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npub npub108pv4cg5ag52nq082kd5leu9ffrn2gdg6g4xdwatn73y36uzplmq9uyev6
name Alex Gleason
about I create Fediverse software that empowers people online. I'm vegan btw. Note: If you have a question for me, please tag me publicly. This gives the opportunity for others to chime in, and bystanders to learn.
banner https://media.gleasonator.com/e5f6e0e380536780efa774e8d3c8a5a040e3f9f99dbb48910b261c32872ee3a3.gif
lud16 alex@alexgleason.me
nip05 alex_at_gleasonator.com@mostr.pub
picture https://media.gleasonator.com/3954b4ab688efa8187671d0eee857d3036db1de40ece564af38ac0dbc274240d.png