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 It’s not as simple as “Jews hate Jesus” there were many Jewish Messiahs, This refers to someone who liberated or led the Jewish people out of being ruled by invading forces. Jewish scripture is a conglomeration of many different religions and people groups the 10,000 years before the Old Testament was written in Aramaic. Christianity focuses on the past 2000 years of European Christianity, And the Christian church tends to disregard Jews all together. The most respected people in the church study the Bible in Greek, Latin, And Hebrew. Do you speak those languages? Do you know anything about Israel before the time of Jesus? Do you understand what happened in the crusades before Christianity was even a religion? 
 Jews are still waiting for their Messiah. 

> And the Christian church tends to disregard Jews all together. 

Not true at all. Many Churches reference the Old Testament all the time and are even promoting Zionism.

None of your questions matter. We are justified through faith in Christ. Not Jew history. 
 Yeah I can see you believe what a white person telling you the English story of Jesus told you. Very good, you are definitely getting into heaven. Gold star on your chart. 

You think your jewish trickery will work on me? You have to do way better than that.
 Magic Jew spell activate! 
 Oy Vay, don't read our Talmud 


 Did you read the Kabbalah? Unfortunately I want not born into a traditional Jewish family, But the Kabbalah tells the story of my Ashkanzi family heritage. Because you know, Jews coming to Europe took several thousand years. 
 Tell everyone how the Ashkanzi 'came' to Europe. 😆 
 This keeps getting better and we are closer to the truth.  
 There were two branches of Jews that migrated to Europe. The Sephardic and Ashkenazi. The Ashkenazi who I am related to came through both the Caucus and modern day Italy and Germany, And settled. These became the Jews who were persecuted by Hitler and the Communists. The Jews who were in the Pale of Settlement. The Sephardic Jews were more populous in Spain and France. 
 Oh dude, that is the worst part of Judaism. Proves that Judaism is polytheist and basically satan worship. They believe that the holocaust was planned according to the Torah and the jews were a burnt offering to get Israel back. Terrible! 

Most of our cultural problems take root from Kabbalah somehow. 

 Yeah because it basically was polytheistic, The Akkadian, Sumerian, Assyrian traditions were all part of what became the Hebrew language. It’s both Muhammad and Jesus that pointed to a one god faith. The Jews do not even speak the name of God. The point I make about Christianity is that the Catholic Church is the backbone of modern Fascism. The Zionist state of Israel has a free pass on all its atrocities because of the seniority it has over the Catholic Church, And the partnership between the mafia and the Church is overlooked because of this mutually beneficial relationship. Google KK Mountain, The drug money funded Israeli Nuclear arms fund, Or the Samson option, The US Israeli nuclear partnership.