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 On this historical day, Where the Romans killed another Jewish Messiah, I would like to take a moment to remind everyone that the partnership between the Italian and Corsican Mafias and the global heroin trade is how the Vatican church funded the rebuilding of Europe. On one hand I praise you for celebrating the resurrection of a selfless profit, On the other hand I want to inform you that if you donate to the church, Or persecute people for believing anything other than Christianity, You might be a Fascist. Fascism originated in Italy, The leadership of Benito Mussolini and the Fascist party never died, But was co-opted by the west and is still today being used to fight the influence of Communism. So as you go to church to remember the death and resurrection of Christ, Think of the people who died as a result of Fascist values, And remember the message of Christ, A Jewish Messiah. Do unto others as you would have them do to you. 
 Sad take 
 Sad but true. There is no solution, Only trade offs. I wish drug trafficking could end, And Europe could remain beautiful without this corrupt system. I wish we could live without fighting an oppressive government. I wish money was fair and poor people could get ahead by living an honest life. I am a Jew, I do believe the story of Christ, But I also believe the government and the fascist Christian system will never change, Just as China may never abandon communism. 
 Tell me you don't understand Jesus without telling me you don't understand Jesus. If you are a Jew believe the story of Christ, then you should even more appreciate his life, teachings, death, and resurrection... Jesus offers more than just a new political or monetary system. Jesus did not come as a conquering Messiah as his own Jewish disciples thought, but as a great high priest and suffering servant to justify us, once and for all before God. Have "Christians" historically created systems that were antithetical to Christ while claiming His name? Yes. 100%. But Jesus is very clear about what the nature of his kingdom is, which is why Rome was not threatened by him and Pilate wanted to let him go. To attribute a "fascist" West to Christianity is lazy and is conveniently leaving out countless variables as to why we got here. Jesus never advocates for violence or force which is inherent in fascist systems and actually reprimands Peter when Peter cuts the ear off of the guard who was trying to arrest him by saying "those who live by the sword, die by the sword." Plus, Christianity spread and was thriving in Africa before it took hold in any meaningful way in Europe. Again, attributing a global and diverse religion to some bad actors throughout a few centuries in the dark ages, while conveniently leaving out 2 thousand years of western history of dozens of individual nations with their own unique histories is lazy. Even if you want to argue against the evils of the modern Vatican, it is still intellectually dishonest to attribute it to the whole of Christianity when there have been centuries (see the Reformation) at this point of Christians who have died at the hand of the Vatican to preach against it's practices.  
 Yeah, the jews were responsible for the corruption of the Church  since the beginning. Jesuits, crypto jews, infiltrated the church and corrupted it to this very day.  
 Also a wild take. You're making the same lazy argument but instead of blaming Christians, you're blaming Jews. The apostle Paul teaches us that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God but that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. Human nature, regardless of background, is fallen and separated from God. Human nature is that of thinking we can be like God and know better than God but when we do that, bad things happen. Regardless of background. 
 But I am right. The Jesuits infiltrated the Catholic church when it was founded. This is well known.

Christians today have become zionists through programming. Jesus tells us that those who hate/reject him hate/reject God. Jews hate and reject Jesus, therefore Jews hate God. The Jewish Talmud, which takes precedence over the Torah, says very nast things about  Jesus and Mary  
 But like... who cares? Luckily, the texts in the New Testament we're written within decades of the death of Jesus and we still have manuscripts from as early as 58 AD, so we can know that the Word of God is true and accurate regardless of the Catholic Church. So who cares about the Catholic Church? We have the Word of God. We can trust in it's durability to show us the Gospel of Jesus throughout generations. Despite any and all corruption, we still had the Reformation to reorient believers back to Scripture. We can try to use labels all day long. We know believers by their fruit and their fruit is of things that direct away from Jesus, then we can be confident in where their allegiances lie. And so what that the Talmud says mean things about Jesus/Mary? Lots of people say and have said mean and nasty things about Jesus. The Bible records nasty things being said about Jesus as he was being led up to be crucified. Like... this isn't breaking news that people don't like Jesus. So Jews don't like Jesus. Yea? Get in line. As Jesus says, dust the sand off your sandle and move on. Even as the world hates faithful followers of Jesus, He says that we should not be surprised because the world hated Him first.  
 It’s not as simple as “Jews hate Jesus” there were many Jewish Messiahs, This refers to someone who liberated or led the Jewish people out of being ruled by invading forces. Jewish scripture is a conglomeration of many different religions and people groups the 10,000 years before the Old Testament was written in Aramaic. Christianity focuses on the past 2000 years of European Christianity, And the Christian church tends to disregard Jews all together. The most respected people in the church study the Bible in Greek, Latin, And Hebrew. Do you speak those languages? Do you know anything about Israel before the time of Jesus? Do you understand what happened in the crusades before Christianity was even a religion? 
 Jews are still waiting for their Messiah. 

