This is not the point. Indirectly, the simple existence of the pornography market feeds a worldwide network of crimes and atrocities. I hate discussions based on intellectual idealism, however, if pornographic content is, apparently, neutral, with regard to its production (which does not make it neutral in other aspects at all), it does not resolve the issue regarding practice in general. With AI and deep fake, the image of real people can be used to generate content, and this will inevitably be done (in fact, it is already being done with celebrities). I'm not even going to go into the issue of copyright, which is another problem just as complex. The man opened Pandora's box with this rubbish called AI. A way of indiscriminately giving vent to what is darkest within the human soul. I see almost nothing good in this technology, and nothing will prevent this from happening. But the fact that something evil is inevitable does not justify the conformation