Oddbean new post about | logout
 do you have a tiktok account? 
 Yes, search “Zeus twerking vids” 
 Proof of Twerk 
 Wen «Zeus twerking vids» on nostr? 
 🤣 No. 
 NOH 🗿 
 Just simple no 
 I have an Amethyst account 😎

 Don't tell me Marty has a tiktok?

These damn blue checks🤦‍♂️ 
 Leave Marty alone he's 5th column among the blue checks. 
 Shadow profile maybe? 
 No ☠️⚰️ 
 no, i have motion detecting cameras 
 Da fuc?
Do you?
 And no Facebook, Instagram, or X. I have a ProtonMail email and I use Signal. 
 This is the way.  Especially if you add a graphene phone 
 Nope. Never. 
 Hell No 
They taking data 
 I'd rather hang out with a tik ticker than a Twitter user. Tough choice tho 
 No, to answer the question directly 
 Fuck no 
 Hell fucking no! 
I think I'm probably the only person out of all my friends and family who doesn't have TikTok, Snapchat, or any Facebook apps. Everyone else has at least one of them. 
 Not anymore 😎. Do you? 🧐 
 Odell, do you have a tiktok account?👀 
 The only tiktok I care about is next block 
 I opened one long time ago. Never used it and your note just reminded me about it. I've just deleted it.  
 I don't have one.  Never will. 
 Is that a new nostr client? So hard to keep up with this shit. 
 TikTok is brain sewage. 
 😂🤣.. no. 😌 
. | 1 years ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 zap twice if you are ok 
 😂 confirmed 
 I do, i hate it but i want to see gypsy live streama on there soni caved. Dont want the app tho. 
 Never had 👾 
 No. I imagine it's something psychological so to speak... I don't know why, I have Instagram 🫣🫣🫣, it's like I prefer the United States to steal my information than China. I don't know why 🤔 
 No, but my girlfriend does 🙄 
 Talk some sense into her 
 Nope coworkers show me the “good ones” 
 Nope 👎 
 No centralized social platforms. Currently, they have an advantage with video (speed and ease).  However, some day these platforms will look silly to exist.   
 The question alone induced vomit 🤮 
 Never had one & I don't have the app.

Same with Instagram.

 i mean yeah. i’m 23. 
 You're too young to suffer brain damage. Get off it now while you can.  
 i don’t use it barely at all 😭 
 Pire encore pour les enfants ...mais la question de @ODELL très peu ont pu y répondre oui ou non et pourquoi ...la discipline eh bien ....trop d'en-soi  et de dispersions s'il vous plaît 🤣🧠  
 Oh, I'm sorry. The answer is "hell no, because I value my mental health."  
 I’m 24 and I don’t have a Tiktok. Normie scum is disgusting. 
 you’re so not like other girls 😍 
 I think the tiktok algorithm is interesting! I have discovered many things with it. 
 I swear it got turned up to 11 when meta bought them 
 it’s fun! ppl acting like going on there for 10 minutes is going to ruin their brains 
 I like the camping / cooking videos. Have learned a lot from it. Doesn’t have to be brain rotting 
 When are we camping? Better yet, when are we cooking? 🧑‍🍳 😂🤔 
 I like watching football, doesn’t mean i need to play it 
 Hmm… wen watching football and cooking? 
 let’s do it 
 This is the view #bccamping https://image.nostr.build/ab59f03b9e2cdd72092abb8b1635d4458843101ef1afb2776d2aaf6a57fb6432.jpg  
 Oh wow, can I join 💜 
 Take me with u mom 😮 
 Yes, but we don’t go camping son 😉 
 What a beautiful place. Where is that if you don’t mind me asking? 
 Chilliwack lake, BC. It’s one of the most amazing places and easy to get to from Vancouver 
 It’s very far from where I am. But seems like it’s worth the trip. Maybe next summer I’ll plan something with the family. 😊 
 Also, look what I got this morning 🤘
Thank you! https://image.nostr.build/481204a84e89353c8912d04cd84df71df07e9d786d1a2b19522d0b45e835fe90.jpg  
 Love to see the #damus tank in the wild! 💜 
 On my way! to go camping with you 😂 
 Come to BC we love camping here ! 
 hell yeah! 
 Et vos données et comportements sociaux , détenus par le CCP...idem  chez MZuck, Ishare Blackrook AWS Jeff, Google ... agissons nous même au lieu de laisser les États les sanctionner en toute bonne entente cordiale et au besoin de fonds de financements budgétaires ils détiennent nos dettes avec les princes du Désert . Infine orientent certaines orientations budgétaires (une vraie gangrène) et Larry est le plus futé de tous ..🗽 
 Lisez la fabrique du crétin digital de Desmurget, neuroscientifique du MIT en termes de prévention et sensibilisation puis rechercher sur youtube le documentaire sur le créateur de Tik tok des documentaires de Arte  pour aller loin rechercher un des grands de l'IA. Bomne question ouverte Matt.  
 i get stuck watching youtube shorts, and im pretty sure its bad for me, tiktok sounds more the same 
 I agree I think it is interesting, I can’t stand it personally, but everyone I know uses it and that’s cool, ain’t nothing wrong with that 🥹🙏🏽 personally preference is all. Not everyone has to like the same stuff, what makes us interesting I think. That being said when I have kids one day I’m telling them the Boogeyman lives on TickTock. 
 Tried it, the amount of videos I was receiving in messages was untenable.

