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 If you are fat please consider eating less 🙏

I want you to live a long time anon 
 I speak on behalf of fat people: wish it was that easy - I mean to healthily loose weight and be able to keep it that way. 
 I know it's hard I too was fat and still am fatter than I like.

It's simple, but not easy 
 Also try moving your body 
 I just spent two weeks in a hotel room and made an interesting observation: there would be people waiting for the elevator and i would take the stairs and be in my room before the door opened for them.  These are also the type of people that use an app that counts their steps 
 Imma copy this and post it on other socials.

Bet I catch a ban for fat shaming on FB.

And here we gooooooo! 
 Being late is my cardio 
 Huge proponent of slow running/jogging. Burns so many calories and if you make a concerted effort to run slow (Zone 2, HR < 125 or so), it’s actually enjoyable and doesn’t suck. 
 I am a bike man myself, low and slow  
 You can burn a lot more calories for a lot less output using HITT but it’s all relative to your goals. To each their own 
 I'm trying to to keep 140 HR on a 10 mile biking route 3 times a week, weather permitting. Huge benefit to my weight loss. Can't say that I have the best diet at the moment though. Its hard when pizza 🍕  is so good. 
 😂gotta treat yourself every now and then! 
 Restrict calories and live longer ! We are not made to consume insane amount of calories every days 
 Steak only diet 😘 
 Literally impossible to get fat if this is your diet. 
 Now I just need to lay off the cookies…and beer 
 lol Beer is seriously empty calories 
 But oh so good ;) 
 The government has successfully gaslit people into thinking they just eat too much. The reality is that the food is devoid of nutrients so people are never truly satiated. If you're hungry it's due to malnourishment. Eat natural whole foods that will satisfy you and cut out processed garbage like seed oils and refined sugar. You can't get fat eating natural foods that's why you don’t see fat fucks in beach pictures before the 70s. 
 Not how it works 
 That's strange I somehow lost 30 lbs eating less calories, probably coincidence  
 Bro didn’t you hear him. That doesn’t work and physics is fake 🤡🌎 
 🤣🤣🤣💀      🤡🌎 
 Your health is just shit bro 🤣 
 Exactly 💯 
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 Eating *better*
Less processed garbage
Get your food from as close to the source as possible 
 Eating less seed oils will be a helpful start  
 Focus on eating things with less than three ingredients rather than counting calories 
 eat less move more. it really is that simple. 
 I would argue that unless you have an over-eating disorder, working out more is the solution. Or eating healthier choices including avoiding seed oils and processed foods like dairy or meat 'alternatives' stick to the real organic thing. 
 fat building is actually a starvation response... it's because they are starving of actual nutrition