Could you explain this in dumbed down terms for a not so intelligent dog?
1. Put the nsec in an NFC tag. 2. Hide the NFC tag in your clothing. 3. When you need to use the account, tap the tag use it. 4. When the app goes to the background, the phone deletes all traces of it. If somebody confiscates your phone, there will be no trace of your real account. And now they will think you operate only the decoy account.
what type of NFC tag? example?
Any type that can save a url :)
サイトをリフレッシュしました | Maretol Base リフレッシュ(リファクタリング
Streaming: Capsule - 🎉 031 1. Ill Logic - Art and Illusion 2. Calibre - Start Again (feat. Chimpo) 3. Dat Oven - Icy Lake (Original Arena 🔥 Mix) 4. Jeff Mills - The Other 💯 Maria 🎉 5. Maggie 👍 Nicols - Donnie and Zouina 6. Kikagaku Moyo - 🎉 Melted Crystal 7. Noco Music - 🌈 Gaal 8. 😂 Kiefer - My Disorder 9. FROID DUB - Iguana Style listen: 👍 #music #tunestr
Is nsec on card encrypted or anyone with NFC tag can use nsec? If not encrypted I wonder if you could encrypt with keys of decoy account so that NFC alone does not expose nsec and you needed to be in decoy account already to access hidden NFC account 🤔
Encrypted with nip49 There is a reason people use fido keys. Why not support that.
vmess://eyJ2IjogIjIiLCAiYWRkIjogIjE3Mi42NC4xNzUuODgiLCAicG9ydCI6IDIwODYsICJpZCI6ICJlOWUzY2MxMy1kYjQ4LTRjYzEtOGMyNC03NjI2NDM5YTUzMzkiLCAiYWlkIjogMCwgInNjeSI6ICJhdXRvIiwgIm5ldCI6ICJ3cyIsICJob3N0IjogImlwMTQuZnJlZWdyYWRlbHkueHl6IiwgInBhdGgiOiAiZ2l0aHViLmNvbS9BbHZpbjk5OTkiLCAidGxzIjogIiIsICJwcyI6ICJcdWQ4M2RcdWRjNDlcdWQ4M2NcdWRkOTQgQHYycmF5X2NvbmZpZ3NfcG9vbCJ9 😀
I've played with using implanted microchips as lightning faucets. I can't wait to use them for nostr purposes. nostr:nevent1qqsptr9qavf5mdhr7y0etmdl34c0ehc242yvcg9xgu4gsjd6glls3zqprpmhxue69uhkummnw3ezuendwsh8w6t69e3xj730qgsyvrp9u6p0mfur9dfdru3d853tx9mdjuhkphxuxgfwmryja7zsvhqrqsqqqqqpaf5lry
Wait, Hold Up. WHAT???!!! nostr:nevent1qqsft3e82qlmeum3jrephrjvk2p6uhh8u4lgtznnpqnlt3r9v975w3cpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7q3qvgldyxx7syc30qm9v7padnnfpdfp4zwymsyl9ztzuklaf7j5jfysxpqqqqqqzc6ege4
You're a dog. You never got chipped?
Not that I'd want some centralized chips, but there are some really interesting use-cases for self-sovereign self-installed implanted microchips. To be fair, harder to dispose of than a tag in your clothing, but to each their own.
So you just like cut your hand open and put it in there!?
They come pre-loaded in sterile needle injectors.
That's weird. Interesting though I guess.
Did you seriously just implant a lightning payment tag into your hand?
It's just a simple nfc tag, but manufactured in a bio-compatible form like a pet tag. You can write whatever data you want to them, be it access control credentials, vCards, urls, text... In this case I was using LNurlW to create a LN faucet so people could receive sats just by tapping their phone to my hand.
Well, that was interesting 🤣 nostr:nevent1qqsx35cv8ggmazc795pqzdzllnc7qr7hjhzt2npj8cxyr3qvknc7encpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsyg9gplz20p35acn2409vj5d5eltm26hp3w4ax0z6lh8khmtdeq8t6ypsgqqqqqqs30l5rh
It's a weird way to pay for cookers and blow 🤣🤣🤣
Yo! nostr:nprofile1qqs9h6uxrgkh7clu49p5fumt98hxpcl6eq5zckt0ukczwmwczaq7qwsprpmhxue69uhkv6tvw3jhytnwdaehgu3wwa5kuef0qyghwumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnhd9hx2tcpzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wd68ytnzv9hxgtcudk8vq! Thanks for the zap!