Youtube shorts algorithm is better in imo 
 Ah man I feel you, if social media was cereal I feel like TickTock would be the most sugary, processed cardboard 😭 not one health benefit for me. 

Yeah I like that one more, you don’t get sucked in as much, you can watch a few but you’re still aware of time and can put your phone down 🙏🏽🥹 
 Non je n'appartiens point au CCP nous nous  devons de boycotter TikTok son créateur est certes un génie mais le CCP l'a contraint de plus jouir de sa liberté d'Homme Libre 🗽 
. | 1 years ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 using your age as a reason for anything won’t age well 
 you would say this 
 Who is she? 
 I preffer this @ODELL


 Heck no 
 Shut up Suhail 
 Nah, I prefer Western spy agencies over the CCP. 
 no. ditched it 2 years ago when censorship and the bytedance connection became apparent. 
 What's tik tok?  
 No way 
 no and now I don't have a twitter account 
 Why would i do that to myself ? 
 nah gonna twist ma melon on dat bytedance 
 tiktok is roachbar 
 fuck no 
 Thank God, no 
 yes, i post videos of you talking about bitcoin and i like the music discovery https://video.nostr.build/6a94b8923eed017843e96adc7ddbf78ff38977d02ce15efd1328e287abb73a2e.mov  
 You can not park here sir.  
 Hell no 
 No. But my mom does… 
 Clearly unpopular but yes, there is some interesting content 
 That's like asking "what are your pronouns" :) 
 yes. My account is less than a year old (I was sad after deleting my Twitter account) and wanted to check out “Booktok” and I was curious because when many of the young kids I know talk about a current event— I would ask, “where did you hear about that?” And they would say “TikTok.” I do not post— just watch. They have videos I enjoy. 
 What is that? 
 No, but every girl I know does. 
 Hell no. I don’t have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or whatever else. I do have YouTube though, unfortunately. 
 No. Horrible app. 
 Oh hellz no! 
 No, seemed pretty retarded from day 1 so I passed. 
 I used it for a bit a while back. Surprisingly good content if you know where to look. 
 No hace rato que no 
 Nope, never have, never will 
 lol no, never 👎 #nostr 
 I only created a TikTok account to help my friend’s jiujitsu gym advertise. I created a couple videos and even tried to pay to have one of them boosted but my account was flagged as a bot and force closed. I was baffled by the whole experience. Only thing I can think of is it was related to my use of a vpn. Customer service was unresponsive during the thing too. 
 Dedans à fonds rien qu'une fois de plus en acceptant les conditions qui sont très très déviantes  des règles RGPD tout comme les GAFAM Ishare .'' 
 No.  I abhor TikTok videos and wannabes, like YouTube shorts. 
 people using tiktok are chinese spies ... if they want or not 
 Une réalité dont nos gouvernants ne peuvent plus rien faire, apprise des États-Unis, l'élève la Chine a dépassé le maître  
 Big NO 
 Yes, but I don't really use it anymore and I took it off my phone because it was chewing up battery and bandwidth even when I wasn't using it. 
 A moins que vous faites partie des surveillés du CCP  
 Fuck no.

