Oddbean new post about | logout
 been living on sats for a little bit now. it's incredible.

bitcoin is the best expression of fiat debasement. why doesnt everyone do this? 

if we build a good enough experience to enable living on bitcoin, can we spark a Boston Tea Party type movement? 
 By living on sats do you mean that you’re using them exclusively as a form of payment for goods and services in your life? How? 
 Can we speak about you being in the 2025 calendar please?
You can wear your hoodie! 
 Let’s talk about what is really important 😂😂 
 Well it is, loads of people especially ladies are waiting for an answer. 
 Hey, I’m waiting too! 
 Capital gains tax implications at every purchase will likely get annoying 
 I don’t think the Boston tea party participants were all that concerned with following the tax policies at the time… 
 They literally were so concerned about the tax policies they blew up boats over it. 
 someone didn’t read 
 I dunno why I thought the whale oil on those boats was set/caught fire before, but I was obviously mistaken when I wrote exploded, my apologies. Thanks for encouraging me to revisit the history. 

The point remains tho, they were intentionally following the tax policies by not allowing the boats to unload and destroying the tea to protest continuing to pay the tax to England, as they had been. 
 Taxation is soft power. Revolutions force regimes to employ hard power, which erodes their legitimacy amongst the governed. 

Nothing changes unless the governed force change via a spectrum of civil disobedience to outright rebellion (like the Boston tea party) 
 Bitcoin is the way my friend!! Without bitcoin we are all fucked eventually!! It will take some time for people to wake up and break free from fiat but over time its inevitable with the way things are currently going!! #bitcoin is the future!!! 
 “I like the tech” 
 ₿ Party  
 If the friction can be removed, more people will adopt it.  
 Are you in El Salvador?

I am in communist Norway. 
 Man, I really would love to walk the walk the way you are.  And I think building circular economies is the best way to build capital growth and depth of liquidity for Bitcoin.  If you have tips on how you're doing it, I think some early adopters would follow.  
 If you make strike an automated bitcoin accountant for USA it would alleviate a lot of concerns and open up your Boston tea party type movement. 
 I am positive that most of your bills are only payable in shitty US dollar fiat crap, so could you do a deeper dive into exactly how you are working a 100% BTC standard in  your life. Thanks. 
 I'm curious about this too. I'm in Canada and I feel it would be possible to pull it off but I've no idea how.  
 I certainly know how to do some what of that but nowhere close to 100%. At this point no matter what you are going to have to convert sats to fiat and pay most bills. Maybe Jack considers doing that as living a Bitcoin standard and until things change that’s as close as we are going to get. 
 If everyone pulls out their cash from the banks, something definitely will spark.  
 Please build it, I will transfer all my fiat tomorrow.  Also, please make adding a bank account possible other than through plaid in the meantime. Discover api is broken and I can’t transfer anything. 
 Trying to do the same for the past 6 months but still gotta cash out into fiat to pay my rent and credit cards😖 the rest is possible. 
 God a really hope so.  It would require a coordinated movement from the market all at the same time so regulators couldn't focus their resources on one place.  We could overwhelm them.

This would require some type of catalyst to get the movement going (good or bad).  Either an Apple or Amazon sized company leading the conversion or an event like making cash illegal would prob trigger a Boston tea party event. 
 Just a thought, it would be useful to integrate something like this with the Strike app so people can easily find who will accept their sats locally...

 Your post is generating a lot of discussion.
Added to the https://nostraco.in/hot feed 
 Canada would appreciate a little love Jack 
 Bitrefill nuked my bitcoin-standard lifestyle when they got rid of bill pay. Need that back ASAP. 
 can you explain how you're doing it? 
 What do you buy more bitcoin with? 😂 
 Yes & it begins what pos integration w clover & ncr you teazed
 Yes, but that "if" isn't trivial. C'mon man, stop shitposting and start making Lightning work for every last human! 
 It’s been a long time coming, but I know a change is going to come 
 How are you buying food? 
 The Bitcoin circular economy is real. 

Living in a Bitcoin world and loving it.  
 um, need more bitcoin retail 😂

 adoption is key 
 Is living on sats primarily leveraging buying giftcards with bitcoin?

