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 I keep thinking about @hodlbod's feed idea that displays the latest post by every person you follow instead of the latest posts absolutely -- or something like that, what was it?

I think something like that could be a drastic change for the better on everybody's lives. 
 isn't that how most people view their feed?
I only see the latest posts of people that I follow, and that's it.

If I'm feeling adventurous, I'll go search with hashtags. 
 Yes. I’m confused. 
 its the latest note from everyone you follow, not just the most recent posts. instagram stories are like this, people who post a lot will appear at the front of the horizontal scroll list, but you can scroll through and see the latest note from everyone.

this is good for people who don't post a lot and get drowned out by by people who do. 
 I had not realized that I re-invented instagram stories 
 something nothing new under the sun something something ? 
 I see. Yes! That would be a huge improvement. Thank you for the explanation. 
 ty for explanation 
 There is probably someone you follow that has posted something while you were sleeping that you didn't see because other people you follow have posted dozens of times each after that and you missed that single post. 
That's a UX fix then.
I think Instagram used to have that, and I actually appreciated (maybe twitter too? I forgot).

Basically: You keep scrolling in your feed until you reach a point where there'd be a UI line telling you "You've already seen posts past this point", and when I've seen that, I'd usually stop and go back to the top. 
 yeah its a good idea, I think nos social has it via stories? 
 They removed it 
 aw dang 
 Latest post by every person you follow - great idea 💯 
 I like this idea. It would be a unique feed to catch up on the latest from those you follow, no matter how long you've been away or they've been away. 
 That's what happens if you turn on "All Follows" in #Amethyst. Chronological posts from people you follow 
 Yeah but it's not about chronological posts, it's about 1 latest post per person you follow.

I think this can be a DVM feed, too :) 
 It absolutely could. I'd ideally like to modify the UX to be more than just a list of posts though to include number of recent posts, amount of engagement among your follows, whatever. But a DVM would make this available today in coracle 
 Yes. The guild of #nostr client developers is always trying to improve their craft. 
 I like that idea. Maybe a useful modification would be to display the latest note and then next to their name “6 new posts from today” or whatever time frame is best. Then you would know if they’ve posted more and can tap through to their profile if you want to see the rest of their new posts. 
 What about something like this? nostr:nevent1qqs8s9ve4gak44drxknhldx953tf6fgkkg3r5m06arrls87d79aj6kgzyqalp33lewf5vdq847t6te0wvnags0gs0mu72kz8938tn24wlfze6x5dvvm 
 I assume the pink “heartbeat” line is to indicate their recent activity? Creative. As long as it’s easy to learn and interpret at a glance, it could be displayed in various ways. 
 Also on #nostter https://nostter.app/latest 
 Depends on the view they want 
If people would just BE WHO THEY ARE 
instead of making a game of 
Every. Damn. Thing 

Speak your truth 
All ways 
Maybe not easy 

Come on Bros 

 Interesting, although it is nice to see outside of the bubble 👍 
 Absolutely needed.

 Many mail clients do this 
 Which ones? 
 Context: https://mastodon.social/@terhechte/109762188190735435 
 This simulates a messaging client, not a mailing one.
Btw, my idea is quite different.
Maybe I will design a mockup to explain it better. 
 ^ t-y 
 Stories & Communities fix most of this.

💫  Stories: 
A group of recent "frames" per user, of things they decided to put in the spotlight.
As opposed "following" every fart they make on Nostr.

You can swipe through the lists of pfp's and decide who to give attention to at what moment.

🏰  Communities: 
A way for you to only see daniele's posts about Nostr Design and nothing else.  
 Pode fazer sentido e entregar valor! 🧐 
 Or, how about better relay management, and the ability to turn on and off relays as if they’re communities. 

You have your invite only tree relay - maybe you don’t want to see everyone on nostr - just that one relay of people.

Maybe you don’t want to post to all the relays, just to that one?

You can turn them all on, turn on public ones, see everything- or turn them off and be selective. Maybe you just have a friends only relay…. 
 Yes, I agree with that. We just need to figure out a nice way to expose that to users. 
 Just allow us to turn relays on and off. Damus does this in the global feed, where it will allow you to draw notes from a single relay, but for some reason this option doesn’t exist for the home feed, that just draws from all the relays you’re connected to. Also there’s no option when posting to the home feed. 

This would also help with data management, as the clients just constantly draw data from every relay. 

Just let me select which ones I’m using. 

Stop hiding relays as some background plumbing service and let me control the valves for my data flow. 
 Not sure… :/ you would lack some discoverability 
 ...as long as it's made opt-in and not opt-out, sure. Not necessarily because I dislike the idea, but because I'm fine with the way things are and been used to it for so long already.  
 This as @dtonon mentioned 

 Still looking for a mobile client that shows latest-viewed as the loading point for the feed.

Useful for a separate follow list of news sources. Can scroll past if you don’t want to catch up, but don’t have to scroll through pages to find your last-read note. 
 id try it 
 A prototype lives at keypub.coracle.social 
 Isn't this what the Amethyst "Follows" feed does? 
 Yes to that! 
 this sounds good. Maybe a sorting filter like " friends' latest posts" in addition to the usual "recent posts"  
 Hello there (beta)

 This should be a DVM. 
 Thats #rosecoco feed idea 💡 always show the latest post by the guides and escorts. 
 Looks like rosecoco.site isn't working, but I'd love to take a look 
 Yes it’s not i am conflicted on putting up a nostr service for human to do sex work there should be better things to do! But you can follow the hashtag #️⃣ youll know when it’s up ⬆️  
 Oh, is that what it's for 😂 
 Yea! Pie on world tour! Location based services  
 Nice idea 
 And how is that different from what Amethyst does by default? 
 Structurally this seems reminiscent to how we used to view friend statuses in AOL instant messenger back in the day. Which I believe was @jack‘s original inspiration for twitter. 
 Though I guess with NIP-38 defining statuses separate from notes, the circle can’t quite close up here.

Still, the compulsive scanning of the regularly changing statuses across your friends list was a delight. It had a very different feel than the firehouse. 
 Nostur has a similar feature, if you toggle the bell for some users you get a notification that takes you to a feed of just their posts that you have missed since your last activity. 
 I'm literally just back from a 2 week holiday, and I need this RIGHT NOW 😂