Oddbean new post about | logout
 yesterday i unfollowed everyone on twitter to reset and test the algorithm. 

my experience generally stayed the same, with a pretty high quality of signal. it will only get better, towards what tiktok was able to do. 

the algorithm isn’t the problem. the problem arises when the algorithm is a black box, can’t be turned off, or can’t be replaced by another one someone else wrote. 

being able to choose if an algorithm is used, and which one is used, is key. no one is done this well yet. twitter is the only one that allows a choice in the first place. 
 Ah so that’s what you meant by purge! 
 It will never be able to do what TikTok is able to do. 
 stop flirting with us 
 Wats a twitter? 
 I tried it once about 10 yeats ago. It was s cesspool back then. I think I lasted a week or so. I left and never looked back.

Been on Nostr much longer now. 
 An algorithm that you pay for would change everything 
 Bluesky is a lot closer to achieving this than nostr is right now. 😬 
 what is an algorithm even? 
 How can we understand the algorithm? 
 Currently looks like you follow 3 people on Twitter.  Tell us more about how algorithms work. 
 you're awesome.👍👍👍 
 You heard it folks😄Algo is coming to nostr🤪 
But seriously, what’s your thoughts on having integrated algo vs being an algo ? 
 choices, i just want choices and the freedom to use none. 
 I really want to use Twitter. 
I have stopped logging in to Twitter for 2 months, because the police of CCP threatened me to detain me if I use Twitter again. 
I'm so scared that I dare not log in to Twitter.😭😭😭 
 Nostr is better, anyways. Don't tell the CCP I told you that. 
 I am very grateful to Twitter. Provide real information during covid from 2020 to 2022, and know that the covid vaccine is fake. 
I refused to get the covid vaccine. Let the people around  are not be vaccinated against covid and save many lives. 
Now, those who don't get the covid vaccine thank me for providing real information. In fact, it is the real information provided by Twitter. 
People who don't get the covid vaccine are very healthy now. 
The sequelae of stupid people getting the covid vaccine are very serious. 
Therefore, Twitter is a great social platform.

I love Twitter 🙏🙏🙏 
 你也没打covid疫苗?恭喜你,也是568万人群中最幸运也是最有见识的人。全中国只有568万人没打过从covid 疫苗,10亿人打过covid疫苗的人现在许多人都有后遗症。隔三差五都要去医院看病。浪费钱财还受罪。还有打过covid疫苗的人血液有毒。不能治病还有毒传染。导致没打过疫苗的人也血液很宝贵。所以。没打过covid疫苗的人可能会被CCP监控要强制捐血。 
 TikTok's algorithm-based recommendations make it easier to find information and people. More accurately discover diverse content that you might be interested in. 

TikTok, on the other hand, algorithmically analyzes the amount of time you spend on certain content and the interaction history of likes, comments and retweets to determine whether you like that type of content. Let's categorize the users. This type of users through their own diverse hobbies and interests to recommend to the same type of users. Let's say you like bitcoin and technology, there are users who like that type of content and there are users who like rock climbing and diving. Intelligent algorithms recommend you rock climbing and diving, and the chances that you will like the content and users are very high. This avoids the echo chamber problem. 

By analyzing the same type of user data, an intelligent algorithm can know all the interests of this type of user, and it can understand you better than a psychologist.

 Its ability to tap into users' demand potential is why TikTok is so addictive. Because it's human nature to be curious. 

 I don’t think twitter forgot who you are Jack. 
 It probably took you a while to unfollow everyone! Unless you are able to unfollow everyone at once! 
 I understand he’s a gifted programmer …bettin’ he’s got a nuke button on standby. 
 Gifted 👏💫 
 He’s a big fan of #nostr, and for that I am truly a big fan. 
 As an advanced feature make it configurable. 
 Love that you still call it Twitter 🫂 
 I recommend Lyn Alden as your next twitter follow 😎 
 We have a kind for that on nostr and there are some first implementations existing. We need better integration in social clients and ideally a large pool of algos to choose from.
 I'm interested. Make it super easy Pleb friendly thanks
 Twitter doesn't give you a choice to choose your feed algo though. Not sure what you mean. 
 Twitter lists is my favourite way of using  the site 
 You can choose between only your follows or the "For You" algo 
 Ah, got it. I thought he meant that the 'For you' page algo itself could be changed, which is why I was confused 
 There is also "show less of this" but with mixed results  
 Oh yes, I've been using that. It's been effective for me in recent times. It used to be quite unresponsive. 
 If you give your “unfollowing” the benefit of time will you see increasingly disparate results?  Maybe there’s a user-based lag.

