If it's not a real child, who is being harmed?
We are not morally neutral creatures and neither are we morally unnafected by the content we engage with. No *real* children are portrayed but *real people* are always effected by the fallout of perverse and sinful behaviors and activities, no matter how private we think they are.
Normalizing sexual attraction to children essentially promotes it. The fruits of that increase grooming and attacks on real children. Enabling bad behavior can never diminish it or it's fruits.
It will be made for real people, that kind of content can nourish sick pulsions and make growing the desire of some people to do it on real child
God and His created order can't be harmed, but they can be dishonored. People who view porn are to various extents evil, deceived, and sick. Evil must be destroyed. Lies must be corrected. The sick must be healed, and you don't do that by administering more poison.
You sound like you have a solution to the problem.
His name is Jesus
Fake or real, the mind will create the vibration and send it out into the matrix. Protect yourself from your own thoughts ~ Rumi As we evolve we also strive to protect others from our own thoughts. 🙏
This is not the point. Indirectly, the simple existence of the pornography market feeds a worldwide network of crimes and atrocities. I hate discussions based on intellectual idealism, however, if pornographic content is, apparently, neutral, with regard to its production (which does not make it neutral in other aspects at all), it does not resolve the issue regarding practice in general. With AI and deep fake, the image of real people can be used to generate content, and this will inevitably be done (in fact, it is already being done with celebrities). I'm not even going to go into the issue of copyright, which is another problem just as complex. The man opened Pandora's box with this rubbish called AI. A way of indiscriminately giving vent to what is darkest within the human soul. I see almost nothing good in this technology, and nothing will prevent this from happening. But the fact that something evil is inevitable does not justify the conformation
The question would be what exactly is a deep fake? When you say it is not a real child, is the face not real or the body not real, or both not real. The usual deep fake is using someone's face on a fake body doing fake action. If the face is that of a real child, it's very real harm to the child and the family.
very good point, did not think of possibility of actual real child porn being altered with some sort of face/bodyswap. this will include real childporn. in this case the poll question is not relevant tho, bc it will already be covered in the current law. however, it seems that then it's the matter of finding a proper solution to unite in how to distinguish between real and fake AI footage.. even after editing. problem😬
Whether it’s real or not, if you’re getting off on child porn then that itself should be illegal and immoral and you definitely have a major mental problem.
yea but that's besides the question you cant illegal what's between someone's own mind and eye
If you’re downloading or watching it it’s illegal.
"in this case the poll question is not relevant tho, bc it will already be covered in the current law." 🤝
"you cant illegal what's between someone's own mind and eye" was wrt generating fabricated visuals yourself as in what's in your mind and u create yourself
It would seem to me that the victimization of the is only PART of the crime. It's also a breech of socially accepted moral norm. Which is why the crime isn't simply classified as sexual assault. So fake child porn escapes the victimization-of-a-child criticism. But still runs afoul of the moral code we all accept as part of society
By analogy plagiarism is a violation SEPARATE from the fact that it's a violation against the originator of thw content At least this is how I interpret it..... so I would argue that deepfake child porn should still be illegal insomuch as it's still child porn - regardless of the "realness" of the child
The mind of consumer (individual) at phase 1; The public opinion of western civilization (collective) at phase 2; The Congress laws (violence monopoly) at phase 3.