Nostr and I use fb for family cuz they won't take the pill yet...
 No. Legit raises my heart rate to use tik tok, too much hirehose of content. 
 Nope, even cancelled Twitter 
 Yeah. How else am I gonna reach normies with bitcoin content 
 True words. 
 I imagine they just insult you 
 Jesus no. I’m not a 10 year old girl with parent who don’t care about her. 
 No, never. 
 Short video format has been co-opted by advertisers to influence your opinions, diminish your attention span, and sell you products. 

Absolute waste of time 
 fk no 
 I had one for three days. I realised that it’s addictive so I deleted it. 
 Why is it addictive? Never used it, seen videos reposted on twitter, IG, etc.. but I don't understand the point of it? 
 Some fun, education, music, whatever attracts you and maintain you there. 
 Absolutely not. 
 No. I cannot think of any way to use their service without them tracking an insane amount of info about me. 
 Rather eat glass. 
 Never will 
 I’d guess most people who said no are over the age of 28 👀 
 "does tiktok have an account of you" 
 Nope, I'm working on that GatGPT account tho 
 No 😔. Everyone tells me that I’m out of the mood. 
 yes, i use it sometimes, its actually a pretty big market place here in 🇮🇩 lots of people selling stuff live and you can always get good deals 

Hell no.

Tick Tock, next block.... 
 Hell no. 
 Do I look that stupid Odell? 
 Non je n'appartiens point au CCP nous nous  devons de boycotter TikTok son créateur est certes un génie mais le CCP l'a contraint de plus jouir de sa liberté d'Homme Libre 🗽 
 Nope. Amethyst is literally the first time I have ever actively used social media, aside from some YouTube channels. 
 i wish, but i'd have no time to check up on it. i check my instagram account once every other year 
 Hell no 
 I never used tiktok  
 Absolutely not 
 Never ... and I rarely use that word. 
 I’ve tried 6 times … now can use 4 accounts but ..

very rarely using one.. just when I’m super high or was a refugee without anyone in different countries.

 +time from the time I feel like wanna make a video to remember the moments and to use some technologies :)

Thanks for asking. 


And you ? 
 Duck no 
 Hell no.😀 
 What is this?  Aahh, no i don't 
 i have all the tictok accounts 
 Nope, just a waste of time 
 I have nothing but a nostr key. I literally never even opened TikTok, which is why my brain isn’t mush yet. 
 Only a nexblok account 
 Here I am trying to work on my YouTube addiction and these motherfuckers goota figure out their TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and opioid addictions. 
 #[2] We're all in this together? 
 CCP spyware 🤮🤮 
 No. Never will 
 never was and never will be 
 What is tiktok? 🙂 
 It's a clock. Tik tok next block 
 Was on vine 🤣 
 What's tik tok? 

never have, never will 
 yea, no. Fuck that.  
 I don't.

But I'm not sure if it's any worse than my IG account 
 I use instagram for  my radio show...used to use twitter...no other social media.
slowly migrating here...
 Only nostr! 
 Hell no 
 Never had, never will. 
 🛑 Never 
 no way 
 No Way Josay 

 Is that related to tick tock next block? 
 Fuck no 
 Unfortunately, yes. 
 I do. But I have not accessed it, ever. 
 No thank you 
 A faceless channel to buy more sats 
 No, because there have been enough people warning me about the dangers of Chinese surveillance and manipulation on it to make me suspicious. 
 Fuck no.. 
 no. why invite ccp on my phone...  
 no thx 
 Now that's some funny shit right there. 
 Now for new terminology for "I don't know"...

"Does the mempool clear?"