Oddbean new post about | logout
 The government has successfully gaslit people into thinking they just eat too much. The reality is that the food is devoid of nutrients so people are never truly satiated. If you're hungry it's due to malnourishment. Eat natural whole foods that will satisfy you and cut out processed garbage like seed oils and refined sugar. You can't get fat eating natural foods that's why you don’t see fat fucks in beach pictures before the 70s. 
 It's not that easy, brother.
I used to spend tons of money in the best food I could get ahold of. Expensive restaurants, best imported ingredients, etc. 
I was still obese. There were underlying issues, diseases and habits that made me obese, it wasn't the food.
The solution was to walk one hour a day, every day, no matter the consequences. And taking care of the other issues as well, of course. Saying that it was hard is an understatement. 
 Expensive restaurants don't necessarily have the best food. Again, find me someone that is obese and diabetic who was on a pure carnivore diet free of seed oils for over a year. It's very rare and probably impossible to find.

Also walking is not a good use of your time for fat loss and health. Western lifestyle energy expenditure is similar to hunter gatherer tribe energy expenditure:
