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 If you really want privacy and anonymity you should use Monero, not BTC  
 No, and no again.  
 Cope harder. Bitcoin is and has always been superior money. If you only ever use something to spend then it isnt money. If you only ever want something for privacy it isn't money, if you only ever pay in the shadows hiding from the state you aren't changing shit. I prefer my money censorship resistant vs private.  If the state can't stop it it doesn't matter how public it is.  
 "If you only ever use something to spend then it isnt money."

Greshams Law says the exact opposite. Even if you are correct people will use a "worse" money (you claim this is Monero) and hold a better money (No one will want to use Bitcoin). We kind of see this already. Bitcoin is used less in proportion to it's users and mcap (8x-10x less than Monero)

And if you make yourself an easy target for the state you aint changing shit either. The state can force miners to apply targeted censorship on Bitcoin. They can't with Monero. 
 They say ARRR privacy is better than Monero. 
 "Pirate Chain (ARRR) is a minor privacy coin that has mooned significantly recently popping up from 30 cents to 14 dollars or so (it's halved since I started writing this article though). Pirate Chain uses the zk-SNARK technology, but unlike Zcash, uses it mandatorily (with optional transparent transactions like Monero via the private view key).

Pirate Chain has two big issues though. The first is what I mentioned before: zk-SNARKs as they have been implemented in ZEC and ARRR are not trustless. They require a setup in which theoretically, if the public parameters of the system were known to some inside party, they could print an infinite amount of the currency with absolutely no way that any other people could know.

Even if you trust the Pirate Chain developers, Pirate has another pretty undeniable problem: 90% of ARRR has already been mined and is in circulation! Yep, you heard that right: A minor niche alt-coin which has existed for only three years was put together in such away that now as big of a proportion of it has been mined as has been mined of Bitcoin in over ten years!

That means that that 90% is highly aggregated in the wallets of the two and a half people who knew of ARRR in this period, and anyone adding to the market cap is mostly just contributing to these people's bags. Even if Pirate Chain had great trustless technology (which is doesn't) it has not been set up equitably, but in a way that enriches early adopters to an extreme degree. Expect to get dumped on if you buy this stuff.

Honestly, if you want a better, more honest cryptocurrency, you could just take the Pirate setup and give it a slower and more sane emission. That would be a better choice than ARRR itself."

 I mean, they literally named it after people who steal from others for a living so....... 👀 
 Seems shitty