The most difficult aspect of the dating dance for men, from both my personal experience and talking to other dudes:
Finding the balance between confidently pursuing the girl you're interested in, while not chasing so hard that you convey neediness/scarcity mindset.
It's a catch-22 at its core, and the target is always moving as every woman has a different sweet spot they want a guy to hit before they reach the "ick zone"
The best way for guys to improve their success rate is by simply practicing, and learning how to play that balance/get better at finding that sweet spot quickly & efficiently in the interaction.
When in doubt, always default on "playing it cool". Or if it's easier, just ask yourself: "What would James Bond do?"
#dating #datestr #masculinity #femininity
90% of dating or attraction is genetics. The fuck is an "Ick Zone"?
James bond would be James Bond. Be yourself and don't sweat it.
Dating is a skillset just like anything else
I used to be absolutely terrible (conveyed major neediness and low masculinity), spent a few years really learning & practicing, and improved significantly
"Be yourself" is a nice sounding phrase, but if people aren't getting the results they want, they should strive to IMPROVE themselves, should they not?
Perspective and philosophy on such a topic can vary greatly. Dating might have a different definition from one person to the next, and hold different a level of value.
Always work on yourself, for yourself and the rest will come naturally.
Being a bitcoiner, you already know what your values are. Don't be a slave to any idea.
She will come. :)
Absolutely agree with that! 💯
We need to let go the irrational fears before we can express our true selves.
If we don't, all we're expressing is our ego or some PUA trick to have a moment of pleasure.
Men are checking out, you get involved with the wrong woman and she’ll fuck your life over, just because. the laws and courts have a huge bias towards women, and they know it.. to the point where they are setting men up. This isn’t by accident.
To date, the first thing is to not ‘act’ and just be who you are.
The initial stages are just fun. Enjoy it. If you think it might be good to be serious that's when you have to be careful.
First, do you like her mother? She will become her mother as she gets older. What is her history? Don't get serious if she's ever been a skit or had issues with the law.
Don't get serious if they have kids. It causes many problems when you have to raise kids with someone else rules.
Use common sense. Don't do anything you feel uncomfortable with. Remember you are the man and she is the woman, not the other way around.
The easiest way is to simply love yourself as the high value man that you are.
Stop pretending to love yourself & actually love yourself.
Meaningless sex is not the outcome you actually desire.