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 There are only those who are in Christ, and those who are not in Christ. Sin is sin. Much of the New Testament are Paul's letters to gentiles. Not Jews. If your interpretation of the New Testament is focused on Jews and not the death resurrection of Christ and what that means for us and the world... then I pray someday you can see it for that... 
 Google Operation Paper, The French Connection, Heroin Synthesis in Marseille in 1948. The reason the US went to war in Vietnam was to control opium production, The same in Afghanistan. Not to stop it, To ensure it went west. Clearly you have no fucking clue about any of this. 
 It is focused on Christs message....but for some reason...the small hats are always involved somehow.  
 Google Operation Paper, The French Connection, Heroin Synthesis in Marseille in 1948. The reason the US went to war in Vietnam was to control opium production, The same in Afghanistan. Not to stop it, To ensure it went west. 
 WTF does any of this have to do with Christ or Jews? 
 The Italian Mafia uses the Catholic Church to Launder money it collected from selling Heroin to rebuild Europe. That’s why there will never be an end to the global drug trade, No matter how much you pray. 
 False......When Christ returns, that will end.

The Catholic Church is the synagog of satan. Always has been.

 You are so fucking dumb this conversation is not worth having. 
 The same with KK Mountain the Israeli nuclear slush fund. Google the Samson Option by Seymour Hersh. The Israeli nuclear program is the backbone of Israeli Zionism. Kind of the root of the conflict in the Middle East. But you know it’s easier to argue religious semantics that try to actually solve the real problems. 
 We ain't solving shit. Jewish power will always win until Christ returns.  
 Yeah, it’s called a Nuclear bomb. 
 The roaches are world-wide

 Someone who believes in a Jewish messiah that hates Jews. So smart, Very think. 
 Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. They rejected him. Came for all. 

 So religion, Very righteousness. 
 Truth is not religion.  
 Your life is not 2000 years long. 
 What comes next is forever nigga.  
 😂😂😂 your a slave! 
 Says the slave that rejects God and will not live forever.  
 Sorry, I am a Jew, I’m literally related to Jesus. Good luck “nigga”. 
 You killed your relative.  
 Loads of examples like this through history. Blindly following dogma. Ames you pretty ignorant to human nature. Oh holier than though. 
 Anyways......your people killed Christ and continue doing it to this day 
 Try to look at this history like an episode of Vikings instead of a childhood fairytale dumbed down for English speakers. History is brutal. It doesn’t entitle everyone to favor with god. God literally killed everyone in the world at one point except Noah and His wife and the animals. 
 They have no remorse. 
 Yeah pretty much. The Templar knights had no remorse of looting the temple. 
 Israel should go ahead and use it... go ahead and push their chips in. They're starting to look fairly weak without support from the US. 
 Well, Henry Kissinger was a Jew, And technically he used it twice in Japan. This arms agreement is why Russia has not Nuked the US, Because Israel is also very populated with Russian Jews, And the US provides both financial and Military support for the state of Israel. The Samson option, Google it.