Oddbean new post about | logout
 I’m not too plussed about this, because the only people who have warned me about it are boomers fwding unbanned, uncensored posts from facebook and instagram by “mamabearPATRIOT1776”. 

Sorry but if you’re trying to sell me on a conspiracy, it has to come from something less normie than that. And when I bring up jews its purveyors better not respond w/ “ah ha ha…uh, well….it’s complicated, there are bad people of every race and every religion!“

 This is the first I’ve really dug into it but it would make sense to do a burst test to see just how much interference you can get w/ 5G. Airlines have been freaking out for a while because they think uncalibrated altimeters could end up picking up or operating on the same bands as 5G networks near airports. Worst case scenario? IDK, an airbus impacts the ground while doing a cat 5 autoland approach because it thinks the ground is 400 feet lower than it really is? 

If anyone has better info I’m curious

 So many obvious gayops happening at once.. it's a shame people get too caught up by them - detracting blame from a specific group. 
 No, don't pay attention to the actionable things we do to harm you! Uh!!!! The Earth is Flath! 5G! 5G! 5G is bad! Uh.. 5G! Uh......... We faked a school shooting! The planes on 9/11 were holograms! We never went to the moon! Aliens! Fluoride in the water! 
 @Springtime for Zeon (Woggy Mk II) >bro they’re testing emergency systems bro be scared bro

I get one of these every year, I know that it hasn’t been going since I was born, but I also cannot remember a year I didn’t get a test message for the fire service, if you know what I mean. Emergency systems need testing, I don’t get why boomers are so fucking retarded that they can’t work this out.