This is the only way other friends have functioned.  
 I may be stating the obvious but not everyone knows the Elevator Speech on what Jack is doing. Strike allows you to Direct Deposit, Wire Transfers, and then you can link YOUR (doesn't have to be Strike special)  Debit Card to Strike and so no matter where Visa/Debit Card (not credit) is used the currency is converted from FIAT to Bitcoin(at Strike) and back to FIAT? No need to wait for merchants to become Bitcoin Ready or whatever it is called?  https://jimmymow.medium.com/strike-upgrades-direct-deposit-wires-cards-and-more-6f1f1721fa21
 #[0] Strike coming to Africa is great new, would love to test.

Imagine a fusion of Strike with Machankura 
 This is awesome! But like others, I have a lot of question, and need to make a lot of assumptions about your personal life.

Do you do you own taxes? What businesses are accepting #bitcoin that to you consume at on a regular basis? Do you pay your rent/mortgage with sats? I could go on.

The US is unfriendly to bitcoin payments without a lot of work. Most of us work jobs that suck up a lot of our energy and stacking makes more sense right now due to the hurdles. I don’t have a single business I shop at that accepts our favorite coin and the additional work needed to find trustworthy places to give my sats up for is too much effort right now. I’d rather stack for the future, and use my sats when I either, move to a country without cap gains, or the US pulls its head out of its ass (unlikely).

@strike  is a great app that I use, but to truly build a fully bitcoin economy we need ease of use, that hasn’t arrived yet. Depending on the answers to my questions and others, your life may have more convenience than a lot of people.

Mad respect from me for committing and thank you for being one of the pioneers a lot of want to be, but not everyone can right now, myself included. 

With all that said, the future looks bright. 
 Bitcoin is far too valuable to be spent at this stage, I'd rather continue to pay my bills with fiat and stack in silence. #bitcoin  
 Please tell us how.  Without KYC. 
 Will do sir. as soon as I feel my reserve.  
 Need bill pay from bitcoin balance then we’re set 
 The normies don’t adopt at this point because they’re paralyzed by fear of the unknown.

Most ordinary people look at risk as something to be avoided at all costs, and in their eyes, bitcoin is this unstable currency that has a 50% chance of tanking to zero at any given moment. 

They’ll happily take rapidly depreciating fiat money because at least it’s tangible to them (blissfully unaware of the effects hyperinflation until it rears its ugly head). 
 ive been doing this since early 2023 and its been a blessing but i think its because its been number go up.. when price goes down like late 2021 end of 2022 i dont think is the same experience.. just saying.. 
 Your Bitcoins are worth zero. That's why not everyone does it. 
 I'm in communist New York 
 One of the reasons that I am glad to be moving to FL later this year. 
 How do you manage all the tax implications of doing this? I want to as well but taxes are holding me back. 
 How did the Boston Tea Party "handle the taxes?" 
 Totally comparable environments and situations. Thanks for the brilliant insight. 
 I've always looked at bitcoin as a Boston Tea Party type of movement. We throw our fiat overboard to protest debasement. Why do you think we have so many boating accidents? 
 how do you feel after pullback? 
 Still sucking up to banks though. 
 World #Bitcoin Party > Boston Tea Party

LFG @jack mallers! 
 World #Bitcoin Party > Boston Tea Party
 It's good when it's good. But when the BTCUSD exchange rate moves south against the $USD is when you experience that $USD inflation to the exponential. 
 If you are paying for normal everyday stuff in BTC, do you have to pay and realize losses often? 
 Yo @jack mallers 

I spoke with your marketing team at Strike for 2 months to do this VERY thing, create a BTC circular economy, and document the entire process in one of the most isolated towns in the USA

I was told by your team it "wasn't worth the marketing spend" and that they weren't interested in pursuing an opportunity like that at the time.

I'd love to pitch you the idea directly myself.

Please reach out 🤙 
 Fake and Gay!

You are so clearly LARPING!

This is all fake. No one is using Bitcoin to pay for anything of importance.  Their is no circular Bitcoin commune, and as far as I can see there never will be.

Post a tutorial showing how you pay for stuff with Bitcoin.  (You won't because it would be very uninspiring showing you pay a premium to some processor to spend USD for you.)

You and the "community" don't have 1 millionth the gusto it takes to have a Boston tea party. LMAO