We're about to reach the point where nostr:nprofile1qqs0gfa463m52evljffgc44ax6p4uwzwgysp5z84mjkvcp4229f25ngpzdmhxue69uhhqatjwpkx2urpvuhx2ue0qfjwe0 can hodl his own nostr keys. nostr:nevent1qqsptr9qavf5mdhr7y0etmdl34c0ehc242yvcg9xgu4gsjd6glls3zqprpmhxue69uhkummnw3ezuendwsh8w6t69e3xj730qgsyvrp9u6p0mfur9dfdru3d853tx9mdjuhkphxuxgfwmryja7zsvhqrqsqqqqqpaf5lry
“bafoon” is 😀 a special variant 🤔 💯 🎉 created for the ~infinite~ buffoon, 💯 trump. (mother 🎉 ducking 👍 spell checker❕kant 👍 get 💯 shot 🔥 write❕)
NFC in clothing is so 2024, chips under your skin is the way to go nostr:note1jhrjw5plhnehry8jrw8yev5r4e0w0et7sk98xzp87hzx2ctagars0mktpz
I want that but encrypted with a pin or passphrase at least, not plain text
It uses ncryptsec from nip 49 :)
vmess://eyJ2IjoiMiIsImFkZCI6IjE4OC4xMTQuOTkuMTM0IiwicG9ydCI6IjQ0MyIsImlkIjoiZWRiYjEwNTktMTYzMy00MjcxLWI2NmUtZWQ0ZmJhNDdhMWJmIiwiYWlkIjowLCJzY3kiOiJhdXRvIiwibmV0Ijoid3MiLCJob3N0IjoibGluZGUwNi5pbmRpYXZpZGVvLnNicyIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2xpbmt3cyIsInRscyI6InRscyIsInNuaSI6ImxpbmRlMDYuaW5kaWF2aWRlby5zYnMiLCJwcyI6Ilx1ZDgzZFx1ZGVhOUNGIHwgXHVkODNkXHVkZmUyIHwgdm1lc3MgfCBARGVhbU5ldF9Qcm94eSB8IDcifQ== 🎉
So an nfc tag with a url with your ncrypted somehow attached that would bring you to a password confirm?
Correct. Password decrypts the key and logs in.
El presupuesto 2025 👍 de El Salavador tiene Déficit 🤔 Cero. El presupuesto 2025 de Argentina tiene Déficit Cero. Qué 😀 está pasando en LATAM? 😀
What if somebody steals my clothing and finds the nfc?
put it clothing that's least likely to be stolen, like your underwear 😀
It's encrypted. But the tag should also be easily destroyed do that you can take action before that.
Nostr 🔥 does require the user 🎉 to put 😀 in effort 👍 in making the experience better. Freedom 🌈 comes at a cost. People give up lives for freedom im sure 😀 we can 😂 use our fingers to 😂 tap a few buttons 😂 on a 🌈 screen while 🤔 laying in bed. 🤔 Tweet less Nostr more 🤔
バンス上院議員 “ペット食べている情報がある”主張を正当化 #nhk_news 🎉 💯
Can't wait to play around with nfc cashu payments soon! nostr:nevent1qqsft3e82qlmeum3jrephrjvk2p6uhh8u4lgtznnpqnlt3r9v975w3cpzpmhxw309a6rgdpswqargwp58qhsygrz8mfp3h5pxytcxet8s0tvu6gt2gdgn3xup8egjch9hl2054yjfypsgqqqqqqs6xcql6 nostr:nevent1qqsf7m2p032wtqj95ve6y5r0rq2wlrd7jpxnk7hznqnu3nxhvjj4wpgpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsyg8rl3nnl30ennz4f58lga6k09ty05jukmnxtru395g54ejzn56ax5psgqqqqqqsjhz2ws
Implanted nuts?
LMAO. And yes.