Here's my dilemma. So I believe in sound money. I have fiat loans. The more fiat loans there are the more this creates demand for fiat and so strengthens fiat. So I should get rid of my fiat loans. But the more fiat loans there are the more fiat debases and the more my fiat loans devalue against my sound money. So my possession of sound money gives me a vested interest in the debasement of fiat; but this is contrary to my belief that debasement of currency isn't good for society as a whole.
The currency will debase either way, and you will end up paying back those loans eventually so it's effect on debasement is negligible. However the value of those loans to the Bitcoin network, and to yourself, is much higher and beneficial to society than the miniscule effect it has on debasement. I say take out the loans, buy Bitcoin and don't stress.
are you society as a whole? just because some of us know how to deal with debasement, doesnt mean its good for society at large