Oddbean new post about | logout
 Hello there (beta)

 I think stuff like this might be better handled locally within clients, as it should be rather easy, but here's a DVM because why not. 
 Does it disregard replies in determining the “latest” note? 
 I'm with you it should, but that's where a local client implementation might be better. I can't fetch kind 1 with no etag to be sure it's not a reply.  I mean I could technically but then I need to grab way more events and check for one that has no etag instead of just the latest one. 
 Ah ok makes sense 
 Or we need a "not" filter in relay implementations. Does something like this exist? I don't think it does. 
 I don't mind the inclusion of replies (I think) - it's great for content discovery. Would be great to have both options though  
 (I found this note via the DVM btw 😅)  
 Gigi, Hello
 i'm old and slow 😭 nostr:nevent1qqsdwj7e89trafqklqyddrlfzskxwrvp6tryh79egwwmns5qkd0l36spremhxue69uhkummnw3ez6ur4vgh8wetvd3hhyer9wghxuet59upzqmjxss3dld622uu8q25gywum9qtg4w4cv4064jmg20xsac2aam5nqvzqqqqqqyyx46um 
 Is there a way to make a DVM for trending on a specific language? 
 Hm would need to analyse each message based on language, so in theory yes.  
 🔥fast fan... I would set that as my default feed if I could.