Oddbean new post about | logout
 users are actually already tagged if the full bech32 is used
but there should be away to select from a list when the @ symbol is typed. 
 Problem is actually that it isn't displayed in your client as an @, not that it doesn't work as a mention. 
 Tagging from a list is nice, but not really as high-priority as other features, since we can just use other clients for that. 
 feedback like this is so important. evaluating what the most important next thing to work on is really hard at the best of times. especially so when having to 'wear every hat' in the software development process. 
 Yeah, I'm used to prioritizing a backlog.

Also, I won't mind, if you reject an idea as being inefficient or out of scope, or whatnot. I just like getting a prompt response: yes, no, maybe later. 
 Do you mean that an inline reference to a users like @Laeserin should render with their name instead of long npub displayed as text? 
 Ask and you shall receive. Implemented in commit 44fb751eca41de2859562a724ac9a567080a75d9  
 There is more of a dopamine hit when there is one issue per feature. There is like 6 other things to implement before this issue can be closed. 
 You could always create smaller issues and post their hyperlinks into a note under this one, and then close this one.

Cleaner issue management.