I agree with your thesis though…it’s like Elections. If Elections happen in a black box, they’re not elections. At all. Period, no argument.

So authenticity is the way forward, for those who wish to build. 
 surreal to read this - on Nostr 🤯 
I don’t care!! Blah blah blah 😕 
Politics- let’s get it right they should have an “ira” day just because I am just so lovable!! 💋 you ain’t right at all - jeeper creeper 👀 the algorithm of ira to as well -definitive - superb- 
 Well then its settled everyone go back to Nostr. 
 twitter's algorithms are terrible, I don't really interact with political content but I get political content shown every day, every day I get Elon Musk posts even though I don't follow him and every time I click on less Elon Musk content but it doesn't work. TikTok has nothing to do with this, if you don't interact with political content, they'll never show you political content. 
 Yep and it never goes away no matter how often you tell it you're not interested. It tries to force sports on me too. Don't want it. 

The important factors are choice, options and transparency.

I don't mind that I see some accounts with differing opinions. If they share negative content then I mute or block. As a result I don't have a negative experience on Twitter because I filter my flow proactively.

Nostr is a great alternative but it will take some time for it to compete in regards to reach. My shadowbanned Twitter-account still has better reach than my Nostr profile.😄 
 Same.  I try to keep my x account as small as possible tho
I was changing my handle/email/phone number attached but fk that Im done
𝕏 is what its is 
 I started a new account, didn't follow anyone. But just liking and commenting get "for you" to serve me more of the same plus some deviation.

But at the same time it started to place a lot of green doomers and commies, that apparently live in some parallel reality. And after a while I had to tell the algo I don't want to see that. To my surprise most of it is just gone now.

Maybe nostr is still too smol, but still it would be nice to have a "standard" for feed algos, so you could create/modify/share/download a bunch and quickly use it in any (universal) nostr client/browser. 
 Ehm. What's the reason to even open the tab "for you"? If it is not retweeted by some of the people I'm following, then it is not worthy to read. 
 Do you know why Vines failed and TikTok has thrived?

I liked Vines. 
 Delete the algorithm 
 I don't know if you can avoid the algos being black boxes. They are that even for people closely working on developing them.

But you can observe and measure their effects and outcomes, and make it easy for people to switch or curate them.

It's time to usher in the algorithm arbitrage. 
 gotta disagree about all that 
 What’s your take on the way https://www.heymaven.com is approaching it? 

Just listened to this interview and thought it was pretty interesting, but never heard of it before.

 Could Nostr host a competition of algorithms ? 
 yes as i said before we need to have the same choice of algorithms as we already have of relays and clients. @fiatjaf  
 you just described how Bluesky works 
 I made a fresh account on Twitter recently. I only followed a few large-ish accounts, and the algorithm fed me massive amounts of outrage fodder 
 100%. This is my experience as well 
 Do you also have a MySpace account? 
 there was someone claiming to be myspace tom on nostr maybe a year back? 
 Wasn't that Jack Dorsey? I know there was definitely some old school social media names here. 
 Oops just noticed this was a response to my earlier comment.

Tom, Mark and Jack are all the same to me… 
 Awesome! ❤️
 Wen Hal Finney? 
 closed-source is slavery. you should know what you're wasting your time on, cuz time is money.

 Algorithms are a problem in that they prevent meaningful social relationships and promote social madness

But it's not a problem that can be solved without infringing freedoms

It's strange that the current lack of freedom errs on the side of enforcing harmful behavior 
 What’s Twitter? Don’t you mean “X, formally known as Twitter?” 🤣 
 Any chance you can get my Twitter accounts keithkman and kmanbtc unbanned? I’ve appealed with zero luck. :/ 
 What if we ported the existing X algo to Damus? Then all were still missing is the network affect 
 btw, idk if you know this but on Bluesky custom feeds have shipped, it’s really easy to create your own algorithms or use ones by other users! @jack 
 We’ve got some prototypes for doing this in DVM’s which works in a couple of nostr clients but there is a lot more work to do to make it useful.  Bluesky’s really excelling in this area.  
 you still follow elon. 
 And they did it