> And the Christian church tends to disregard Jews all together. 

Not true at all. Many Churches reference the Old Testament all the time and are even promoting Zionism.

None of your questions matter. We are justified through faith in Christ. Not Jew history. 
 Yeah I can see you believe what a white person telling you the English story of Jesus told you. Very good, you are definitely getting into heaven. Gold star on your chart. 

You think your jewish trickery will work on me? You have to do way better than that.
 Magic Jew spell activate! 
 Oy Vay, don't read our Talmud 


 Did you read the Kabbalah? Unfortunately I want not born into a traditional Jewish family, But the Kabbalah tells the story of my Ashkanzi family heritage. Because you know, Jews coming to Europe took several thousand years. 
 Oh dude, that is the worst part of Judaism. Proves that Judaism is polytheist and basically satan worship. They believe that the holocaust was planned according to the Torah and the jews were a burnt offering to get Israel back. Terrible! 

Most of our cultural problems take root from Kabbalah somehow. 

 Yeah because it basically was polytheistic, The Akkadian, Sumerian, Assyrian traditions were all part of what became the Hebrew language. It’s both Muhammad and Jesus that pointed to a one god faith. The Jews do not even speak the name of God. The point I make about Christianity is that the Catholic Church is the backbone of modern Fascism. The Zionist state of Israel has a free pass on all its atrocities because of the seniority it has over the Catholic Church, And the partnership between the mafia and the Church is overlooked because of this mutually beneficial relationship. Google KK Mountain, The drug money funded Israeli Nuclear arms fund, Or the Samson option, The US Israeli nuclear partnership. 
 > So who cares about the Catholic Church?

They are destroying the religion with corruption and lie and idolatry. 

> And so what that the Talmud says mean things about Jesus/Mary? L

Because to this day, Jews are subverting Christians and the Church. Christian Zionism for example, should not be a thing. Jews no longer are the special ones because of Christ.  
 I completely agree that Catholicism has been filled with corruption and idolatry! We have the Word of God as our main tool! As Christians we are still called to rebuke in love, not hate. We are called to be the light shining on top of a hill, to show the world a brighter and better way! The reformers didn't call out the church out of hate for them, but out of a love for Christ.

I agree, Romans 9, 10, 11 make that fairly clear. It becomes dangerous when it becomes and "us vs them" mentality. Christians should be going to the ends of the earth to preach the Good News about Jesus, not point fingers at people who are being mean. As Paul admonishes Timothy to hold fast to the Gospel that he received from Paul. 

It's lazy and doesn't represent Jesus well when we de-emphasize the gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit as the solution in favor of blaming others for the state of things. We have the solution. The Gospel is a caged lion, we just have to let it out and let it do the fighting. We are not victims in Christ. Make the arguments as Paul did to the Athenians. Own the faith. All people are made in the image of God despite the things they say or do. Paul was once an enemy of God. But just as Jesus saved him, He can save any of those who is an "enemy". Love conquers all things. 
 But love does not end the global heroin trade. 
 Yeah. This is a spiritual war, not of flesh and blood. But there is something very bad about Jewish people. Demonic. It's like they are little demons. They really hate God and Christ, since the beginning. They rejected God and his son many times and push degeneracy and usury everywhere they go. They were kicked out of 109 countries throughout history.....why? For their good behavior? Jews have a long history of degeneracy and usury that destroy nations. 

