the abolition of the income tax. It eliminates one source of information gathering/ surveillance of the public and all of your individual and household economic activity. Pretty much every other tax is preferable to the income tax from a privacy perspective.

#taxes #privacy

 I don't like any taxes, but If we are going to have taxes, I'd like to replace 100% of taxes with a sales tax and that tax must be broken out showing how much is paid to each level of government.  If everyone time someone bought something, they saw how much is being stolen from them they'd be a lot more likely to complain and realize they aren't getting anything for free.  Right now, because income taxes are taken out before they receive a penny, lots of people don't think they pay any taxes so they truly believe they get lots of free stuff. 
 I'm not sure people understand how invasive it'll get. I've been working on a graduate engineering degree. All the new research projects have AI integrated into them. 
  ✔️ Official Linea Airdrop is Live. 

 ✔️ https://telegra.ph/linea-05-20-25 Claim $TBA. 
 What do we do about this? How do we turn the tides? 
 Stop using phones or the internet. 
 Who is paying for this surveillance state ... taxpayers 
 It is always darkest before the dawn 

 Love it. Can point it towards all the normies at work. 
 But it's not something that can be defeated by technology (alone).

The goal has to be to make the data worthless by removing the use cases for the collection and analysis. 
 Recent email: "move your FitBit account into your Google account today! All your exercise and health history stored securely."
