Oddbean new post about | logout
 really cool that in less than a year, nostr has become the main place i go to when i’m on my phone. 

i used to post on instagram & twitter frequently, but i find it much more fulfilling to post pictures/notes on nostr. it’s not the zaps, or the clients doing, but rather the serene & solace feeling nostr encapsulates. 

after being raised by the internet in its later years, i finally get the chance to breath and be able to experience what the internet felt like in the beginning. no utter dread. no engagement farming, & manipulation advertisement tactics. 

this is how it was supposed to be. 
 Love to see it! 
 I think in a lot of ways nostr is the do over the web needs. 

 Agreed. When I think of something personal or capture something personal I share it on here and only here. 🫂 
 I like that I can truly be myself with no judgement. Kinda has that homey feeling. 

 Couldn’t agree with you more, x.com is toxic 
 X is actually living. 
NOSTR is on life support. 
I’m here everyday and have been so for 10 months and try to inject some life into it in my way because I like the idea of a decentralised protocol. But I’m getting more pessimistic every day now. 
 me too 💜 
 Though I was born in 1968, @roya ୨୧ basically speaks my mind. 

I joined #Facebook in 2008. Never stayed there without breaks. In a growing totalitarian state like #Bangladesh, speaking openly on Facebook is risky and radical. So I stayed there though with frequent breaks. But Facebook is a shameless self promotion bazaar, a naked space without any privacy. So it's now one and a half years I couldn't login to Facebook again.

I joined #Diaspora. It was too scanty and scattered. And a little dull. I felt alone. I didn't have proper vision to interact in an international space actually. It gave some light to me which I still carry but ultimately I lost my interest there. 

I joined #Minds in its very early days. Had interacted with Bill Ottman about how to improve some of their group features. But I felt almost the same there as I felt at Diaspora.

I joined #Twitter for #Assange. It's him who brought me to various manifestoes of the liberation of the internet in general, to Timothy May, crypto-anarcy, J.P. Barlow, @Electronic Frontier Foundation, and ultimately to @Snowden.
I was mostly silently following the liberation frontiers of cyberspace and the US politics. I was fascinated, though critically, to #Elon Musk for his freedom rhetoric, and enjoyed the #TwitterFiles. But after all those blue-check verification metamorphosis of Twitter I was feeling uncomfortable with it. I felt like a third class citizen in Elon's Town Square. So, as soon as I came to know of #Nostr from a tweet of @jack, I joined here in December 2022. Here I follow Snowden and Jack and so many others. I learn a lot. Subtle threats of censorship does not disturb me. I've now virtually left Twitter.

In the mean time, I joined #Fediverse via #Mastodon. Explored Fediverse a lot. Joined here and there. Had some interaction with some left wing anarchists there. Then one of posts got censored. I left it.

In my childhood, adolescence and youth I was a #Bolshevik. I left the Communist Party when I was 30. Then I was hugely attracted by Bakunin and turned to be a left wing #Anarchy man but could never become an #Anarchist as such. After 'meeting' Assange, you know, virtually, in 2010 I became an explorer of #Cipherpunks and Crypto-Anarchy.

Since 1998, I have travelled around the universes of Sufi, Osho, Tao, and Zen, and others.

Now I'm a human without labels. I go by my passions and instincts. No ideology, no good-bad dichotomous binaries. Just a freeman, I live in present moment. What else can contain a human like me except #Nostr? 

At last, I've found a home of my mind. 

Thanks #Nostr.

 The beauty of the natural flow. 
 > no utter dread
> no engagement farming
> no manipulation 
> no advertisement tactics


 I missed this the first time around 

But as with high quality information, it manages to make its way to you. 

Its a privilege to be here in this moment 
 It won't stay like this forever. But right now it feels really good to be here. 
 Protocols will always beat products. I love the last sentence. Very good way of putting it. We need to get back to #p2p this is our Internet!

 Amen love 
 This is the way 
 this is the way 💜 
 I like nostr, the technology but truth is that for the moment I get little engagement here nor or there many Belgian users or anyone not into the Nostr/Bitcoin sphere. So I mainly use activitypub and sometimes Twitter. Can't wait for @Alex Gleason's ditto to have at least both worlds. 
 I'm new to this, sort of tech-unsavvy, but I think I know how you feel. My worry is that it's somehow might turn out to be not as decentralized as we may believe.  
 welcome! i’m the absolute worst with tech, you got this! if a client isn’t decentralized, they will get checked by the community 
 you where raised by the internet? your parents should be put in prison! 
 It’s amazing what a decentralized communication protocol provides.

It’s also funny that we’ve had IRC and NNTP at our fingertips for decades to serve this need, yet people ignore these protocols along with XMPP.
 wholesome #nostr vibes! 
 Totally agree with the "serene" description. 😀 It is more like that here than other places on the internet atm

wholesome #nostr vibes!

 Let’s pray for no eternal September 🙏 
 Same here 🐮👌