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 Though I was born in 1968, @roya ୨୧ basically speaks my mind. 

I joined #Facebook in 2008. Never stayed there without breaks. In a growing totalitarian state like #Bangladesh, speaking openly on Facebook is risky and radical. So I stayed there though with frequent breaks. But Facebook is a shameless self promotion bazaar, a naked space without any privacy. So it's now one and a half years I couldn't login to Facebook again.

I joined #Diaspora. It was too scanty and scattered. And a little dull. I felt alone. I didn't have proper vision to interact in an international space actually. It gave some light to me which I still carry but ultimately I lost my interest there. 

I joined #Minds in its very early days. Had interacted with Bill Ottman about how to improve some of their group features. But I felt almost the same there as I felt at Diaspora.

I joined #Twitter for #Assange. It's him who brought me to various manifestoes of the liberation of the internet in general, to Timothy May, crypto-anarcy, J.P. Barlow, @Electronic Frontier Foundation, and ultimately to @Snowden.
I was mostly silently following the liberation frontiers of cyberspace and the US politics. I was fascinated, though critically, to #Elon Musk for his freedom rhetoric, and enjoyed the #TwitterFiles. But after all those blue-check verification metamorphosis of Twitter I was feeling uncomfortable with it. I felt like a third class citizen in Elon's Town Square. So, as soon as I came to know of #Nostr from a tweet of @jack, I joined here in December 2022. Here I follow Snowden and Jack and so many others. I learn a lot. Subtle threats of censorship does not disturb me. I've now virtually left Twitter.

In the mean time, I joined #Fediverse via #Mastodon. Explored Fediverse a lot. Joined here and there. Had some interaction with some left wing anarchists there. Then one of posts got censored. I left it.

In my childhood, adolescence and youth I was a #Bolshevik. I left the Communist Party when I was 30. Then I was hugely attracted by Bakunin and turned to be a left wing #Anarchy man but could never become an #Anarchist as such. After 'meeting' Assange, you know, virtually, in 2010 I became an explorer of #Cipherpunks and Crypto-Anarchy.

Since 1998, I have travelled around the universes of Sufi, Osho, Tao, and Zen, and others.

Now I'm a human without labels. I go by my passions and instincts. No ideology, no good-bad dichotomous binaries. Just a freeman, I live in present moment. What else can contain a human like me except #Nostr? 

At last, I've found a home of my mind. 

Thanks #Nostr.