It seems like life is a spiritual war against Kabalistic Jewery.  The  New Testament  is all about Christ's and his Disciples battles against Jews.  
 There are only those who are in Christ, and those who are not in Christ. Sin is sin. Much of the New Testament are Paul's letters to gentiles. Not Jews. If your interpretation of the New Testament is focused on Jews and not the death resurrection of Christ and what that means for us and the world... then I pray someday you can see it for that... 
 Google Operation Paper, The French Connection, Heroin Synthesis in Marseille in 1948. The reason the US went to war in Vietnam was to control opium production, The same in Afghanistan. Not to stop it, To ensure it went west. Clearly you have no fucking clue about any of this. 
 It is focused on Christs message....but for some reason...the small hats are always involved somehow.  
 Google Operation Paper, The French Connection, Heroin Synthesis in Marseille in 1948. The reason the US went to war in Vietnam was to control opium production, The same in Afghanistan. Not to stop it, To ensure it went west. 
 WTF does any of this have to do with Christ or Jews? 
 The Italian Mafia uses the Catholic Church to Launder money it collected from selling Heroin to rebuild Europe. That’s why there will never be an end to the global drug trade, No matter how much you pray. 
 False......When Christ returns, that will end.

The Catholic Church is the synagog of satan. Always has been.

 You are so fucking dumb this conversation is not worth having. 
 The same with KK Mountain the Israeli nuclear slush fund. Google the Samson Option by Seymour Hersh. The Israeli nuclear program is the backbone of Israeli Zionism. Kind of the root of the conflict in the Middle East. But you know it’s easier to argue religious semantics that try to actually solve the real problems. 
 We ain't solving shit. Jewish power will always win until Christ returns.  
 Yeah, it’s called a Nuclear bomb. 
 The roaches are world-wide

 Someone who believes in a Jewish messiah that hates Jews. So smart, Very think. 
 Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. They rejected him. Came for all. 

 So religion, Very righteousness. 
 Truth is not religion.  
 Your life is not 2000 years long. 
 What comes next is forever nigga.  
 😂😂😂 your a slave! 
 Says the slave that rejects God and will not live forever.  
 Sorry, I am a Jew, I’m literally related to Jesus. Good luck “nigga”. 
 You killed your relative.  
 Loads of examples like this through history. Blindly following dogma. Ames you pretty ignorant to human nature. Oh holier than though. 
 Tell me you don’t speak Hebrew or know Jewish history without telling me you don’t speak Hebrew or understand Jewish history. 
 I've read the Hebrew Bible, brother. If you don't want to address any of my arguments and focus on an ad hominem attack, that's fine. Little ironic that your rebuttal is my precise argument on the leaving out of large amounts of history and context. I'm sorry if you've been hurt by Christians in the past. We don't always get it right and are just as sinful as everyone else... I just pray you can see Jesus for who he is and for who He says he is and not for who sinful Christians portray Him as... 
 “You don’t always get it right”. My point of this conversation is that the Catholic Church and the Sicilian Mafia is the backbone of Christian fascism and people with no context of history and very little education protect the global heroin trade unknowingly. Good job at fascism. 
 Define "Christian Fascism"... Cause fascism implies use of forcible suppression of opposition, and ultranationalism. If the entire focus is on the Catholic Church, I still want to reinforce that Christianity is very diverse and the Catholic Church is an exceptionally small percentage of global Christianity. Again, ad hominem attacks when we are here having a very non-violent and fairly well meaning debate which is the opposite of fascism. 
 I guess you don’t see that holding the Catholic Church accountable for laundering this Mafia money is impossible, Especially by any lesser sect of Christianity, Considering it was the first Christian church, And inaction is passive participation. 
 Go ahead and think you are righteous, You are blind to the destruction you unknowingly create and participate in. 
 Google Operation Paper, The French Connection, Heroin Synthesis in Marseille in 1948. The reason the US went to war in Vietnam was to control opium production, The same in Afghanistan. Not to stop it, To ensure it went west. 
 I pray that you will come to see Jesus for who he is... You obviously aren't interested in anything I've said, so I won't continue to waste your time.  
 Good. Please don’t.