Oddbean new post about | logout
 No, don't pay attention to the actionable things we do to harm you! Uh!!!! The Earth is Flath! 5G! 5G! 5G is bad! Uh.. 5G! Uh......... We faked a school shooting! The planes on 9/11 were holograms! We never went to the moon! Aliens! Fluoride in the water! 
 Guys get all uppity about 5G but not 4G? Or 3G that we basked in for all our developmental lives? Seems kinda silly to think that all the radio spectrum is totally benign right until it hits this one narrow band they started using for comms now. (despite the fact other systems are close enough, nobody freaks out over living near airports and catching similar 5G waves from the RA’s 
 @Springtime for Zeon (Woggy Mk II) @𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐠 You should check @scalar 's posts on these tests, as well as the usual media response for them 
 If HE was the only one talking about it I’d lend it a lot more credence than I do. I gauge the validity of info by how long it’s allowed to stay in the public eye.

When you’re over the target, you aren’t allowed to get millions of impressions for months leading up to their big day - your account is throttled and nuked from orbit in the first 5 hours. 
 The mess that is 5G/NR mostly runs over the same bands that 2G/3G/LTE ran on. millimeter wave stuff that Verizon uses in dense urban shitholes being the exception and if you are in one of those you are more at risk from niggers than RF shit. 
 I’m kinda sold on it being detrimental if you’re there, but like I said, it’s diet coke for a 600 pounder. I wouldn’t be leaping to cram my house full of it, but aside from installing your surveillance internet router outside and running some cable indoors, there ain’t much the average person can do to mitigate their exposure unless they can operate like it’s 1990 and forego all these snazzy devices. 

It’s been a long time since I went to class and talked about this stuff, but from what I remember there are already higher powered signals in use.  TV signals have been bombarding us from embryonic development and those are like, twice as spicy as 5G. Hell, we just ad ADS-B broadcast from 2020 and beyond. Wonder how potent that is. I sure can pick it up a long ways out. 
 I would get it in the context that all materials have an em resonant frequency, and multiple modes of the frequency. Basically the material will start to vibrate with all of the energy you provide it, which is how a microwave works. I guess the fear is that certain frequencies can do this (beside the obvious, microwaves).

I get the fear, and I wouldn't doubt that there would be limited research on this at the moment, but it also seems really unlikely given how much we've used this band in the past with no ill effects.

For those worried, they can move to western New Mexico and specifically West Virginia; the radio telescopes there make it illegal to even drive a gas car because the spark plugs cause too much em interference. Zero EM radiation... besides what you get from space. 
 I’m fuzzy on exactly what freqs are where on the spectrum, but I’d bet there are already things considerably worse than 5G baking our brains all the time already. Only case they can make is that the short range of 5G and the limited coverage will mean you’ll have 50 transmitting stations bombarding you at the same time, instead of 1 like you used to. 

But….that’s still a city folk problem. Or guys w/ poor em shielding in their home, supposedly the higher band 5G stuff can’t even pass through windows, right?